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[ Help ] Keep sealing for ay/sasuno or power?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-01 08:30:58Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So so far im 700 seals in the kage treasure and today im recharging 10k ingots was just looking for some other opinions should i spend the 10k ingot towards 80 seals and 88 cave key or just spend the ingots towards power? currently im lvl 83 with 49k power ill put a link for my list of ninja and summons so u can get an idea if i should continue for seals and try get AY/Sasuke sasuno
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On 2017-05-01 10:18:58Show this Author Only
I personally wouldn't. That's just me. They do have a good rebate going on if you did decide to buy scrolls. 10k would go along way as far as power goes. Although there aren't many ways you can power up substantially during this event. But could always just stack up on cave key packs and wait for a rebate. Buy charms as well but the discount isn't all that great right now. If you still decide that you want the scrolls then buy a deluxe pack just to nudge your counter along. It really comes down to personal preference though. If you play for fun buy the scrolls. If you like having fun and stomping/competing with others then go for power.

EDIT 1: Also, buying the 80 scrolls is risky. You may not pull them until the 1000 counter mark. Hopefully not! But theres alot of risk riding on 80 scrolls for a chance.
This post was last edited by veelocity at 2017-5-1 10:21 This post was last edited by veelocity at 2017-5-1 10:22
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On 2017-05-01 10:32:46Show this Author Only
  • veelocity On 2017-05-01 10:18:58
  • I personally wouldn't. That's just me. They do have a good rebate going on if you did decide to buy scrolls. 10k would go along way as far as power goes. Although there aren't many ways you can power up substantially during this event. But could always just stack up on cave key packs and wait for a rebate. Buy charms as well but the discount isn't all that great right now. If you still decide that you want the scrolls then buy a deluxe pack just to nudge your counter along. It really comes down to personal preference though. If you play for fun buy the scrolls. If you like having fun and stomping/competing with others then go for power.

    EDIT 1: Also, buying the 80 scrolls is risky. You may not pull them until the 1000 counter mark. Hopefully not! But theres alot of risk riding on 80 scrolls for a chance.
    This post was last edited by veelocity at 2017-5-1 10:21 This post was last edited by veelocity at 2017-5-1 10:22
yeh im not expecting to get a ay/susano from 780 seals xd was justsaying should i be spending towards them instead of power in the future aswell will buy seals instead of power
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On 2017-05-01 10:45:27Show this Author Only
  • veelocity On 2017-05-01 10:18:58
  • I personally wouldn't. That's just me. They do have a good rebate going on if you did decide to buy scrolls. 10k would go along way as far as power goes. Although there aren't many ways you can power up substantially during this event. But could always just stack up on cave key packs and wait for a rebate. Buy charms as well but the discount isn't all that great right now. If you still decide that you want the scrolls then buy a deluxe pack just to nudge your counter along. It really comes down to personal preference though. If you play for fun buy the scrolls. If you like having fun and stomping/competing with others then go for power.

    EDIT 1: Also, buying the 80 scrolls is risky. You may not pull them until the 1000 counter mark. Hopefully not! But theres alot of risk riding on 80 scrolls for a chance.
    This post was last edited by veelocity at 2017-5-1 10:21 This post was last edited by veelocity at 2017-5-1 10:22
so sad tho iv pulled 700 seals and dont have danzo yet lol i have 60 mifune frags 40 darui + more zzz :(
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On 2017-05-01 10:49:03Show this Author Only
If you're 700+ in, might as well.
There's a "No going back" point when it comes to super rares and you've already long passed that.

Who knows, you might be the lucky few that popped it at 780.

However, if power is important to you, always choose that. As it's something that generally makes you stronger. Ninjas > Power only if you're a casual collector.
In the end, though, it's up to whatever makes you happier.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-01 11:10:55Show this Author Only
yeh i no but i was thinking cause they are super rares they are stronger thus spending ingots towards them instead of power kinda evens it out maybe :/:o
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On 2017-05-01 11:18:46Show this Author Only
It is honestly a quality over quantity question. In about 2months with free seals from events and daily things i think it might be better to buff up your charms since it just released and they are currently selling at 100 for 1 of each. with all the systems in this game u hit a soft cap where the investment can be better spent elsewhere. If u have lvl 5-6 runes from cave then id say its a bad investment. if u made progress at getting your move 1 at least to a very high charm level u will have the priority in combat and hold a superior position.
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On 2017-05-01 11:45:15Show this Author Only
  • Ragnet On 2017-05-01 11:18:46
  • It is honestly a quality over quantity question. In about 2months with free seals from events and daily things i think it might be better to buff up your charms since it just released and they are currently selling at 100 for 1 of each. with all the systems in this game u hit a soft cap where the investment can be better spent elsewhere. If u have lvl 5-6 runes from cave then id say its a bad investment. if u made progress at getting your move 1 at least to a very high charm level u will have the priority in combat and hold a superior position.
currently have lvl 5 runes and a few 6 on all my characters my main has all lvl 6 init and 2 lvl 7s so i think im god in rune stone area currently have all characters between 3-5 charm lvl with mostly all of them having lvl 4 rainbow magatam and 1 with lvl 6
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On 2017-05-01 14:26:11Show this Author Only
charms are good and all put its mainly the rainbow magatams doing the power raising :/ atleast imo
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On 2017-05-01 19:21:04Show this Author Only
Maybe u can get tendo frags from lucky seal packs too.
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On 2017-05-01 20:02:01Show this Author Only
for me.. dont ever buy seal scrolls doesnt worth it bro... its too easy to get seal scrolls after 2.0... so better go for raw power!!! thats my opinion .. peace!!
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