As I plop down next to Naruto, one of our old classmates walks down to Naruto. “What’s a piece of crap like you here for? You didn’t pass the test, dumb—”
“Don’t block the way, will you?” A certain high-pitched voice cuts through his words.
Naruto immediately blushes at the sight of Haruno Sakura with her hands on her hips. While she’s to Naruto’s fancy, I personally would not willingly go within five feet of her.
Naruto starts fidgeting and grinning weirdly. I can read his thoughts even though I’m no mind reader.
The seemingly polite face Haruno puts up immediately shatters as she starts shrieking. “You too, Naruto! I wanna sit by Sasuke-kun! And you better move too!” Haruno points at me accusingly.
“Walk to the other side. Where did your legs go?" I reply coldly, not budging an inch.
Naruto sulks and stares at Uchiha Sasuke (or the guy with the duck hair). While he’s distracted, Haruno pushes him over and leaps over me (I had to cover my eyes to avoid seeing under her dress, the horror).
She squeals as she lands next to Sasuke, cuddling right up to him.
This irritates Naruto even more, making him leap onto the desk and have a stare-off with the Uchiha. I swear sparks fly as the glares cross.
The Uchiha’s club of fangirls stare at Naruto accusingly, yelling for ‘Sasuke-kun’ to beat him up.
That’s when something frighteningly hilarious happens.
This genin in front of Naruto accidentally nudges Naruto, making his lips meet the Uchiha’s.
I hear the sound of hearts breaking and souls crashing to the floor.
It’s glorious.
Well, it’s not so glorious when Haruno cracks her knuckles and threatens to beat Naruto up. Immediately, Naruto’s cheek is swollen.
I reach over and catch Haruno’s second punch before it lands. “You’re being the annoying one here.”
Before she can retort, Iruka walks in and begins announcing teams.
“Team 7 will be… Haruno Sakura…” Haruno fidgets nervously before slumping at the next name. “Uzumaki Naruto…” Naruto lets out a big cheer.
“Uchiha Sasuke…” This time, it’s Haruno that lets out a huge cheer.
Naruto slams his hands on the table in protest. “Why do I have to be on a team with that teme?!” He jabs a finger in the direction of Sasuke.
Iruka sighs. “…and Hatake Kyoma.”
Oh. I guess I’m on Naruto’s team after all…
“You do realize that your grades and Sasuke’s were polar opposites. He got the best out of our 28, and you got dead last,” Iruka reprimands Naruto. “It would be unfair to unbalance the teams.”
I hum in interest. Naruto somehow placed below me, when I didn’t even pay attention half the time. Then again, he’d usually be pulling pranks during class…
I glance at Naruto, who shoots me a bright grin. “At least you’re on my team too!” Then he shoots a death glare towards the Uchiha.
“You guys will meet your senseis in the afternoon, after your break is over.” Iruka finishes announcing, and everyone scurries out of the academy.
“Why in the world are you spying on the Uchiha while he’s eating?” I whisper to Naruto. “This is a bit unnerving…”
“Hush, I have a plan…” Naruto whispers back as he gets out a coil of rope.
I suddenly have a very bad feeling about this.
Naruto throws the rope around the Uchiha, successfully capturing one screaming individual.
Throwing the now gagged Uchiha into a storeroom, Naruto transforms into the Uchiha himself and runs off.
What the heck is he planning?
I stare at the Uchiha’s squirming body, debating whether to free him or not. Stepping out from the shadows, I start to speak. “You better get out soon. I have a feeling Naruto’s going to try something with Haruno.”
The Uchiha just glares and begins the process of freeing himself. “Mmmmmphhm.”
“Who knows,” I ramble on. “Naruto could be running around trying to pull off pranks… with your appearance.”
The Uchiha’s struggles grow more fervent. Slowly, the knots tied around him loosen.
The Uchiha wiggles out of the tight ropes. Next, he slowly rips off the tape over his mouth, wincing at the pain.
“Lead me to where Naruto is,” the Uchiha commands like some dictator. I sigh and jump out of the window, him chasing close behind.
Soon enough, we see the Haruno sitting on a stone bench. She immediately perks up at the sight of the Uchiha. Puckering her lips, Haruno steps closer to the Uchiha and waits expectantly.
The Uchiha gives the Haruno a disgusted look. “Where’s Naruto?”
The Haruno looks disappointed. “Why’re you talking about him? Who cares about that idiot?”
The Uchiha stops and turns to stare at Haruno.
“Naruto doesn’t have any parents to nag over him, so he just acts like a reckless idiot,” Haruno rambles. “What a priviledge. My parents would kill me if I ever—”
The Uchiha cuts in, and the words that come out of his mouth are some of the most insightful words I hear from him. “Being alone is worlds away from a parent scolding you.”
The Haruno gulps. “D-did I say something wrong, Sasuke-kun?”
He scowls in response. “Annoying.”
The word hits Haruno like a shock. She watches, unable to stop the Uchiha from walking away to look for Naruto.
She collapses down onto the bench, sighing. “Annoying…?”
I decided to speak to the Haruno. “Did you forget that Sasuke is an orphan too? Don’t you think he must miss his parents?”
The Haruno keeps quiet, but I can tell she’s listening.
“Don’t you think your parents scold you because they love you? They don’t want you to do things that might possibly be detrimental to your future. Naruto, the Uchiha, and I don’t have those people to care for us.”
“But don’t you have a parent?” Haruno asks, confused.
I shake my head. “Kakashi is not a parent. He was forced to adopt me,” I say, a cold tone seeping into my voice. “He’s hardly around, and he mostly doesn’t care about what I do. Just that I keep out of starting disputes that could look bad.”
I don’t know what makes me continue any further, but I do. “And if you think Kakashi has any sort of love for me… he doesn’t. I’m just another mission for him. The Hokage pays him more money to keep me in his household.”
I glare at the ground, walking away. And yet, I hope that Kakashi does care. Just a bit.
I can’t hope for any more than that.
This post was last edited by MisakiFuuji at 2017-4-28 12:00