All images are based on texting :D First Image *Scarlet_Blaze*-@Azure_Fang Truth or Dare? Azure_Fang-Dare me:victory:! _Midnight_Blade_-So childish BreezeDancer-I wanna play!:) *CrimsonFist*-Same here! *Scarlet_Blaze*-I dare you to blackmail, @_Midnight_Blade_ ;P _Midnight_Blade_-@*Scarlet_Blaze* I hate you so much right now. @Azure_Fang go and see if you can try Azure_Fang-Oh I will succeed within my dare @_Midnight_Blade_ Second Image Azure_Fang-Midnight, your blade is right here! Even your clothes are here! Azure_Fang-*inserts image of Midnight's stuff at her house* _Midnight_Blade_-What the ****! My blade! Mah clothes! ****! Azure_Fang-Either you go and run out naked out to get it, or just get a girly costume I left for ya to get your clothes~ _Midnight_Blaze_-I hate you so much. BreezeDancer-OMG! That's too funny! XD *Scarlet_Blaze*-Don't take my clothes and stuff, Azure. *CrimsonFist*-<:3_57:> Third Image Azure_Fang-Guys! Lets do a karaoke! *Scarlet_Blaze*-What in the ****ing world, Azure! BreezeDancer-Why say this all of the sudden? *CrimsonFist* has logged out Azure_Fang-Crimson you meanie! _Midnight_Blade_-Azure, you are just too childish. Azure_Fang-Midnight is a meanie as well! Azure_Fang- Fourth Image _Midnight_Blaze_-<:3_50:> *Scarlet_Blaze*-OMG! *Scarlet_Blaze* has logged out _Midnight_Blade_ has logged out BreezeDancer-Brb..... BreezeDancer has logged out Azure_Fang- Fifth Image BreezeD.-Who would like to see some of 'our' style? AzureF.-Sure! MidnightB.-Whatever..Scarlet ScarletB.-I wanna see, Midnight! They might have something cool! MidnightB.-Oh dear lord BreezeD.-*inserts a image of Azure wearing cheerleader outfit* Sixth Image ScarletB-O.....M.......G MidnightB-O...Lord... CrimsonF has logged out AzureF-WTF?! That's me! BreezeD-But you look cute like that so I shared it. AzureF.-Hmph.... ScarletB-That's you, Azure?! AzureF.-Yes, that's me. ScarletB-I'm logging out.<:3_45:>