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On 2017-04-26 15:09:13Show this Author Only
I have to agree. Plus you spent over 2k on your account? And your deciding to quit? Why? Why would you do that. That's money spent into a game you quitting over sage. It's not worth man. Just stay and enjoy the game please. if you quit it's your choice.
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On 2017-04-26 15:18:32Show this Author Only
  • RirukoHanaoka On 2017-04-26 15:09:13
  • I have to agree. Plus you spent over 2k on your account? And your deciding to quit? Why? Why would you do that. That's money spent into a game you quitting over sage. It's not worth man. Just stay and enjoy the game please. if you quit it's your choice.
I don't believe in his case the big frustration comes from the missed events or from some missed rewards (rewards that me*most nothing to high spenders).

I think he's leaving because of the disappointment on how this game is managed. As long as Oasis floods the player base with new servers (btw they are reaching server 500 in ~9 months) and mergers happen at a snails pace this situation will just get worse and worse for veteran players.
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On 2017-04-26 15:25:12Show this Author Only
I don't like the New Servers. Either trust me I loathe the idea. But if that's how they make their money all power too them. Lucky for me I am on a merged server with a Very decent and active Player base.
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On 2017-04-26 17:36:04Show this Author Only
  • RirukoHanaoka On 2017-04-26 15:25:12
  • I don't like the New Servers. Either trust me I loathe the idea. But if that's how they make their money all power too them. Lucky for me I am on a merged server with a Very decent and active Player base.
the thing is that we already told them many times about the new servers ... but they dont feel like they want to listen too much the community...
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On 2017-04-26 17:39:01Show this Author Only
oasis kust *s
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On 2017-04-26 18:01:50Show this Author Only
i don't believe 1 whale is enough to kill a server;regardless the problem is that oasis aren't doing anything to add longevity to the servers,if they were to do something other than opening servers every other day,this would have been avoided
now,do i believe the man should get special treatment cuz of him being a spender?no
but on the other hand it might just make oasis realize where this whole thing is going and that something needs to change
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On 2017-04-26 18:55:33Show this Author Only
Saying Agathor is the problem is just not realistic, Oasis couldve managed servers differently, they couldve put a cap into monthly spending, they couldve done Alot of stuff to handle player size. i completely understand him tho, if you had gone to an event in real life, spent time sitting there waiting for it to happen only to find out hours later, theres not going to be an event you'd be pissed. You'd demand your money back. Players quit constantly and its an ongoing problem that needs to be handled.
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On 2017-04-26 19:03:14Show this Author Only
looks like oas lost another big spender
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On 2017-04-26 19:18:17Show this Author Only
  • AssumedParasite On 2017-04-26 12:21:27
  • He is blaming oasis for the merged servers dying which realistically its him having so much power and people not wanting to deal with it. So in reality its his fault.
This is terrible logic.

If one player can kill 3 servers by spending money on the game you think that's the player's fault ? He's simply following the rules...
It's entirely Oasis's fault they are the ones responsible to make sure everyone can have fun, whether that means merging servers more often or moving the whales to specific servers I don't know but it's appalling to blame him.
You guys are basically saying "yeah it's his fault for playing the game too much" -.-
This post was last edited by Draven00213 at 2017-4-26 19:44
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On 2017-04-26 19:32:58Show this Author Only
What a dumb Community NA has, that suprise me alot.

A Whale, who cashs in the game and support with his cash the game, so that can f2p players play without cashing and at the end he is the dumb evil guy. Thats NA *slowly clap*

Than the argument, that ppl left then they dont have enough battlepower to kill him. a ok, so around 200~ ppl quit then they dont can be the 1?? what a brilliant logic. Why you dont enjoy this game regardless of * titles and enjoy your self? oh sorry, i dont want to confuse you with other ways to play.

i'm glad, that we are in germany dont have ppl like you. This post was last edited by S118 - Akatsuki at 2017-4-26 19:35 This post was last edited by S118 - Akatsuki at 2017-4-26 19:36
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On 2017-04-26 19:58:32Show this Author Only
  • S118 - Akatsuki On 2017-04-26 19:32:58
  • What a dumb Community NA has, that suprise me alot.

    A Whale, who cashs in the game and support with his cash the game, so that can f2p players play without cashing and at the end he is the dumb evil guy. Thats NA *slowly clap*

    Than the argument, that ppl left then they dont have enough battlepower to kill him. a ok, so around 200~ ppl quit then they dont can be the 1?? what a brilliant logic. Why you dont enjoy this game regardless of * titles and enjoy your self? oh sorry, i dont want to confuse you with other ways to play.

    i'm glad, that we are in germany dont have ppl like you. This post was last edited by S118 - Akatsuki at 2017-4-26 19:35 This post was last edited by S118 - Akatsuki at 2017-4-26 19:36
Whales on high pop servers like china make no difference whales on small pop servers are cancer for the rest of the players. So it's not outside the realm of possibility he was the one who killed it if it was relatively low pop, if everyone else just quit in frustration if they weren't finding being fodder fun in every event. This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-4-26 20:00
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On 2017-04-26 20:02:38Show this Author Only
  • Belerephon On 2017-04-26 19:58:32
  • Whales on high pop servers like china make no difference whales on small pop servers are cancer for the rest of the players. So it's not outside the realm of possibility he was the one who killed it if it was relatively low pop, if everyone else just quit in frustration if they weren't finding being fodder fun in every event. This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-4-26 20:00
It isn't the Whale's fault though. The game should be able to accommodate both kind of players.
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On 2017-04-26 20:10:54Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-04-26 20:02:38
  • It isn't the Whale's fault though. The game should be able to accommodate both kind of players.
Maybe if oasis weren't so greedy as is no
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On 2017-04-26 20:25:18Show this Author Only
Good Riddance, the idiot was dumb enough to spend $10k+ on a susano itachi and have it die before finishing ST or matsuri (not to mention the other $60000+ stuff he spent?), he did it on a server in the high numbers when servers in the 100s+ are getting SWB canceled also. Does he even know there are more than 1 merge possibly coming? Ik he's foreign and p2w but just LET HIM QUIT it means less people paying ridiculous $1000+ prices and maybe Oasis will lower them if people stop buying them? Anyone ever think of that? :) No one is at fault here except Aragathor...he even bragged about how his bank called him for spending so much at once. Sigh....not to mention the fact that 1 person rising heavily above everyone else on the server is sure to add to it's death, seen it before many times, it discourages f2p players and even spenders who don't spend as much... as everything they do is null and void if someone is spending in the $10,000s....I just dont think Oasis should be blamed for this, it's not like he got screwed out of his characters he just did it on wrong server if looking for competiton in PVP.......try S1/2/7/99.

P.S. These are my opinions and in no way reflect on how the game should be run or dissing Oasis's game/setup, I understand they are just trying to make a profit, its not my place to say, but it's his own fault as he was WELL AWARE of what he was spending and I'm pretty sure he knew the risk of doing it on an old server. This post was last edited by ea23004 at 2017-4-26 20:27 This post was last edited by ea23004 at 2017-4-26 20:33 This post was last edited by ea23004 at 2017-4-26 20:34 This post was last edited by ea23004 at 2017-4-26 20:35
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On 2017-04-26 21:47:56Show this Author Only
I just dont think Oasis should be blamed for this, it's not like he got screwed out of his characters he just did it on wrong server if looking for competiton in PVP
that's kinda actually oasis's fault to some extent;the fact is the servers lack of longevity is their fault for not managing it right
now,again;him bragging for paying alot shouldn't make it any less bad that most of the guys who spend in the servers over 100 are gonna get screwed over;i spend a few hundred bucks before i actually caught on and went f2p
any howthe fact that the servers have such short lifespans is by all means oasis's fault since if the servers had high pop a whale like him wouldn't really have problems but since they are popping out servers every other day that's hard to achieve(sry for me being all over the place with the stuff i said)
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On 2017-04-26 21:55:32Show this Author Only
dont understand people who spent a lot of money on new servers and then conplain about a dead server ... He digs his own dead server ... Believe me if u didnt play on those servers, more people would be more active. No offense but u didnt use your brain. You kill your server youtself . Blame yourself not us.
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On 2017-04-26 22:15:13Show this Author Only
It's important to point out he (and everyone else on that server) got exactly what they wanted: a server merge. The problem is that he didn't really wanted that; he wanted to be merged with servers where he can win against everyone else, and everyone else would like to join sage to be slaughtered.

The rest of the people on their server probably also wanted people they can win from, but instead the F2P's got twice as many whales and decided to quit instead.

There is this saying: "Be careful what you wish for, for _exactly that_ may come true and you may not like it."

It's like those people asking for Team Instance on our servers but then not saying they only want/can some specific TI and gets mad when we do the 5k power Battle on the Bridge TI. Or random people joining my teams while we're doing Treasure Maps...

For Heavy Spenders, playing a game with many, many servers, there are 3 good strategies:

1. Stay on the server where you are. You will always win and be happy.
2. Go to the very old servers. There will always be enough other Heavy Spenders, and lots of events available, and be happy.
3. Jump to the newest servers once in a while. You can be top player every time, lots of players and events available (even new server events), and be happy.

For the OP, I hope next time he can specify exactly what he wants, so that he get the correct server merge he REALLY wanted. (Don't ask for a random server merge, that is just as useful as hoping your next wheel spin will get you a fragment.)
This post was last edited by 552***@uf16 at 2017-4-26 22:16
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On 2017-04-27 00:29:24Show this Author Only
I really wish the game321 pockie ninja forums were still up so you guys could see an exact mirror (with different names of course) of what's happening here and where it will end. To those who argue against pay 2 win; your not even close to original or special. You guys know these games exist to make money and if the didn't they wouldn't. To those that argue for: It does feed the machine. Greed begets greed.

anyways we are on the path these squabbles make no difference. Unless oasis is the first greed game (owner or translaters depending on how you look at it lol) in history to change their path we all know where it's ending. I hope they change, but I assume they won't This post was last edited by joh*** at 2017-4-27 00:35
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On 2017-04-27 00:34:34Show this Author Only
Well, OG, so how about making the game fun for both f2p and p2w? that way ppl won't abandoning ship so fast everytime a Moby * is spotted and kill the server.
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On 2017-04-27 00:39:13Show this Author Only
people blaming agarthor, almost insulting him for spending so much, are you guys having some brain illness or something? it's his god* money, he spends what he wants to spends, while i do agree with some points made, ppl that come here to insult him and blame him should get a life
Quicky Post

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