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On 2017-04-27 09:52:28Show this Author Only
  • McDonald's On 2017-04-27 06:53:29
  • Easy solution since OASIS is such money hungry people and their event is focused on p2w people that's why the ninja prizes are increasing non-stop. Bend the rules transfer his account data to server 1. Problem solved. Server 1 where all heavy spenders are dishing it out by heavy spending. I'm sure he will be entertained there. Since he is among the top 3 of the spender of the game and this game only gives priority to p2w people break the rules so you can keep your top spender.

    "Those that break the rules and regulations are *. But those who abandon their top spenders are even worse than *. If OASIS going to be called * either way, OASIS rather break the rules!"
    This post was last edited by F2P SMALL VOICE at 2017-4-27 07:11
lol server 1 don't need another p2w we are pretty good over here specialy if a whining p2w join our server it will be doomed too XD
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On 2017-04-27 09:55:32Show this Author Only
kill yourself
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On 2017-04-27 10:55:29Show this Author Only
Sorry to see you leave Agarthor
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On 2017-04-27 12:37:23Show this Author Only
The comment here.....just make me question if there any hope left for this community......

We will miss you Agarthor
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On 2017-04-27 14:27:56Show this Author Only
Well it is kinda both oasis and his fault Oasis for not mergein enough servers and he kinda went ham spending too much he almost 100s while others are under 60s. don't hate the guy or ppl who top up alot but if he just toped up bit overtime and kept power gap not that far from others ppl would HV not likely quit as fast good luck in other game version man.
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On 2017-04-27 15:31:55Show this Author Only
  • S118 - Akatsuki On 2017-04-27 04:52:09
  • srsly i dont read any valuable argument. I only read: cry cry cry.

    How you ppl think the game is keeping alive? With F2P players they dont spend a single buck??
    You really believe this *? What you ppl think which persons keep this game alive for your f2p ppl?
    Your friends, they spare some free coups and spend then in events?

    A Single Person spended much money and cares about the server and the community and what he get is: "you are the problem, you spend money, you are evil!" Wow, thats a rly good logic.

    And then the dumb * argument: when you pay oasis makes the gap bigger. Yeah sure, please say me how much BIG WHALES you have on ALL Servers. Now think over it, you guys rly think that the high prices and money events only exist for these few ppl and to laugh about f2p ppls?

    That is the point i realize why your side of the world is going down.

    Please, really please think over your bull* and ask you the question: which one would pay the company for keep this game alive? You peeps? The Forum cry kids? they cry about one person they spend money? I dont think so.

    Wow, what a dumb community, thats ridiculous. This post was last edited by S118 - Akatsuki at 2017-4-27 04:54
+1 mate, really well said.
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On 2017-04-27 16:03:40Show this Author Only
  • S118 - Akatsuki On 2017-04-27 04:52:09
  • srsly i dont read any valuable argument. I only read: cry cry cry.

    How you ppl think the game is keeping alive? With F2P players they dont spend a single buck??
    You really believe this *? What you ppl think which persons keep this game alive for your f2p ppl?
    Your friends, they spare some free coups and spend then in events?

    A Single Person spended much money and cares about the server and the community and what he get is: "you are the problem, you spend money, you are evil!" Wow, thats a rly good logic.

    And then the dumb * argument: when you pay oasis makes the gap bigger. Yeah sure, please say me how much BIG WHALES you have on ALL Servers. Now think over it, you guys rly think that the high prices and money events only exist for these few ppl and to laugh about f2p ppls?

    That is the point i realize why your side of the world is going down.

    Please, really please think over your bull* and ask you the question: which one would pay the company for keep this game alive? You peeps? The Forum cry kids? they cry about one person they spend money? I dont think so.

    Wow, what a dumb community, thats ridiculous. This post was last edited by S118 - Akatsuki at 2017-4-27 04:54
When all you can do is insult you know you don't have anything valid to say. You talk about cry babies but its like you are having a temper tantrum as you type. This whale most likely contributed to his servers demise, that is just cause and effect.

Anyway this F2P game would be the same w/o the ppl spending 60k+ Because a lot of these "Forum crybabies" have spent decent money without feeling the need to have 100k+ power with Susanoo Itachi. The reason most people stopped spending is because of the whole Ari thing, but there are still big spenders who arent spending $60k+ who are keeping things afloat. Not to mention all of the casual spenders.

You make it sound like we are attacking all of the P2W, but as Agathor said he was probably in the top 3 of spending..his own words. The top 1% have 80- wait you wouldn't get that reference..basically the servers would probably be better without them.

Of course there are the slew of big spenders who I'm sure F2P don't completely dislike having around. It's when you reach the extremes that people take issue. And about the F2P stuff, honestly you are hard to understand because I can see that English isn't your first language but F2P is what keeps the Big Spenders around. I mean Agathor said it himself, once the server lost active players (Bulk of which is F2P) he couldn't do SWB so he quit. So maybe, instead of making fun of people who are talking about why the * happened, you should listen and see that perhaps they are right. You make it sound as if F2P isn't important, when infact they are the lifeblood that give P2W something to hunt. The game is a food chain. And the people you are trying to make fun of are the main food supply. Once they are gone, the small spenders go. Then the Big spenders..and then Agathor is all alone.

No one said spenders are evil. The only thing that can be said is that spending too much money is most likely to yield this result. And you can't argue that. This post was last edited by kpo*** at 2017-4-27 16:05
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On 2017-04-27 22:05:00Show this Author Only
this community is so salty and toxic
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On 2017-04-27 22:12:30Show this Author Only
They should just match people with similar power in sage and matsuri.
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On 2017-04-27 22:17:02Show this Author Only

im only i think vip 4 in spending so i dont really know how much you spend bro but dont quit AGARTHOR, just do what i did, after all the things that happen with aris and all that i still play but as a f2p now. i love naruto games so i just play and not spend anymore. just play bro dont quit, like try to do dailies and stuff, just play casually bro.
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On 2017-04-28 06:24:40Show this Author Only
Do you ask for a refund?
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On 2017-04-28 08:26:36Show this Author Only
bro lol i thought u worked for them XD sorry for not talking on discord much more XD
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On 2017-04-28 08:57:12Show this Author Only
Agathor didn't quit he was in space time just now. He won his match vs a guy who didn't show. This post was last edited by AssumedParasite at 2017-4-28 08:58
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On 2017-04-28 08:59:37Show this Author Only
  • AssumedParasite On 2017-04-28 08:57:12
  • Agathor didn't quit he was in space time just now. He won his match vs a guy who didn't show. This post was last edited by AssumedParasite at 2017-4-28 08:58
Or someone's running his account?
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On 2017-04-28 09:34:13Show this Author Only
If you're leaving, then get out of the time-space tournament. Not cool dude.
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On 2017-04-28 09:51:17Show this Author Only
  • EdoAdmiral On 2017-04-27 09:52:28
  • lol server 1 don't need another p2w we are pretty good over here specialy if a whining p2w join our server it will be doomed too XD
your reply has nothing to do with the suggestion.
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On 2017-04-28 11:04:02Show this Author Only
  • AssumedParasite On 2017-04-28 08:57:12
  • Agathor didn't quit he was in space time just now. He won his match vs a guy who didn't show. This post was last edited by AssumedParasite at 2017-4-28 08:58
He still may have quit a banned player was in space who been gone over 2weeks who ct play lol
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On 2017-04-28 13:55:15Show this Author Only
he showed up for Nine Tails and Sage World this evening as well, so either he is still going to play, play casually, or gave his account to someone. No idea which, can only speculate for now as he did not say anything today to anyone as far as I know in game. Not that it really matters as it is his account and he can do with it as he pleases (as long as he does not violate any of Oasis' ToS). This post was last edited by Dacien at 2017-4-28 13:58
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On 2017-04-28 21:40:14Show this Author Only
  • AssumedParasite On 2017-04-26 12:30:39
  • No, why should I? He tried to use the fact he is a big spender to get special treatment. I have never done that nor do I expect it. I expect everyone to be able to get the same level of support. I am not going to go waving my checkbook around because i want something done. You didn't see me whine when I did almost 600 spins on the wheel and not once did I get Hokage Tsuande. I think what happen is that he has too much power people left and don't want to deal with it. That is not Oasis fault. Now I fault Oasis with being * in making more and more servers and not merging. For him to try and get merged again, when there are other servers that need it too seems silly for him to think he will get merged twice before they do. Oasis needs to just merge a bunch instead of 3 of them may be 5 or 6 may be even 10. This will happen at some point but to blame oasis for the sole reason everyone left is *. This post was last edited by AssumedParasite at 2017-4-26 12:32
Agarthor if i were you i will keep playing only to keep this guy salty xd
look man this guy is trying to flame you so you quit cuz he can't keep up with you
i know him from dripsha discord he love to brag about how much he spend but he know it's nothing comparing to what you spend
and he badly want to brag about how he is rank 1 in space time but he can't when you around
he knows that he will always be the 2nd place guy and that what makes him so salty This post was last edited by 146***@facebook at 2017-4-28 21:47
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On 2017-04-29 00:35:19Show this Author Only
  • Ninjapowder On 2017-04-28 21:40:14
  • Agarthor if i were you i will keep playing only to keep this guy salty xd
    look man this guy is trying to flame you so you quit cuz he can't keep up with you
    i know him from dripsha discord he love to brag about how much he spend but he know it's nothing comparing to what you spend
    and he badly want to brag about how he is rank 1 in space time but he can't when you around
    he knows that he will always be the 2nd place guy and that what makes him so salty This post was last edited by 146***@facebook at 2017-4-28 21:47
Yeah, back in one of Dripha's podcast AssumedParasite was hating on agathor and kazier for pulling the susanoo itachi and was saying stuff about how he always said to people not to pull for itachi. A little later on dripsha's vids i see him running the same team as agathor with susanoo itachi. Hypocrite much.
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