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[ Bugs ] Calm Mind Bug


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-23 00:38:50Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So the bug is straight forward. I got GNW Tenten and started using calm mind on lightning main. The problem is that if I dont use any skill like 1 second after getting the chakra, I cannot use any skill even though Ive got enough chakra for it so I have to spam *on if I want to use a skill with the chakra from main character`s AA. (This doesn`t happen round one. Only round 2 and later on.)
Screenshot of my Asuma`s mistery. This round I used main`s mistery and after his AA i couldnt use Asuma`s mistery.
I could use it for fraction of a second after I used calm mind, I guess a game tick, but later on I can`t and the red numbers on Asuma`s mistery shows I dont have 20 chakra which I clearly have
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On 2017-04-23 00:58:34Show this Author Only
I've had that happen too. In my case, if I am going up against Kisame and I have enough chakra, I get a "system error" even though I used the skill before. What I think is happening is that the game is calculating faster than what we see. Have you tried spamming his mystery?
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On 2017-04-23 01:05:21Show this Author Only
Yep I wrote I c*e mystery skills only by spamming, but thats annoying and I like to wait a little bit in arena against people with interrupts
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On 2017-04-23 01:22:21Show this Author Only
What slot is ur LM in?
Because of lag etc, there could be a difference between when the round ACTUALLY ended and when it appears to end for you. So if you generate chakra at latter part of a turn, you might not see the generation until the round have already ended on the server side.
The thing is, normal attacks etc doesn't really generate much delay/lag on your side as compared to the server, what generates a lot of delay is animated mysteries and chase chains. That's probably why it's more prominent on turn 2 and onward as opposed to 1, because there is very little delays source in turn 1.
There are two things that makes the delay worse, in my experience, one is 2x and the other is Xserver (arena/masuri). 2x is actually 2x on server side, but usually cannot be rendered at more than 1.5x on the player side (exact speed depends on your hardware and connection), and thus delay builds up. Xserver... I guess it's due to the architecture, but I get more delay there on mystery casting than regular stuff.

Similarly, I use the chase-generator on wind main. My pos 1 mystery will cause chase chain and give me the chakra, however, even if I Q my pos 2 mystery in the middle of the chase when I get chakra MANUALLY, it will ALWAYS be after enemy pos 3/4 mystery that is Qed BEFORE the start of my pos 1 mystery. This is because a chase chain is actually almost instant on the server side, so the next action is "confirmed" long before the chase ends (and before I VISIBLY get the chakra, this might be due to my wind main is on the last couple links in the chain too). I get around this by using auto, if I expect the income, I'll just turn on auto right after casting the pos 1 mystery.
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On 2017-04-23 02:59:12Show this Author Only
Its basically due to your connection to the server and vice versa. By time you send the information to be carried out, the opponents have already sent 1 earlier.

I get that alot to, which is annoying, especially when you have higher initiative and want to lock them out on every single mystery, but because of the timing and connection, you end up on the disadvantage if you don't predict and spam.
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On 2017-04-23 08:23:01Show this Author Only
Make sure your main standard goes before tenten does her standard, or it will miss up when you c*e mysterys. Just swap your Main, and Tenten's position and it should work just fine. Hope this can help you. :)
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On 2017-04-23 08:41:32Show this Author Only
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-23 02:59:12
  • Its basically due to your connection to the server and vice versa. By time you send the information to be carried out, the opponents have already sent 1 earlier.

    I get that alot to, which is annoying, especially when you have higher initiative and want to lock them out on every single mystery, but because of the timing and connection, you end up on the disadvantage if you don't predict and spam.
I've had this happen a few times also due to this reason, especially when the opponent is on auto.
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On 2017-04-23 10:09:55Show this Author Only
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-23 02:59:12
  • Its basically due to your connection to the server and vice versa. By time you send the information to be carried out, the opponents have already sent 1 earlier.

    I get that alot to, which is annoying, especially when you have higher initiative and want to lock them out on every single mystery, but because of the timing and connection, you end up on the disadvantage if you don't predict and spam.
This is correct.

To stabilize the connection/client. Please clear the cookies/cache and refresh the client.
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On 2017-04-23 17:58:39Show this Author Only
if all you are waiting for is the calm mind to give you chakra turn on auto it will activate tenten faster than any direct input from u can.
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On 2017-04-24 03:44:07Show this Author Only
It is not due to internet connection man, its more like a glitch, I am sure it happened during a stable connection too. This has been happening to me for ages, I have seen many of these to the point I gave up reporting.
To solve it, is to press auto *on so it will do it for u instead at random or lowest HP.

Please fix it OG!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-24 11:15:14Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-04-24 03:44:07
  • It is not due to internet connection man, its more like a glitch, I am sure it happened during a stable connection too. This has been happening to me for ages, I have seen many of these to the point I gave up reporting.
    To solve it, is to press auto *on so it will do it for u instead at random or lowest HP.

    Please fix it OG!
It is.

It's a connection between the client and the server.
It happens when there are packet losses.

Once again, to assure a better experience with the client. Make sure to clear your cookies/cache and reset the client.
Quicky Post

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