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[ Help ] the number of seals for a kage treasure super rare(Ay or sasuke)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-22 18:43:56Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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now i know i can probably find this somewhere in the forums but I'm gonna ask this anyway(since I'm too lazy to look)
what is the number of seals one has to use on kage treasure to get a super rare?
also is it a hard cap thing like tendo and also is getting sasuke or ay a 50% chance for each?
and since asking so many questions at once;aproximatly how many seals is needed to get itachi?
(note that i'm talking about the susano'o versions if it isn't obvious)

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On 2017-04-22 18:46:47Show this Author Only
Not a hard number, but it's about 720 (I think, or 780 or something like that) to upwards of about 1100.
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On 2017-04-22 18:48:52Show this Author Only
it's 800-1k scrolls
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On 2017-04-22 19:12:33Show this Author Only
Not a hard number, but it's about 720 (I think, or 780 or something like that) to upwards of about 1100.
I'm assuming that's the itachi part?
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On 2017-04-22 19:23:41Show this Author Only
Somwhere around 660-1100 is the norm for a super rare in kage (Sasuke, Ay)

Itachi is around 2000-3600 depending on how lucky you are with frag drops

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On 2017-04-22 19:27:04Show this Author Only
  • Mista red On 2017-04-22 19:12:33
  • Not a hard number, but it's about 720 (I think, or 780 or something like that) to upwards of about 1100.
    I'm assuming that's the itachi part?
What... No no... That's the Ay OR SS Sasuke.

The SS Itachi is 1-3 frags for every rare pull. 3 if you're really lucky. So Assuming you get Ay or SS Sasuke at 900 scrolls for example. So just for calculation sake, assume of 60 scrolls per rare (it can rage from 40 to 80), so 900 will give you 15 rares, which means 1-3 frags per time. So that means by time you get Ay or SS Sasuke, you probably collected only about 15-45 SS Itachi frags. There's even a chance you have pulled BOTH Ay and SS Sasuke, meaning that's about 1600 to 2000 scrolls, and you still haven't collected enough frags for SS Itachi.
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On 2017-04-22 20:27:10Show this Author Only
you get Ay or Sasuke susano'o at 900 draws (the free draws you do matter for it, that's why people say 660-720 or other lower numbers, it's simply because they drew 720 times with seal scrolls and 180 times as free draws so they reached 900 that way. People that say over 900 i simply think that didn't remember correctly how many draws they did).
About itachi you get 1-2 fragments for sure every 60 draws you do it's a fixed drop.
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On 2017-04-22 20:54:49Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2017-04-22 20:27:10
  • you get Ay or Sasuke susano'o at 900 draws (the free draws you do matter for it, that's why people say 660-720 or other lower numbers, it's simply because they drew 720 times with seal scrolls and 180 times as free draws so they reached 900 that way. People that say over 900 i simply think that didn't remember correctly how many draws they did).
    About itachi you get 1-2 fragments for sure every 60 draws you do it's a fixed drop.
180 free draws are 360 days meaning a year and i am pretty sure the kages aren't around for a year
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On 2017-04-22 21:09:41Show this Author Only
What... No no... That's the Ay OR SS Sasuke.

The SS Itachi is 1-3 frags for every rare pull. 3 if you're really lucky. So Assuming you get Ay or SS Sasuke at 900 scrolls for example. So just for calculation sake, assume of 60 scrolls per rare (it can rage from 40 to 80), so 900 will give you 15 rares, which means 1-3 frags per time. So that means by time you get Ay or SS Sasuke, you probably collected only about 15-45 SS Itachi frags. There's even a chance you have pulled BOTH Ay and SS Sasuke, meaning that's about 1600 to 2000 scrolls, and you still haven't collected enough frags for SS Itachi.
welp,gonna be long way there it seems
thanks for the answer(and everyone else obviously)
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On 2017-04-23 04:11:40Show this Author Only
I got my Ay at 870 seals, but heard of others who got super rare for less and a lot more, so yeah... cross ur fingers for each 10-draw after 600 :P
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On 2017-04-23 12:06:24Show this Author Only
game is rigged, watch aristeaus stream on yt
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On 2017-04-23 17:45:09Show this Author Only
game is rigged, watch aristeaus stream on yt
i know about that part;this is kinda unrelated :/
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On 2017-04-23 21:46:33Show this Author Only

All about drop rate
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