So I have a lot of questions about Sailor Sakura. Can anyone help me with these? 1) Is Sailor Sakura better than GNW Sakura? 2) Is Sailor Sakura worth it in Treasure of the Sage? :3 anyone have any input on this matter?
I was using her,till Mei came along.Water main cancer team,fire main nuke dps team,sakura is dying on 1st round.No matter the fight,even power,or even 10k power less with the cancer water team.
So basically its better to try and blitz? Therefore Sailor Sakura is no good? This post was last edited by tri*** at 2017-4-21 20:38
Sakura sailor uniform is amazing, if you want to get her, do so. She is one of the best healers in the game and her only true weakness is ignite. Her passive allows her to take a beating which is something very unique for a healer. I personnally bought her months ago and never regreted it once.
1) she is slightly better than GNW sakura, but since so far we never got GNW sakura it's useless to do the comparison. 2) yes she is if you get a 30-40% discount. but mostly is up on your team. If you can make use of her or not, basically.
For all the ninjas (including Sailor Sakura), the max discount they can show up at in this week's sage treasure is 30%. Just wanted to make sure people aren't skipping 30% fishing for a 40%, because it can't happen for ninja frags. On topic, I think she's worth it, especially at 30% off.