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[ Azure Fang ] How can I become stronger?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-18 22:39:11Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Actually I'm having a problem with gaining more power. My character is Level 72 and has roughly 18.500 power, while the next Azure Fangs on that level have between 5000 - 7000 power more.

So, here's my "setup", so to speak: (Sorry for the wall of text)
- Cultivation: is at the maximum for my main team (Azure 4 stars, Sasuke 3 stars, Karin 4 stars, Kakashi 3 stars)
- Awakening: My main team is at level 70 awakening, I still need a lot of materials to get them to level 72 awakening.
- Mood: Okay, I totally forgot that one. Azure is at level 8, while my other characters are still at level 1.
- Tactics: Ghost Kill at level 3.
- Magatama: Currently I'm having all magatama around level 3 - 4.
- Equipment Strenghening: Is around 64-66 for each character, however I can't afford more.
- Equipment Upgrades: My main has every item golden, while all other characters still have purple +1 (Right now I'm unable to beat the Level 80 ninja exam to get more scroll of Kage, sadly.)
- Equipment Refining: I'm very weak here, almost all items are only level 1 or 2.
- Equipment Purifying: Most item bonuses are white or green, a few are blue, only two are purple.
- Rune stones: Only my main has a few socketed in her equipment, the others have none, sadly.
- Ninja Tools: Mask, Level 11, golden. Gourd, level 11, golden. Necklace, level 12, golden. Ring, level 6, purple. Book, level 4, purple. Sword, level 6, blue (I just have no luck with these...). No blade and no cane.
- Summons: Most of my summons have green or blue runes at level 2 - 3, while I'm overall at 8 level 4s.
- Battle Armor: Level 10, Rank 2. No clothing so far has been obtained.

(I hope I listed all relevant stats, not entirely sure.)

So, uhm, any ideas?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-18 22:49:17Show this Author Only
if you chec at the top left of your screen, you can see a Red Box called "Power Up", click that and it tells you exactly what areas you are lacking power in. Hope that helps
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-18 23:11:07Show this Author Only
you are severly lacking in refining, wait for those general mobilization mission trading events they give out 50-70 medium refines you just need to complete traded missions i.e missions given to you by someone else. you c*so get alot of medium refines from the monthly event (not the calendar). group shop sells them too you can probably get 10 refines per week from the group shop but they have conan and chikushudo there as well so I don't think ignoring them is a good idea. see the problem with refines is that you have to let go of alot of stuff like ninjas frags seal scrolls and magatamas etc. refining gives the most power boost in the game and it will increase your ninjas damage as well the better refines you have the more often your ninjas will crit and do more damage plus you get more initiative which is the biggest advantage of refining.
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On 2017-04-18 23:23:13Show this Author Only
Bring your battle armor to level 18 and rank 3 at least, that's the very minimum for you at your level (i think at least 3-4k of the power you miss is there).
After that, as said '', gather as many low level refinement runes as possible and use all of them in a row when there's a refinement rebate.
So, what you have to do is the following:
Buy as many low level refinement runes as you can in ranking shop and bring one piece of equipment per time to rank 4 when there's the rebate, buy all the common threads you need in monthly event shop and level up your battle armor rank when there's battle rebate and do every week all the SA difficult possible to get the highest number of medium and advanced clothes needed. if needed change main to water to make it easy for the day you go for it.
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On 2017-04-18 23:44:11Show this Author Only
  • Yepp On 2017-04-18 22:49:17
  • if you chec at the top left of your screen, you can see a Red Box called "Power Up", click that and it tells you exactly what areas you are lacking power in. Hope that helps
Below that *on, u can see one orange box called "Recharge" .. with that one u can get all the power u want :P
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On 2017-04-19 00:31:21Show this Author Only
refinement and mood on your main team is your best friend, atleast get refines to lvl 5
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-19 01:55:22Show this Author Only
Okay, thanks for all the ideas and hints. I'll try to improve my Battle Armor, do more refining and mood then. :)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-19 02:01:18Show this Author Only
group skills are a big one that i didnt see listed, they are more important than strengthening until like lvl 50 skills which just start to cost too much
Quicky Post

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