i tried for a while to beat this exam with Water main, but i wasn't able to do it at my current power (37500, level 81), so i went to wind main and i managed to beat it. My ninjas are all fully cultivated and gold+4 awakened.
I used this lineup:
Iruka x x
x x x
BD mei naruto (normal).
Talents: 13133
summon: dog
The strategy is pretty simple:
Round 1: we want that the 3 blinded enemies by *y harem jutsu are MB, jiraya and Hashirama. If you don't get this outcome retreat until you get it (in 4-5 tries will happen almost surely). The reason is that if MB is blinded before using Lightning Armor it will stay blinded! At this point use Iruka to interrupt Hashirama and wait for naruto to start a combo on MB clone to make him immobile. Naruto NC will kill one of naruto clones.
Round 2: asap use hurricane jutsu on MB to make him blinded again and immediately after use Naruto's rasengan on Jiraya to interrupt him. Jiraya, Hashirama and naruto NC will kill some clones (since BD clone will be summoned right in front of Iruka after Jiraya kills naruto one and before Hashirama begins his attack).
Round 3: use Mei mystery to stop Naruto NC. Very likely MB will be dead. If is not dead he will kill Iruka, but is not that important. It's still possible to win as far as he doesn't kill Naruto too. If also naruto dies retreat (but means you were very unlucky with crits). At the end of this turn Jiraya and MB should be dead due to poison/ignition.
Round 4 onwards: Use hurrican jutsu on Hashirama every time you c*e it and stop whenever they cast it Hashirama's or Naruto NC's mystery with Naruto or Mei mysteries (which one is available).
If you do it you win around round 6-7.
This post was last edited by 988***@uf16 at 2017-4-17 02:11