So, let's start with the fact that I play the game and I like it.
However, I got a mayor issue with the way some things are handled. But don't want to talk about things like pricing, events favouring paying players etc.
That's an issue which will be too complex and won't change anything until the playerbase dwindles into minorities.
Atm my biggest issue is the player support or "Help" function and as far as I am concerned how decicated players are treated:
Let me elaborate: I play games and did for a long time. I played fps, Rpg, browser games, online and offline games.
When I play a game I invest my (more or less) valuable time because I have fun (or hope to do so).
In my "career" I *ed to the games which heard the players and where the company reacted to things the community said. When I have fun and like a game I give my opinions, especially I report bugs which I encounter. Not because I want compensation but because I want to make sure no one else has to encounter them and lose stuff or gets frustrated.
Gladly I did not encounter many problems (yet) but in the past week I encountered two bugs, which I reported.
1. was during the event where you open chests with daily keys and keys you get from Quests or Instance clearing ( dont know the name of the event so bear with me). I had 10 keys plus the free draw, used the free draw on its own and my keys disappeared. So I reported it and got a generic reply to clear cache of browser (blabla). After the 4th or 5th reply with the guy(s) he/they finally told me they will forward the issue to the tech team.
2. was today I wanted to gift one of the ninjas in my home presents and everytime I gifted someone outside my enclosed "garden" I had a time out, and was kicked out of the game. (Which never happens had like 2 dc's in the month I play the game.
Got nearly the same generic answer, plus an (imcomplete) tutorial how to clear DNS and the suggestion to use VPN.
After the 1st issue I got no further information and of course (and as I told not expected) no compensation. The second issue is still pending after my answer to the generic reply.
This is a community driven game. People are playing it and like me supporting it as they see fit with their money and/or time.
Before anyone says anything I recharged and supported the game with my money. I expect to be treated as a customer regardless of the fact if I am recharging regularly (current state wont happen) or if I keep the game alive with my presence (because without the free to play gamers the game will die). I expect if I improve the game I receive a situational fitting answer ( I cannot help you, we will look into it, here is what happens --- all totally ok).
Following the outcry in the community and the forums this doesnt happen, that has to change before anything else.
Customer support doesnt help but sends generic answer, which are not dealing with the issue when you want to help improve the game.