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[ Events ] Events - 6th April


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On 2017-04-07 21:13:52Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-04-07 20:48:11
  • none of the base prices in the item shop have changed, the base prices they sell for in events has changed but not the shop costs. protection runes have been 19 since they were released, mood scrolls have always been 15. no item in the shop has had its cost to buy changed.

    some events have had the base cost of the item be higher then the shop cost, that happened with mood scrolls a couple months back in a sage treasure event and the 20% off just brought it back to shop price, but again shop prices havent changed
Mby you are just not playing long enough or havent noticed.


Ok, nvm. I just checked it and I was wrong. It just feels for me like it all was cheaper.
This post was last edited by thedevu at 2017-4-7 13:49
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On 2017-04-07 22:05:55Show this Author Only
  • thedevu On 2017-04-07 21:13:52
  • Mby you are just not playing long enough or havent noticed.


    Ok, nvm. I just checked it and I was wrong. It just feels for me like it all was cheaper.
    This post was last edited by thedevu at 2017-4-7 13:49
It probably felt cheaper because you used to get more power out of the coupons spent, but as we grow stronger the power from coupons spent for any feature gets smaller and smaller.

FYI i've been playing since day 1 of NA release
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On 2017-04-07 22:36:25Show this Author Only
I can say protection runes and all shop items kept their prices from time they was released till now on.
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On 2017-04-08 01:35:20Show this Author Only
Hello everyone,

Any idea on the price of Kimono's frags during the last daily special ?
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On 2017-04-08 01:39:58Show this Author Only
  • Xerios87 On 2017-04-08 01:35:20
  • Hello everyone,

    Any idea on the price of Kimono's frags during the last daily special ?
90-100 coupons/ingots per frag is my bet.
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On 2017-04-08 02:00:23Show this Author Only
can we have an cwboy event rebate again back?
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On 2017-04-08 04:21:43Show this Author Only
One thing I'd say you guys did very well is the Easter egg hunt. For me it was a nice change from the monotony. To see everyone running around searching for very colourful eggs and to have some douchebags covering them with their characters so others miss them...ahh the joy. This is how it's done. And let's not forget the lucky bag (I'm impressed with the change in * stuff we used to get) and lucky board. The rest is ehh... Maybe you guys are changing stuff up. Maybe you're not and just trying to pull a bait-and-switch. Let's see how the coming months look.
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On 2017-04-08 05:56:58Show this Author Only
  • Zenkaii On 2017-04-07 08:10:02
  • Yeah it was cool seeing everyone running around the map collecting those eggs it got pretty competitive too bad the rewards aren't great.
Yeah, I only like reward is Refines and Cave Keys.
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On 2017-04-08 06:08:36Show this Author Only
next to refines and cave keys it's pretty nice , we get like 800k coins every day and also I got few seal fragments which is nice :D
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On 2017-04-08 07:10:58Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2017-04-08 06:08:36
  • next to refines and cave keys it's pretty nice , we get like 800k coins every day and also I got few seal fragments which is nice :D
I wish Easter Egg Hunt event is permanently. Easy 800k coins and Seal Fragments :P.
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On 2017-04-08 08:01:07Show this Author Only
I think Kimono will cost like 80-90 coupons per fragment without any discount from vouchers.
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On 2017-04-08 09:26:34Show this Author Only
wow just realized that you could only use the discount voucher for they day you received it and not any one of the days that pretty stingy like really...on top of that the only way to get is with rng and if you don't happen to get it on that day no discount for you why?seriously why
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On 2017-04-08 10:49:06Show this Author Only
love you so much OG,got alot of coins from egg and magatama from lucky board and activity bags :$
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On 2017-04-08 11:18:36Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-04-07 20:48:11
  • none of the base prices in the item shop have changed, the base prices they sell for in events has changed but not the shop costs. protection runes have been 19 since they were released, mood scrolls have always been 15. no item in the shop has had its cost to buy changed.

    some events have had the base cost of the item be higher then the shop cost, that happened with mood scrolls a couple months back in a sage treasure event and the 20% off just brought it back to shop price, but again shop prices havent changed
lemme give u an example. Summoning Scroll was not 70 coups four-five months ago. I dont wanna talk about others but if u have not been here long enough then u wont have a clue wht they have done.
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On 2017-04-08 19:23:43Show this Author Only
Egg Hunt very nice for low levels, got a ton of coins and a few other goodies for my alt plus cave keys from the event exchange. For high level its not much but it takes like 6 minute so w/e, free stuff is always good.
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On 2017-04-08 19:39:54Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-04-08 11:18:36
  • lemme give u an example. Summoning Scroll was not 70 coups four-five months ago. I dont wanna talk about others but if u have not been here long enough then u wont have a clue wht they have done.
summoning scrolls are 63 in the shop. where are u getting 70 from?

why do people keep posting FALSE information and plaguing the forums with crap?

man this is part of the reason oasis gets so much crap from randoms who dont do their own thinking/research. they just read crap from others and then believe it as true and spread that crap further and further.

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On 2017-04-08 19:41:15Show this Author Only
  • Zenkaii On 2017-04-08 09:26:34
  • wow just realized that you could only use the discount voucher for they day you received it and not any one of the days that pretty stingy like really...on top of that the only way to get is with rng and if you don't happen to get it on that day no discount for you why?seriously why
That's exactly the thing that makes this week's event lame. And there's no chance to receive something more than 10% disc voucher. If the vouchers could've been used in bundles it would have at least made this whole fiasco not as horrible as it is. :(
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On 2017-04-08 19:45:54Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-04-07 18:00:30
  • Did u see any disc voucher above 10%?
    In-built 10% discount + 10% disc voucher is less than 30% discount and even 20% if the round off is not on your favour. Plus u need to remember the price in shop is already inflated to create their psychological advantage. In sage its pretty easy to get 30% disc on refine runes, and if ure lucky 40%, thou very rare.

    Regardless, I believe there will be a recharge wheel midweek with 30% discount vouchers there if there are low demand response for spending ingots for Tsunade Hokage, they tend to react from low demand.
    This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-4-7 18:05
yes i have seen disc voucher above 10%... i have seen many 20% and 30% in the previous iterations of this event

if u bothered to read my post i already said that i liked the guaranteed 30% voucher from spending 3k ingots last time daily special was here...

and i alrdy mentioned that vouchers this week were bad because its pure RNG and suggested they change it for the future...
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On 2017-04-08 19:53:20Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-04-08 11:18:36
  • lemme give u an example. Summoning Scroll was not 70 coups four-five months ago. I dont wanna talk about others but if u have not been here long enough then u wont have a clue wht they have done.
Where are you getting this value of 70?

I see it as 63 in the Shop. On Day 3 Daily Special event, I see its original price of 630 for 10 (which still makes it 63 for 1, which is in line with the Shop pricing) and currently going at 550 for 10 without an discount vouchers applied.
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On 2017-04-08 20:09:15Show this Author Only
  • xetech On 2017-04-08 19:39:54
  • summoning scrolls are 63 in the shop. where are u getting 70 from?

    why do people keep posting FALSE information and plaguing the forums with crap?

    man this is part of the reason oasis gets so much crap from randoms who dont do their own thinking/research. they just read crap from others and then believe it as true and spread that crap further and further.

OG gets crap because of their own doing and not because of the things ppl are typing here. Ppl's typing haven't delayed Konan in shop for at least 4-5 months neither it made events rigged and other * that made other ppl give OG crap.
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