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[ Events ] Events - 6th April


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On 2017-04-07 02:15:21Show this Author Only
  • Zenkaii On 2017-04-07 00:30:15
  • I got one today not that i wan't to use it tomorrow so if i don't get one tomorrow i'll be very angry.
It's good for 24 hours. So you c*e it for tomorrows events, unless you're confused about how the event works.
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On 2017-04-07 02:34:48Show this Author Only
Honestly, would it have killed them to make vouchers last for the entire event? What if I want to buy something from last day of event but I got the voucher today? This is lame. :@
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On 2017-04-07 03:02:46Show this Author Only
  • stotious On 2017-04-07 02:15:21
  • It's good for 24 hours. So you c*e it for tomorrows events, unless you're confused about how the event works.
i meant to say that i didn't want to use it tomorrow my bad
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On 2017-04-07 03:37:55Show this Author Only
  • veelocity On 2017-04-06 04:40:17
  • To be honest. I have to agree with thedevu. His/her statement made sense. In this event you're forced to spend 800 bucks if you want all her frags in a weeks time. A 200 dollar difference isn't that bad for the flexibility you have to spend your ingots on future events. Id much rather have that 50k sitting nice for a BA rebate or Sage treasure event or another spending event with a rebate. That's just spending wisely and with 50k you probably wouldn't have to top up again for a while. Its not so much about having the 50k forever as it is the freedom of spending when you want to. That's just me though.
    This post was last edited by veelocity at 2017-4-6 04:42
yeah this way you can get like 2 super rares, e.g you can get tsunade for just recharge and then tobirama or minato by spending the ingots in the rebate event.
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On 2017-04-07 06:39:33Show this Author Only
  • Zaik On 2017-04-07 00:09:10
  • Well I must say, what a disappointment, we get discount voucher on lucky bag without the opportunity to open and use them whenever we want. I got 2 10% vouchers that expire tomorrow and I can't even save them for another day for daily special. I guess events are turning from bad to worse.
welcome to oassis baiby :victory:
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On 2017-04-07 06:59:39Show this Author Only
I like Easter Egg Event, I think that's pretty cool :)
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On 2017-04-07 08:10:02Show this Author Only
  • RyuKarubi On 2017-04-07 06:59:39
  • I like Easter Egg Event, I think that's pretty cool :)
Yeah it was cool seeing everyone running around the map collecting those eggs it got pretty competitive too bad the rewards aren't great.
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On 2017-04-07 10:09:51Show this Author Only
Please guys do the maths, 10% is not good enough.
Refines for example, Sage treasure at 20% or 30% offers more value for money than the current 10%.
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On 2017-04-07 10:56:24Show this Author Only
Daily specials have inbuilt 10% discount already and vouchers are a further discount. If u get 30% voucher, its roughly equiv to a 40% sage treasure discount and lets be honest, when was the last time u saw 40% in sage on something that was actually useful. So a 20% discount voucher is alrdy pretty decent imo. Having said that though, this weeks rng looks pretty bad for vouchers, just like the prev one using mission mobilisation box...

They should stop with the rng vouchers and give guaranteed ways to get them (like the prev spend 3k ingots and get 30% voucher). They can keep 50% at rng if they must, cos honestly 50% really is way too good.
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On 2017-04-07 11:49:48Show this Author Only
I can't seem to find the 'One Ingot Sales' event on the game interface. :|
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On 2017-04-07 16:01:52Show this Author Only
  • xetech On 2017-04-07 10:56:24
  • Daily specials have inbuilt 10% discount already and vouchers are a further discount. If u get 30% voucher, its roughly equiv to a 40% sage treasure discount and lets be honest, when was the last time u saw 40% in sage on something that was actually useful. So a 20% discount voucher is alrdy pretty decent imo. Having said that though, this weeks rng looks pretty bad for vouchers, just like the prev one using mission mobilisation box...

    They should stop with the rng vouchers and give guaranteed ways to get them (like the prev spend 3k ingots and get 30% voucher). They can keep 50% at rng if they must, cos honestly 50% really is way too good.
This 'inbuilt 10% discount' + 20% voucher makes the price like it was some time ago (before OG rised prices of items and ninjas in shop) so I have to disagree here.
Kinda same deal with Sage. If you get 30% discount you have the price from few months ago.
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On 2017-04-07 17:38:11Show this Author Only
Do The Right thing, And Add a Recharge event................Thats $800 dollars just from 1 person u would make and im sure there will be others

Why make us wait a week or 2 for that event
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On 2017-04-07 17:38:58Show this Author Only
  • thedevu On 2017-04-07 16:01:52
  • This 'inbuilt 10% discount' + 20% voucher makes the price like it was some time ago (before OG rised prices of items and ninjas in shop) so I have to disagree here.
    Kinda same deal with Sage. If you get 30% discount you have the price from few months ago.
Im pretty sure shop prices have never changed e.g. magatamas / runes... so buy those at a discount

Only ninja fragment prices can vary so avoid those if u think they are expensive. But fyi if prices for ninjas r heading up, buying now is going to be cheaper than buying later :)
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On 2017-04-07 17:55:11Show this Author Only
You guys are obsessed with orochimaru konoha traitor why is he in every daily special event? Would it hurt you to put something good in this event? Also why the hell is Mei costing so much more than chojuro in lucky board? They are both kage treasure ninja of same rarity. Why don't they cost the same? This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-4-7 18:01 This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-4-7 18:01
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On 2017-04-07 18:00:30Show this Author Only
  • xetech On 2017-04-07 10:56:24
  • Daily specials have inbuilt 10% discount already and vouchers are a further discount. If u get 30% voucher, its roughly equiv to a 40% sage treasure discount and lets be honest, when was the last time u saw 40% in sage on something that was actually useful. So a 20% discount voucher is alrdy pretty decent imo. Having said that though, this weeks rng looks pretty bad for vouchers, just like the prev one using mission mobilisation box...

    They should stop with the rng vouchers and give guaranteed ways to get them (like the prev spend 3k ingots and get 30% voucher). They can keep 50% at rng if they must, cos honestly 50% really is way too good.
Did u see any disc voucher above 10%?
In-built 10% discount + 10% disc voucher is less than 30% discount and even 20% if the round off is not on your favour. Plus u need to remember the price in shop is already inflated to create their psychological advantage. In sage its pretty easy to get 30% disc on refine runes, and if ure lucky 40%, thou very rare.

Regardless, I believe there will be a recharge wheel midweek with 30% discount vouchers there if there are low demand response for spending ingots for Tsunade Hokage, they tend to react from low demand.
This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-4-7 18:05
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-07 18:01:43Show this Author Only
  • xetech On 2017-04-07 17:38:58
  • Im pretty sure shop prices have never changed e.g. magatamas / runes... so buy those at a discount

    Only ninja fragment prices can vary so avoid those if u think they are expensive. But fyi if prices for ninjas r heading up, buying now is going to be cheaper than buying later :)
ure wrong. they changed. shop prices changed, while most them have been increment for me to note. N magatamas have incredible diminishing return above lv 6 and thereon.
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On 2017-04-07 18:35:57Show this Author Only
  • xetech On 2017-04-07 17:38:58
  • Im pretty sure shop prices have never changed e.g. magatamas / runes... so buy those at a discount

    Only ninja fragment prices can vary so avoid those if u think they are expensive. But fyi if prices for ninjas r heading up, buying now is going to be cheaper than buying later :)
And Im pretty sure that at least some of them were cheaper (like Mood Scrolls, Refine Runes and I think protection rune was 18 not 19).
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On 2017-04-07 18:36:57Show this Author Only
  • Belerephon On 2017-04-07 17:55:11
  • You guys are obsessed with orochimaru konoha traitor why is he in every daily special event? Would it hurt you to put something good in this event? Also why the hell is Mei costing so much more than chojuro in lucky board? They are both kage treasure ninja of same rarity. Why don't they cost the same? This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-4-7 18:01 This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-4-7 18:01
Probably because Mei is better and fits for more teams. This post was last edited by thedevu at 2017-4-7 10:38
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On 2017-04-07 18:54:46Show this Author Only
  • Belerephon On 2017-04-07 17:55:11
  • You guys are obsessed with orochimaru konoha traitor why is he in every daily special event? Would it hurt you to put something good in this event? Also why the hell is Mei costing so much more than chojuro in lucky board? They are both kage treasure ninja of same rarity. Why don't they cost the same? This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-4-7 18:01 This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-4-7 18:01
Becouse most of the ppl uses Lightning main of course :D with Mifune or water main with Mei or Darui . LoL. This post was last edited by BlackMessor at 2017-4-7 18:56
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On 2017-04-07 20:48:11Show this Author Only
  • thedevu On 2017-04-07 18:35:57
  • And Im pretty sure that at least some of them were cheaper (like Mood Scrolls, Refine Runes and I think protection rune was 18 not 19).
none of the base prices in the item shop have changed, the base prices they sell for in events has changed but not the shop costs. protection runes have been 19 since they were released, mood scrolls have always been 15. no item in the shop has had its cost to buy changed.

some events have had the base cost of the item be higher then the shop cost, that happened with mood scrolls a couple months back in a sage treasure event and the 20% off just brought it back to shop price, but again shop prices havent changed
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