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[ Suggestions ] [Minor] Great Plates Keys issue


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-01 06:02:01Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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This is relatively minor so lets not get too worked up about it. However it's another one of those things that to me speaks to the nature of how the game is run and why people get upset about it in general.

So I was looking over what I had not claimed in the great plates event and saw Donating to the group was unclaimed, so I donated and then the *on changed to "Reached Claiming Limit.

First of all before I get into this, in this particular situation, I'm not upset that I reached my claim limit, it does say you can only claim a maximum of 20 keys a day and I should have read better, that's not the point. (Though having that limit is pointless and just kind of *ty for no good reason to be honest, Oasis)

What bothers me about this is the fact the game apparently does not warn you that your claiming limit has been reached until AFTER you qualify for claiming a key by doing a specific task. Be it donating to a group, recharging, or drawing TEN.

This little situation right here is the mentality in the game time and time again that upsets people, it leaves you with the impression that you're deliberately being screwed, not accidentally, but deliberately which is really unnecessary.

If I'm no longer elligible to claim keys it needs to say so BEFORE I do the task, not after, by then it's too late and you might've been tricked and that's really what upsets people, you guys let the game do shady little things like this that trip people up.

So what about the people out there who may have seen the recharge task or Draw TEN unclaimed and because the game isn't telling them "yet" that it can't be claimed, they waste scrolls drawing TEN or they waste money on a recharge, only for the game to then say "Oh you already did the task? Well too bad because it can't be claimed, oops no taksie backsies!"

That's the kind of shady tricks that make people not want to trust you guys or want to have any faith in the game in general, it needs to be the opposite, you need to be instilling confidence in players that they're getting their value and they're not dealing with a company trying to trick someone who might have a lapse of awareness one day.

I'll repeat one last time the point of this, this specific cir*stance is nothing, minor at best, but it's a small example of the overall mentality of how the game is run, and why that's bad.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-01 08:29:09Show this Author Only
Expecting you to read and pay attention is a bad mentality? I'd also hope people were using Bond Scrolls instead of Seal Scrolls to complete the "Draw 10" requirement. You could also donate 3k to the group, it's not like you're expected to put in millions of coin to get 2 keys. Also, if there wasn't a limit on it then you'd have people complaining about how they can't complete all of the events because they're unable to recharge just like how every time the monthly event opens people never fail to complain about the ranked attempts which is a way more valid issue than anything here.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-01 08:32:31Show this Author Only
Forget it, nothing will change.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-01 08:36:37Show this Author Only
I think there's no issue with the event in terms of what you're bringing up.

Its stated clearly a limit of 20. What more do you want them to do? S* feed by saying there's 24 keys option but only 20 can be claimed.

I think this complaint is now just nit picking. There is no trick here.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-01 08:37:29Show this Author Only
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-01 08:36:37
  • I think there's no issue with the event in terms of what you're bringing up.

    Its stated clearly a limit of 20. What more do you want them to do? S* feed by saying there's 24 keys option but only 20 can be claimed.

    I think this complaint is now just nit picking. There is no trick here.
As Jeremy stated. Keep playing, nothing wrong there.
Quicky Post

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