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[ Suggestions ] Adding too many servers


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-01 05:35:16Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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There’s not that many people talking about this in the forums so I figured I bring this up. Why? It seems quite crazy to have over 100 servers for the game. I know it brings in money, but it seem ridiculous to have that many. Wouldn’t it be better to only bring new servers out every 2 months so that the servers get a chance to grow and live longer then 2-3 weeks? Most of the older servers seem like there doing fine, in the same way when one server dies people head to the new servers for a new start. Couldn’t we consider going for quality and not quantity?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-01 05:58:23Show this Author Only
This gets brought up a lot but no one ever addresses the fact that most new players won't want to come join a server and be so far behind. I know I wouldn't. Starting off on a new server, while unfortunate, is currently the best way for them to be relevant on a server. That's the issue with suggestions like this, it's great for people who are already playing, it's not great for people who are just starting.

Find a way around that and you might actually have something.
Quicky Post

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