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[ Events ] Events - 30th March


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On 2017-03-30 16:08:52Show this Author Only
See they deleted my post again, suk my dik All of you oasis. Your event suks, Aris is right when he decided to let everyone know how deceiving all of you guys are.
Your event just pure suking money from players, no more no less
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On 2017-03-30 16:17:57Show this Author Only
  • PurpleCrow On 2017-03-30 09:39:58
  • I'm prolly one of the rare few who like Ninja Puzzle. Free coupons for minimal effort are always welcome for me.

    The Bond system looks interesting. Free fragments and coupons are always good. I'll need to wonder how the gift system works though. Is that where we offload unneeded awakening materials instead of selling them for 1 copper coin per piece?
    Hebihime? Is she the one who can sleep people? Is she a better option than Tayuya?

    The rest...... sadly doesn't help me at all. Sigh... ( ._.)

    Who are the two ninjas in April's monthly event though?

    This post was last edited by PurpleCrow at 2017-3-30 09:42
No she is not better than Tayuya, and the only upgrade to Tayuya i know os is Fu the 7 tails jinchuriki
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On 2017-03-30 16:21:00Show this Author Only
  • Test Ninja On 2017-03-30 16:17:57
  • No she is not better than Tayuya, and the only upgrade to Tayuya i know os is Fu the 7 tails jinchuriki
do you feel the buff from hebihime is good ?

30% att and ninjutsu buff to ENTIRE team of sound ninja, that includes ORO KT/Sasuke/Kabuto As well right.Just like how iruka buff Konoha, she buff Sound ninjas, i might be wrong not sure of her mystery if casts sleep to 2 ninja not too shabby i guess.
This post was last edited by 111***@google at 2017-3-30 16:22
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On 2017-03-30 16:22:52Show this Author Only
  • Jibby On 2017-03-30 15:59:48
  • Questions guys,

    1. How does lowering ninja price / allowing EVERYONE to have advantage in game through EVENTS make the game balance?

    2. How does above questions makes F2P happier?

    3. How does when F2P feels happy spending in event, makes the game better?

    4. If F2P are capable to garner everything in game in 6 month, what do you think for P2P?

    5. Why would there be P2P in game anyway for your answer in no.4?

    6. IF everything in the EVENTS have the same discount / pricing, what is the purpose of having EVENTS?

    7. Price changed some time its lower, sometime its higher are you FORCED to buy now?

    8. IF you don't feel good buying now why can't you wait?

    9. Are you the F2P type that play for 8 month having everything like P2P and decided to left the game because there is nothing new/achieve anymore?

    10. 8 months REALLY?

    11. IF OLD F2P gets to buy everything in event, how about new Players?

    12. Will they be doomed to the end and forced to spend because need to chase you guys who have spent free CP from ingame and get everything you ever wanted?

    13. The development growth of players need to be balanced/curb in away it still enable to attract players.

    14. You ask about P2P / Whales? Its because they can spend money for those can you? wait will you is the more accurate question.

    15. How many P2P/Whales in your server?

    16. Does that guy took ALL event rewards from 1 to 10th and you are left with nothing to scribble?

    17. How long do you plan to play in F2P Games?

    18. You wish to be no.1 in server?

    19. Why is there no.2, no.3 no.4 and no.5 and more after that then?

    20. Does events break your game?

    21. You can't fight / join CORE activities / have fun without spending in EVENTS?

    22. How long will you live?

    23. Do we have Thursday, next week and new events as well?

    24. Will the game close by next week? next 2 weeks?

    25. Do you have patience to play and grow?
    26. IF you still haven;t realized, do they EVEN ASKED a SINGLE PENNY for you to PLAY?

    This post was last edited by 111***@google at 2017-3-30 16:02
1. That way more players can have access to items what were behind payment wall. And by time its natural that ninja price goes lower NOT HIGHER.

2.Fair chance for both f2p and p2p players not just p2p.

3. F2P is happy to spend when they know they get they'r moneys worth not what is set on who spends most.

7. U kind of are because u don't know if price is lower or higher next time.

8. Because in your mind u don't know when next chance to get something whats u can get now will be back soon.

9. I leave if there isn't anything to achieve or get bored
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On 2017-03-30 16:23:27Show this Author Only
I dont feel Hebihime is that good of a ninja, very limited, for that matter, plus if you're looking to be a collector then go for it, im not interested in her.

As far as other events, the greater key, is just another spender event(to get the max out of it) otherwise you just be getting the small goodies from it, even so, it's either RNG or rigged.

Overall not interested in signing in everyday, nor doing these events.
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On 2017-03-30 16:25:46Show this Author Only
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-03-30 10:11:53
  • If key cost is less than 10 coupon I hope everyone who "assumed" that gets a ban for spreading false info
i dont remember any item in the shop that costed less then 10 so its safe to assume it would cost at least that.

but just so you dont white knight the company here is the actual price, and guess what, we were right

if you use your brain you can actually speculate with a high degree of certainty, we would love to have been proven wrong cause that would mean that they actually listened to us, but we werent.
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On 2017-03-30 16:26:28Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2017-03-30 16:23:27
  • I dont feel Hebihime is that good of a ninja, very limited, for that matter, plus if you're looking to be a collector then go for it, im not interested in her.

    As far as other events, the greater key, is just another spender event(to get the max out of it) otherwise you just be getting the small goodies from it, even so, it's either RNG or rigged.

    Overall not interested in signing in everyday, nor doing these events.
Refusing to join event that takes 2 sec to click?

There is always the future to look at, my advise go click the check in daily get the hebihime and who knows future ninja release where she will be a staple team support its free anyway.
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On 2017-03-30 16:28:15Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-03-30 13:24:39
  • Acer, lets look at our own version now, did u remember those days where u put gnw kankuro, gnw kiba etc as our monthly sign in and how that excites everyone to make sure they dont miss a single login. Those are the days we missed, not when u give us jiraiya or hebihime. We are all hoping for a monthly sign in ninja that could give us the slightest motivation if there's a lack of it. For me, hebi should be given free from a one week event not a month's worth.
she could have been given as a easter event in a couple of weeks time just like the fukurokumaru was.
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On 2017-03-30 16:31:41Show this Author Only
  • NameBot On 2017-03-30 14:37:27
  • That isnt 1st time we saw german stuff here. 1st for me was chase ninja.
that is another reason why people compare our game to the german version, some text around the game just isnt translated from the german and we end up with stuff like that, also some images as is this case and the "Sieg" in the GNW pannel
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On 2017-03-30 16:36:11Show this Author Only
  • AssumedParasite On 2017-03-30 14:49:29
  • I would like everyone to remember that Hebihime is someone you had to pay to get. She may not be of any use to you but we are getting a ninja you have to pay for, for free. Also we have already had a lucky board this month. So please just wait until it comes around to use your coupons if you do that.
and guess why we are getting her for free, because almost no one bought her from the shop, and those who did, bought her for cosmetics only.

yes signing in is a simple thing, but it bring traffic to the game and so it should be rewarded with decent stuff.
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On 2017-03-30 16:41:14Show this Author Only
I actually don't understand why is it so hard for OASIS to realize that if f2p players quit-> p2w players will quit.
In my server top spenders have stop recharging cause the game isn't fun anymore! they got almost 40k power while most of the players have 20k. Hell, top spender played SAGE with Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke just to make it fair....and it still wasnt ;P
Tend to your f2p, help them create a challenge for the top spenders and you will motivate them to spend more!
Hope a staff member sees this...though I doubt.

Thank you.
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On 2017-03-30 16:41:34Show this Author Only
  • Jinsoyun On 2017-03-30 15:08:20
  • I'm retracting most of my previous statements. I just realized that time-limited recruitment will only last 2 days and great plates only 3 days with MISSIONS to get the 20 keys (which also include topping up).

    Terrible week for free to play players and pay to play alike. I am really, REALLY disappointed in you. We don't have a single full week event at this point, I genuinely don't understand how you could ship these events thinking people would be happy at all. The permanent bonding event doesn't even come close to making up this horrible selection of events and at this point it looks like you're trying to gather more hate towards you and validate all of a particular youtubers claims. Shame, I had faith you would get better.
almost as if they are trying to squeeze the last dollars players have before closing the game for good.

this is the impression i'm getting and its not a happy thought, did it really reached that point? like the kid that takes the ball and goes home because he cant play at the same level as the others, so no one gets to play.

quoting Donald Trump "SAD" :D
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On 2017-03-30 16:44:50Show this Author Only
  • Jibby On 2017-03-30 16:26:28
  • Refusing to join event that takes 2 sec to click?

    There is always the future to look at, my advise go click the check in daily get the hebihime and who knows future ninja release where she will be a staple team support its free anyway.
Yeah, there is future to look at... like future playing another game ;)
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On 2017-03-30 16:52:17Show this Author Only
  • Jibby On 2017-03-30 16:21:00
  • do you feel the buff from hebihime is good ?

    30% att and ninjutsu buff to ENTIRE team of sound ninja, that includes ORO KT/Sasuke/Kabuto As well right.Just like how iruka buff Konoha, she buff Sound ninjas, i might be wrong not sure of her mystery if casts sleep to 2 ninja not too shabby i guess.
    This post was last edited by 111***@google at 2017-3-30 16:22
please tell me 1 person that is currently playing 1 sound ninja team, as a main team.

at best they are using 1 sound ninja ranked team, and bebihime has no synergy with others rather then the buff, she is just a vanity ninja that you may use for giggles sometimes in arena.

but sure i will wait to see someone make a functional team with her that can actually be somewhat competitive.
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On 2017-03-30 17:05:32Show this Author Only
Result of 14x spin:

Coins 50,000 x 5
BBQ 2 x 2
Purification Rune x 1
Purification protection x 1
Lv 3 Mag x 1
Seal Fragment x 2
Lv 4 Mag x 1
Adv Lvl Refine x 1
NOTE: x10 spin give better outcome than x1. Diminishing return after x10 spin. Last 4 spins give 2x seal fragment, 2x coins 50k.

Question, is it better than lucky dice?
NO. Lucky dice values Cursed hidan at around 15k Ingot previously. I feel this is another inflation of price by OG to balance demand
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On 2017-03-30 17:10:03Show this Author Only
events arent up in s208 -.-
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On 2017-03-30 17:14:12Show this Author Only
dont know what to say

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On 2017-03-30 17:17:02Show this Author Only
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On 2017-03-30 17:20:12Show this Author Only
S-63 No Events Up.
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On 2017-03-30 17:22:03Show this Author Only
New feature obviously gonna need a 10 hour delay and then OAS will give us 1 stam pot (small) as compensation.
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