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[ Events ] Events - 30th March


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On 2017-03-30 14:43:35Show this Author Only
suh dood
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On 2017-03-30 14:46:43Show this Author Only
Well in my opinion it is just disrespectful and offensive how OASIS are treating theyr players.
Increasing cost of ninja after getting EXPOSED for draining money from p2w players.
To * even more money from them :D
Just shame on OASIS. Not much more to say...
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On 2017-03-30 14:48:59Show this Author Only
Another week dedicated to ingot spenders. Free players can get very few useful things from a 3 day 'RNG' wheel with coins and steak, and a puzzle.

On the plus side I'm happy that DPH is so expensive, not to many people will have him. <:3_53:>
And for anyone wondering I got him in the last Limited Recruited key event with ~12k coup.
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On 2017-03-30 14:49:29Show this Author Only
I would like everyone to remember that Hebihime is someone you had to pay to get. She may not be of any use to you but we are getting a ninja you have to pay for, for free. Also we have already had a lucky board this month. So please just wait until it comes around to use your coupons if you do that.
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On 2017-03-30 14:54:24Show this Author Only
  • AssumedParasite On 2017-03-30 14:49:29
  • I would like everyone to remember that Hebihime is someone you had to pay to get. She may not be of any use to you but we are getting a ninja you have to pay for, for free. Also we have already had a lucky board this month. So please just wait until it comes around to use your coupons if you do that.
Even if we are not in April yet it is the first week of the month so the lucky board should be here and as for hebihime let's not fool ourselves that ninja is * and no one would ever pay for her.
She wouldn't be in monthly sign in if they could milk us for it.
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On 2017-03-30 14:56:05Show this Author Only
if it is like in brasilian version konan will be added to arena shop :p there u go free info
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On 2017-03-30 14:59:30Show this Author Only
  • AssumedParasite On 2017-03-30 14:49:29
  • I would like everyone to remember that Hebihime is someone you had to pay to get. She may not be of any use to you but we are getting a ninja you have to pay for, for free. Also we have already had a lucky board this month. So please just wait until it comes around to use your coupons if you do that.
It's a different thing at stake here, the way Oasis listens to us.
We are complaining that the free players are falling behind, leaving, servers getting empty, and they could've addressed this issue with the monthly free ninja, a ninja that could improve the odds a little bit (ex GNW Sakura as in Germany last month).

But no, we get Hebihime. I don't have anything against this ninja, but unless you want to fill the pokedex it isn't giving you anything of value.
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On 2017-03-30 15:00:16Show this Author Only
  • Vizeonn On 2017-03-30 14:46:43
  • Well in my opinion it is just disrespectful and offensive how OASIS are treating theyr players.
    Increasing cost of ninja after getting EXPOSED for draining money from p2w players.
    To * even more money from them :D
    Just shame on OASIS. Not much more to say...
Again, are they out of their mind? Yes. But money draining? No, because no one force you to spend in that crap
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On 2017-03-30 15:01:13Show this Author Only
  • hakuoru On 2017-03-30 14:56:05
  • if it is like in brasilian version konan will be added to arena shop :p there u go free info
brazilian version is like a few months behind us and they have konan in the shop ? hmm i thought they were just getting 2.0
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On 2017-03-30 15:08:20Show this Author Only
I'm retracting most of my previous statements. I just realized that time-limited recruitment will only last 2 days and great plates only 3 days with MISSIONS to get the 20 keys (which also include topping up).

Terrible week for free to play players and pay to play alike. I am really, REALLY disappointed in you. We don't have a single full week event at this point, I genuinely don't understand how you could ship these events thinking people would be happy at all. The permanent bonding event doesn't even come close to making up this horrible selection of events and at this point it looks like you're trying to gather more hate towards you and validate all of a particular youtubers claims. Shame, I had faith you would get better.
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On 2017-03-30 15:10:17Show this Author Only
Sry for false info, they dont have in arena shop but in Group Shop just entered there to check it out, btw they had konan in shop already before 2.0
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On 2017-03-30 15:10:28Show this Author Only
  • Jinsoyun On 2017-03-30 15:08:20
  • I'm retracting most of my previous statements. I just realized that time-limited recruitment will only last 2 days and great plates only 3 days with MISSIONS to get the 20 keys (which also include topping up).

    Terrible week for free to play players and pay to play alike. I am really, REALLY disappointed in you. We don't have a single full week event at this point, I genuinely don't understand how you could ship these events thinking people would be happy at all. The permanent bonding event doesn't even come close to making up this horrible selection of events and at this point it looks like you're trying to gather more hate towards you and validate all of a particular youtubers claims. Shame, I had faith you would get better.
you can get 20 key without recharging just saying
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On 2017-03-30 15:18:33Show this Author Only
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-03-30 15:10:28
  • you can get 20 key without recharging just saying
Stop speaking out of your ass. There's a mission where you need to recharge to get 2 keys, effectively making it 18 keys in total for free.
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On 2017-03-30 15:22:36Show this Author Only
I love that OG is like we share the deepest gratitude and respect for our players
in one topic and then 10. A new Ninja was added as the reward for April's Daily Sign in: Hebihime .
XD This post was last edited by thedevu at 2017-3-30 08:37
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On 2017-03-30 15:25:44Show this Author Only
I swear these mods. They dont care about anything except players' money. Look at the events this week. Konan for sale again? See how they care about players? That why I changed my acct name to SukMyDikOasis
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On 2017-03-30 15:27:28Show this Author Only
Use 120 Great Keys and get: Seal Scroll*3
Use 420 Great Keys and get: Hidan *10
Use 920 Great Keys and get: Hidan *20
Use 2350 Great Keys and get: Hidan *50

SO 3 days = 60 keys , yes i understand has a p2w point of view people need to get stuff others would take longer however has a p2w point of view who have a job and cant afford to spend 2290 keys (already removing the 60 free keys u get) so if we make each key x10 coupons or ingots it would cost around 22900 coupons or ingots , coupons wise that is like 1 full year without spending i guess, ingots wise that is around 500 euros that is 1 month full salary atleast were i live , this is just my opinion but if u made it like in taiwan version where things are cheaper and players actually get rewarded would be way best , sometimes less is more , making things cheaper means more people will be willing to spend their money on this game instead of just the really rich ones , its preferable to have 50 people who can spend 50 bucks each and are compensated than 1 or 2 people who can spend 500 , well this is just my opinion, in this current state instead of keeping them you will lose them since for what i see only people who can earn around 1500-2500 monthly can even spend here (and believe me removing 500 euros from salary just for a game that is crazy), but oh well that is just a point of view of some1 who likes to give opinions
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On 2017-03-30 15:55:36Show this Author Only
  • Zaik On 2017-03-30 07:17:06
  • But honestly, I've got nothing against the mods as persons, but seeing them post irrelevant comments on the first page of this thread does seem like a bad joke, specially after being silent for so many days. Kinda leaves the impression as if they're mocking the playerbase. Or maybe it's just me? :/
totally agree with that point of view This post was last edited by Glyrin at 2017-3-30 08:44
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On 2017-03-30 15:59:24Show this Author Only
This game is starting to seem more and more like LOA2(at least how events are handeled).
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On 2017-03-30 15:59:48Show this Author Only
Questions guys,

1. How does lowering ninja price / allowing EVERYONE to have advantage in game through EVENTS make the game balance?

2. How does above questions makes F2P happier?

3. How does when F2P feels happy spending in event, makes the game better?

4. If F2P are capable to garner everything in game in 6 month, what do you think for P2P?

5. Why would there be P2P in game anyway for your answer in no.4?

6. IF everything in the EVENTS have the same discount / pricing, what is the purpose of having EVENTS?

7. Price changed some time its lower, sometime its higher are you FORCED to buy now?

8. IF you don't feel good buying now why can't you wait?

9. Are you the F2P type that play for 8 month having everything like P2P and decided to left the game because there is nothing new/achieve anymore?

10. 8 months REALLY?

11. IF OLD F2P gets to buy everything in event, how about new Players?

12. Will they be doomed to the end and forced to spend because need to chase you guys who have spent free CP from ingame and get everything you ever wanted?

13. The development growth of players need to be balanced/curb in away it still enable to attract players.

14. You ask about P2P / Whales? Its because they can spend money for those can you? wait will you is the more accurate question.

15. How many P2P/Whales in your server?

16. Does that guy took ALL event rewards from 1 to 10th and you are left with nothing to scribble?

17. How long do you plan to play in F2P Games?

18. You wish to be no.1 in server?

19. Why is there no.2, no.3 no.4 and no.5 and more after that then?

20. Does events break your game?

21. You can't fight / join CORE activities / have fun without spending in EVENTS?

22. How long will you live?

23. Do we have Thursday, next week and new events as well?

24. Will the game close by next week? next 2 weeks?

25. Do you have patience to play and grow?
26. IF you still haven;t realized, do they EVEN ASKED a SINGLE PENNY for you to PLAY?

This post was last edited by 111***@google at 2017-3-30 16:02
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On 2017-03-30 16:04:58Show this Author Only
  • TheWakkaSage On 2017-03-30 08:06:23
  • Only real complaint i have about this weeks events are:

    1. No lucky board
    2. Why the hell you raise the price of cursed hidan. Why are you making it harder and harder for people to get even a few frags of good ninjas?
greed pure and simple
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