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[ Lineup ] Azure Fang main lineup help?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-28 10:58:05Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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At the moment, I'm level 58 and am pretty okay with my team, but I feel like there's much that could be improved on. My combos don't go much above 6 or 7, and maybe I'm being selfish but I'd really like to try for higher ones if possible while still keeping a solid team that can stay alive. I've been using the lineup simulator but it's really hit or miss for me most of the time, and I was hoping there would be some people around here who might have some suggestions for me using the ninjas I already have. (I'm open to really any suggestions, and even though there are a few ninjas I love having in my team, I know they don't work with everyone so I'm willing to -sniffs- put them to the side for now.) And my main is three stars, if that's important, since she isn't shown in my screenshot.

(Also if anyone has any suggestions for ranked teams using my ninjas, I'll take those too. Still messing around with everything I have in order to get a good solid base to then cultivate and upgrade -- unfortunately lots of my ninjas aren't fully cultivated because I didn't know what I was doing until a while after I started, so I'm having to backtrack on that.)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-28 17:03:50Show this Author Only
You can try team : Hinata|Kabuto|Kimimaro

if you can lvl up kimimaro to 3 start it help's

Kabuto, Kimimaro X
X Main HInata

Summon : Ninja monkey

Talents: 4,2,3,2,2,
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-29 02:05:03Show this Author Only
I don't have skill #4, as I mentioned before that I am only a level 58 (well I'm 59 now, but still a far cry from the level 80 required to unlock that skill).
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-29 02:30:57Show this Author Only
Here are some lineups for you to try, they are not perfect, you can tweak them as per you need. Hope it helps you.

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