A/N-Hello! This is Kozakura here! I am new to all of this forums, but I would like to write a Naruto Online Fanfiction based on Azure Fang's life. ^-^ It will be when she was with Orochimaru. ^-^. You c*so find this story on wattpad. Here's the link- https://www.wattpad.com/389392884-gasoline-the-world-is-away
Alright then! Here it goes!
"Why?"I keep asking my questions why. As I released my hair, I touched the glass. Lord Orochimaru is just too harsh. I just wanted a new life. Oh wait....my life was in the graspe of someone else. I am poluted by Lord Orochimaru. As I went and closed my eyes, I remember the words that Lord Orochimaru told me."Friends are only worthless..." Lord Orochimaru told me.
"Yes, Lord Orochimaru" Was all I answered.
"You are all what is needed to create the image" He also said
"Yes, Lord Orochimaru" Was what I said again!
Why do I say that? I am the controller of my own life!
"Smiles are painful desicions, do not smile" Orochimaru told me."Eradicate those emotions"
"Yes, Lord Orochimaru" Was what I said as my emotionless eyes reflected sadness. Emotions is something i can't handle.I then felt the fabric toss down as I loosen my hair. It was blue....who in the world has blue hair? Am I a monster or something? Am I? Who am I? Smiles? What are they? Even the word 'smile' sounds so lame. Fake is what I also made. I cheated on life. Then while holding into the fabric I ran out.'Life is going to catch me in order to save me.'
This post was last edited by Yuriko-Hime at 2017-3-28 07:15