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[ Help ] Exploit on alts


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On 2017-03-27 06:58:26Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I'm sure everyone is aware of the plunder 2.0 system. It has some what of a fair system where there is a 15 levels difference to plunder players from A to SS missions. The SS missions is the most valuable with it giving you 50 coupons per successful plunder. Which you can do 3 times a day resulting in 150 per day if done successfully. Some people don't like this new plunder system since it keeps the strong stronger which is fine but when players use alts to get their daily plunder on dead or inactive servers. I quite consider this as a exploit and cheating for power. 150 coupons a day for 7 days is 1050 per week and 4200 coupons per month. Thats quite a lot of free coupons for any player. I think players who are using this exploit needs to be punish some how because why should a lot of players wait 1-3h trying to get their 3 plunders success or fail.
While their are players who just use 5 mins of their time to get the job done and remove the wanted status. Either these players need to go punish, increase the level cap difference to fix existing servers or remove the level cap in general. People shouldnt be able to climb to the top of the ladder in power with this and a lot of people tell me this isn't cheating. That is their opinion and this is mine which I know other players agree with me as well that this is a exploit that needs to be taken care of ASAP.

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On 2017-03-27 06:59:28Show this Author Only
If you spend like at least 10k euros they might do something about it.
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On 2017-03-27 07:10:12Show this Author Only
Quote: "I'm sorry but they are not breaking any game rules. We are not supporting such behaviour and we are against it too. However, we can't punish players for being part of 2 groups. That is something Group leader should take care of since group is his/her responsibility."
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On 2017-03-27 09:31:54Show this Author Only
plunders dont always get 150 per day , sometimes 0 sometimes 50 , not every server benefits the same way , and instead of complaining here , just go make a suggestion thread on how to improve it , coz even i send a mail to the support about the imbalance between plunders and convoy on coupon advantage

and about the ALTs , if you are lvl 85 u cant plunder people below 70 .. it actually takes a lot of work to get *t acc to lvl 70 unless u got plenty of free time to play on both accounts
This post was last edited by Megami Chii at 2017-3-27 09:34
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On 2017-03-27 12:09:44Show this Author Only
  • Goddess Chii On 2017-03-27 09:31:54
  • plunders dont always get 150 per day , sometimes 0 sometimes 50 , not every server benefits the same way , and instead of complaining here , just go make a suggestion thread on how to improve it , coz even i send a mail to the support about the imbalance between plunders and convoy on coupon advantage

    and about the ALTs , if you are lvl 85 u cant plunder people below 70 .. it actually takes a lot of work to get *t acc to lvl 70 unless u got plenty of free time to play on both accounts
    This post was last edited by Megami Chii at 2017-3-27 09:34
It only takes 1 month to get to 70 at most which isn't that hard to get to if you do all your dailies.
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On 2017-03-27 23:21:25Show this Author Only
Thank you everyone for the response. Ever consider that the group leader of that group is their alts or the fact that some players slow down their level so the 15 levels isn't as hard to maintain. Lets take a level 80 slowing down their to plunder their alts that are level 65. Compare to a level 90 trying to plunder a level 75. I did make a small suggestion about this but this may not be the best place to do it. "Either these players need to go punish, increase the level cap difference to fix existing servers or remove the level cap in general." (Removing level cap is referring to the 15 levels difference for the plunder system.) US Oasis doesn't seem they have a lot of control over here since they just throw in patches and can't change much except when they apply it sooner or later.
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On 2017-03-27 23:49:09Show this Author Only
If you server is dead and someone is trying to put effort into playing alts to get stronger while you are not then I don't see anything wrong here. Remember you can attack his alt too (I attack other people alts all the time), you just have to wait for it (3 hours). I have my own way to watch the town while plundering, so yea no SS can escape me except it level is too low (15lv gap). You just need to research how the system work, find you way to work around it. Not that hard tho.

You want "ez" coupon? Then play alts.
You don't have time because of school, job, family, outside activity, or a life? Pay.
If you don't have money and are lazy to play extra accounts but still want to be the very best? Sorry this game and Eastern games in general are not for you. Just quit, go play league of legend or dota 2. That's better.
It's simple and fair.
And do you know? There will be a lot of cross server feature come in the future. Which mean a player will have to battle against other players from different servers. So if your server is * hard to plunder and barely have anyone can get 150 cp/day then your server is pretty much fked when it come to cross servers pvp because they can't even collect their resources.
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On 2017-03-28 04:45:44Show this Author Only
Oshiri person here got a hell clear point , if your server is small, then having alts for your personal gain shouldnt be an issue , its better to plunder alts over other users

because i know convoyers dont like being plundered after happening too many times
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On 2017-03-28 05:00:20Show this Author Only
I know people stopped running SS in some servers becuase they are tired of the constant plunder. In a server with less than 200 active players every person will get plundered no matter what and the gap between them and the people plundering will just continue to widen. People don't touch SS or sage in such servers. It is what it is, the people plundering is forced to plunder alts if they want to plunder for SS.
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On 2017-03-28 05:05:22Show this Author Only
oasis have a *on to open multipe accounts

so i dont think they mind people using their alt to try to improve
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On 2017-03-28 05:08:59Show this Author Only
Then again it is kind of oasis fault considering how dead some servers are i don't blame them.
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On 2017-03-28 05:37:49Show this Author Only
  • Oshiri On 2017-03-27 23:49:09
  • If you server is dead and someone is trying to put effort into playing alts to get stronger while you are not then I don't see anything wrong here. Remember you can attack his alt too (I attack other people alts all the time), you just have to wait for it (3 hours). I have my own way to watch the town while plundering, so yea no SS can escape me except it level is too low (15lv gap). You just need to research how the system work, find you way to work around it. Not that hard tho.

    You want "ez" coupon? Then play alts.
    You don't have time because of school, job, family, outside activity, or a life? Pay.
    If you don't have money and are lazy to play extra accounts but still want to be the very best? Sorry this game and Eastern games in general are not for you. Just quit, go play league of legend or dota 2. That's better.
    It's simple and fair.
    And do you know? There will be a lot of cross server feature come in the future. Which mean a player will have to battle against other players from different servers. So if your server is * hard to plunder and barely have anyone can get 150 cp/day then your server is pretty much fked when it come to cross servers pvp because they can't even collect their resources.
I clearly understand how the system works but there are players already set up to counter that system by keeping their level way below other players so the difference for them to plunder is a lot lower than what most players can see. Since only the top 50 can plunder, you can't make alts to plunder their alts to counter that. No solution to the exploit of power.
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On 2017-03-28 05:40:54Show this Author Only
some people plunder alts so that other f2p players don't get attacked and allow them to safely run convoys.
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On 2017-03-28 05:43:57Show this Author Only
  • armyhat210 On 2017-03-28 05:40:54
  • some people plunder alts so that other f2p players don't get attacked and allow them to safely run convoys.
Or they could give up their life of crime and convoy instead.

Currently, plunder is significantly over-rewarding, anything that result in less plunder will always get my support (alternatively, change to convoy that reduce the gap)
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On 2017-03-28 06:11:18Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-03-28 05:43:57
  • Or they could give up their life of crime and convoy instead.

    Currently, plunder is significantly over-rewarding, anything that result in less plunder will always get my support (alternatively, change to convoy that reduce the gap)
I do not disagree with you at all but sadly people are too greedy to do that x(. Now don't get me wrong I like this new convoy/plunder system better than the previous one but I agree, the plunder rewards are way to great vs the convoy rewards. And the only way to fix the convoy/plunder system is for oasis to do something about alts/smurfs that they turn a blind eye to so that will never get fixed sadly.
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On 2017-04-03 00:37:42Show this Author Only
I recommend removing the level cap difference so alts can be exploited, change the reward system in convey like you everyone was mentioning or fix the issues with alts. A player shouldn't be getting his 3 plunders 5 mins in with no contest while other players wait up to 3h per convey/plunder period to try to get their 3 plunders with or without them having supports or even show up.
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On 2017-04-03 01:28:53Show this Author Only
Just go plunder her/his alt bro;P

I think some ppl do it because the server is too quite, many ppl retired at the server.
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