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[ Suggestions ] Complaint from a "whale"


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-27 02:07:34Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello. I wanted to voice my opinion over the recently broadcasted video as a player that has spent more than 17,000 USD on your game.
First off, there are a two reasons I've spent this much money:

1) The belief that I am playing on a fair field. Everyone must pay to significantly get ahead in power, everyone pays a lot for ninjas.

2) The belief that nobody knows what the next patch holds. I've spent thousands of dollars on ninjas you promised were rare only to see them turned into cheap giveaways.

- Chiyo, Chikamatsu 400 seals in Seal Treasure. When you are new this is the only seal pack you have access too and every ninja was borderline useless by level 70. I was the only one on my server with her for a month and then she became a $100 ninja at a shop / frags were in a wheel.

- Sasori 100 Puppets 400 seals in Sage Treasure. Once again, I was the only one on my server with this ninja and he was eventually fragged out into a wheel, later sold by frags in a recurring event for about $300.

- Hashirama Senju / Tendo Pain. The first duo of difficult and expensive ninjas to acquire. To gather both you pay 800 seals into the Tendo Pain treasure. Hashirama has been sold in 80 and 100 frag formats, Tendo Pain is just starting to be given out but I feel the nerf kinda washed him up anyhow. Hashirama is regularly available for about $400-450.

- Tobirama Senju. From the moment I started the game, he was revered as the king of ninjas. You did not get him without going all the way to battle armor 9. For other players information, this is over $4000 even exclusively buying threads on discount. There is no function in the game except paying to acquire advanced thread for BA 7-9. Tobirama is the reward for achieving this. The DAY AFTER I got Tobirama, you list him as a $600 balloon ninja in a Tsunade, fifth hokage top up event. He has been available every other week since.

- Raikage / Susan'oo Sasuke. Luckily I only went for one on this 2000 seal adventure. You are starting to make "You can't win" wheels off these ninjas that people have HEAVILY invested into. The current competition for Sasuke is just a gimmick to draw out new spenders and I think it's gross.

You would have thought I learned my lesson after the first couple thousand dollars that no ninja will stay rare. If the game would tell new players about his, I think I wouldn't even be upset about it. On top of having zero information provided from the game itself about rare ninjas in treasure seals, they're at fixed seal points to guarantee a value, so you would assume that they will not be given away outside of the pack. Players who acquire these ninjas are left with countless copies of ninjas they don't want because it was the only way to get the rare.

So, less about ninjas and more to my complaint. I've asked for customer service twice in over 6 months of playing this game, and both times I've been told to deal with my own problems. Your mod, Daisuke refused to even investigate a refund for $40 because I made a mistake on buying a pack that had moved in the store. Your website lists all sorts of perks for "VIP members," yet you have disabled 90% of the rewards and only offer "expedited customer service" for paying members.

To give other players an idea, I'm VIP 5 at $17,500 spent. You get "higher priority to complaints" at VIP 6 which is around $20,000 spent. This is absolutely absurd. Do you (the moderators / developers) have any idea how much money that is? Do you realize people spent a large percentage of their paychecks on your game? And you offer "better customer service" as the ONLY reward since your absolutely screwing pay to win players by trapping them in rip off events. Meanwhile, there is solid evidence that your playing favorites and giving streamers and mods ninja that most people won't ever be able to afford.

This whole "curtain" you set up to trap people in bad spending events needs to go away. Upon reading your chat it seems abundantly clear your number one priority is making people recharge early. Theres nothing wrong with wanting players to spend money, but your doing it in a malicious way that will inevitably anger all the players who thought they were getting something exclusive.

In the end, I hope someone read this that matters because obviously there is a disconnect in your system that makes the developers believe everyone is happy and satisfied with your service. Until I saw the mod video, I wasn't that upset that I had literally wasted $5000 on ninjas and other various power items you've later discounted. When I say wasted I mean it. I could have saved that money if I knew more about the future of the game and had the same account I do now. Thanks.

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On 2017-03-27 02:47:20Show this Author Only
I do agree with a lot of your sentiments - I spend about $1500~ per month.

I'll also say, however, that most of the stuff in the video shouldn't be a surprise. Honestly - they had mapped out everything about how the changes to Sage world would work - that should make it clear that it was the intention of the devs to roll it out. They wouldnt have put much thought into a preliminary vote that they honestly figured could have gone either way - they also said (when the vote lost) that they will 'delay' the changes. No one should have been surprised by this.

All that I really hope the dev's learn from this is - listen to your players, make the game fun. Don't try to cram events down everyone's throats and don't give away exclusive * because you're desperate for more money (thats a jab to your high spenders). If you focus on making the game fun and enjoyable from the ground up, you'll be successful - if you focus on making money first, you'll fail. It's simple - this is a game, people play it to enjoy it - you have to focus on why we play, not what you hope to gain from us playing for the game to succeed.
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On 2017-03-27 02:53:12Show this Author Only
now it's time to put up though we're waiting for the official announcement . There are so many things oasis needs to address
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On 2017-03-27 02:55:50Show this Author Only
I think it might just be your playstyle

It is a fair playing field but purely spending to get ahead is an act of self harm. Refines and other things are based around an rng model so it is not best to just spend but spend at points that reduce this risk of failure such as when refines are 50% of the shop value or below and not around shop value. Without realization of risk it is pretty short sighted to say paying more is better.

I feel that you assume the value of a ninja is related to how much one must spend for the ninja and this is an error in judgement. Ninjas are not that simple, such ninjas as kimimaro for example would be sss or godtier if we had a tier system since kimimaro is so good at doing his job, and you know what he is probably 5 star for every user currently playing.
In addition, most people wont try to collect all the ninjas and play a selective style. Therefore, they will get a ninja from recruit they find great and build a team around it and * with it for awhile. The game isnt forcing u to buy the newest ninja at every release. Paying a premium for a "collectible" that you could of waited for is kinda your fault not the games.
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On 2017-03-27 03:07:14Show this Author Only
I liked the fact that certain ninjas were extremely rare - some people who spend $30~ a month can get their hands on Tendo for example - everyone knows how to get him and what it takes, so as a pseudo free to pay player you spend 3~ months putting everything you acquire into Tendo draws to get him. Then a few days later he is being sold for $100 in a shop. It's a slap in the face to the hard work put into getting him for those people more than the pay to wins.

Also, isn't the game more fun when the ninjas come from where they're meant to? Tobirama used to be so rare - it was shocking and exciting to see him in a fight. Now it's nothing special really - any moderate payer will have him if they want him at all. It takes something away from the feeling of the game. Every pay to win has almost every ninja if that's what they want, and that seems dumb. Can anyone honestly say any ninja out is truly rare to come by other than Susano/Ay - but that seems to be changing soon as well.

The mentality behind these types of events is that people who recharge $50 a week regularly will actually recharge $100 this week if we offer them a $1000 ninja for $100... The problem is that the players eventually catch on - around the time they've fed us enough exclusive ninjas at huge discounts, they'll add new ones at huge prices and steadily drop them into events for 50-75% off as well - it's a cycle. :)

I don't think that it's the most horrible thing that has been done to the human species but I think it appears that Oasis focuses on the money before the game itself. Even though I'm P2W - I would much rather see some cool F2P content (like group raid type content or something) than any P2W event with any prize. I would have more fun doing new content than spending money or another loot wheel and by way of that I would probably spend more money on this game in the long run.
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On 2017-03-27 03:07:37Show this Author Only
I really hear you on that, but yea sadly what you have an issue with happens in any and all games.

Business realize that there are people who are more than willing to be impatient and spend now, and * up the new biggest thing, then later on... much later on they will add the thing you spend 5000$ on in the shop for 100$, this is an attempt to keep free players happy and player, aka a way for them to keep 'content' for the whales. Without this, more free players would get up an leave, but sadly that can often come at a snails pace, which is why games tend to fade away from spotlights/the height of their popularity.

It is nothing short of a painful chore trying to keep up/wait for them to release a cheaper way to get certain ninjas/stuff for power, sometimes they don't even do it, it is entirely up to them, if you/others like you could be more patient/speak with your wallet you could reclaim the 'power' so to speak, eventually they will wise up and see that the more people that can afford something... that is better for them. A thousand people spending $50 on a ninja/item for power, is far better than a few spending $1000 on a ninja. They will have to wise up to that fact/see it as the undeniable truth or they will fail, and have no money to run their business, but sadly we all tend to fall for that practice in one way or another. (Take the cave keys for example... I spent all of mine as soon as possible, but later they release a event where the more you spend in there, you get some more in return, which allows you to get a bit higher, when you do it. I even do this with the seal scrolls, I spend all of mine right away, really rather dislike waiting for 10 and getting nothing. xd lol)
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On 2017-03-27 03:09:30Show this Author Only
  • Ragnet On 2017-03-27 02:55:50
  • I think it might just be your playstyle

    It is a fair playing field but purely spending to get ahead is an act of self harm. Refines and other things are based around an rng model so it is not best to just spend but spend at points that reduce this risk of failure such as when refines are 50% of the shop value or below and not around shop value. Without realization of risk it is pretty short sighted to say paying more is better.

    I feel that you assume the value of a ninja is related to how much one must spend for the ninja and this is an error in judgement. Ninjas are not that simple, such ninjas as kimimaro for example would be sss or godtier if we had a tier system since kimimaro is so good at doing his job, and you know what he is probably 5 star for every user currently playing.
    In addition, most people wont try to collect all the ninjas and play a selective style. Therefore, they will get a ninja from recruit they find great and build a team around it and * with it for awhile. The game isnt forcing u to buy the newest ninja at every release. Paying a premium for a "collectible" that you could of waited for is kinda your fault not the games.
Yes, you are correct many of things I said are due to impulsive buying. However, one of the key points of my thread was that they weren't even willing to fix a problem many mmo's would have no quarrel with. A simple refund for a misclicked purchase. Are they expected to do it for thousands of players? No. Why? Because it would flood their inboxes and be really annoying. Should they for someone who's paying over $1k a month? Yes. Because the better relation you have with a spender works out for both people.

But you have to realize, Oasis mods have historically deleted any thread that gave people an idea of the exact cost of many ninjas or future information about their availability. I don't feel good about that and I think it needs to change.
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On 2017-03-27 03:41:51Show this Author Only
  • Loaf On 2017-03-27 03:09:30
  • Yes, you are correct many of things I said are due to impulsive buying. However, one of the key points of my thread was that they weren't even willing to fix a problem many mmo's would have no quarrel with. A simple refund for a misclicked purchase. Are they expected to do it for thousands of players? No. Why? Because it would flood their inboxes and be really annoying. Should they for someone who's paying over $1k a month? Yes. Because the better relation you have with a spender works out for both people.

    But you have to realize, Oasis mods have historically deleted any thread that gave people an idea of the exact cost of many ninjas or future information about their availability. I don't feel good about that and I think it needs to change.
I agree. If they setup a better customer services setup, instead of expanding the server count and player base they have to deal with. They probably wouldnt be dealing with so many issues atm. However, i dont think there has been an improvement in the backend of the company to resolve your issues at this time which is sad. Mostly because their product relies on having a stable population.
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On 2017-03-27 06:07:31Show this Author Only
Loaf when are you going to visit me in Vegas again and go on a wild adventure to the Hustler club?
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