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[ Fanfiction ] The Past and The Present: Earth 4 [ Rating K+ ]


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-24 13:56:17Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Double Update!! Our lovable pure Earth is finally here :victory:Noted that they are still children here, so they are still growing up and might still have some baby fat ;P Grammer might not be precisely correct; thoughts and critism are appriciated. Enjoy!

Crimson wasn’t just nervous, he was SUPER nervous that he had begged his parents to walk him off to the academy gates.

He was scared he was going to make a fool of himself, that he was going to fail the first day and that he was forbidden to do anything at all, heck what if he couldn’t even be a ninja?!
“Sweety, calm down. Everything will be alright.”

His mother’s gentle voice broke him free of his turmoil but the *erflies were still there, even more when he saw the other kids walking into the academy, each one looking more cooler than the other.
“What if I can’t even make any friends, mom?” Crimson whimpered, because even though his frame was larger than the average kids his age, his heart and soul was as soft as a cotton candy.
“Don’t be afraid, my child! Believe in the power of youth!!” His dad gave an energetic pat on his back and Crimson knows by heart that it was the quote of the legendary Guy and Lee-sensei.

“Youth!” Crimson tried to sound enthusiastic but he was still nervous.

“Alright, go inside now. We don’t want you to be late on your first day.”

Crimson gulped down the *erflies. This was it; it was time for him to face his doom. His parents were already leaving, waving him off confidently. He can’t let his parents down!
He entered the academy and quickly made his way to his classroom. It’s lesson day today, they had already done the hellish on paper exam and was sorted by their marks. Crimson thanked the kami that he had made it to the first class, as they had the privilege of graduating faster than others. Crimson wanted to graduate as soon as possible, so he could help protect Konoha!
Once he got to the classroom though, cold feet struck him again. The classroom was huge! And the amount of people there was huge too! He could also make out some of the most prestigious clan members here, and there was even the granddaughter of the 3rd hokage. Crimson *ed a deep breath and tried to naturally walk into the classroom to his seat.

There wasn’t a lot of empty seat, even though he had come very early to the academy. There was one, he noticed beside a boy with silvered hair that was emitting the most deadly aura he had ever seen. The boy was also glaring just as deadly at everyone who dare turn his way. Nope, he won’t take that seat, thank you.

There was another empty seat on the same row as the silver haired boy, this one was beside a blue haired girl who looked friendly enough but she seemed to also emitting a threatening aura too. But this aura was more of mess with someone I love and I’ll cut off your head kind of aura.

There wasn’t any other empty seat, Crimson noticed. Others probably gotten the hint too and stayed away so Crimson was left with no choice. Actually, any choice was better than to sit beside that silvered head boy who seemed to want to kill you the moment you turn your back to him.
“Hi,” The girl with the blue hair greeted him once he sat down.
Okay, she’s friendly. Good, this is a good sign.
“Hi too, I’m um- I’m Crimson Fist.”
He smiled sheepishly, even more when his voice came out squeaky, ( and it was already squeaky good gracious ) but the girl just giggled and nodded her head.
“Don’t be nervous. I’m Azure Fang, it’s nice to meet you.”
“N-Nice to meet you t-too.”
Azure Fang? Why does that name seemed familiar…
“Oh! A new friend?” A boy with red eye – because Crimson could only see one of his eyes only – poked his head from behind Azure. “I’m Scarlet Blaze!”
B-Blaze? Scarlet Blaze? Other than the fact that he had one of the clans’ names that his mother had taught him to never mess with, his name also seemed familiar.
“And that, over the edge there is Midnight Blade.” Azure pointed her thumb at the said boy before leaning in close to him to whisper. “He’s a real softie though so don’t be fool by his angry scowl.”
Crimson blinks once, then twice as he let all this slowly sinking into him. He remembered why those names seemed familiar.
They were the name of the top 3 students that scored the highest in the on paper test, and even more surprising was the fact that they had the same score. Cheating was out of the possibilities since they were sitting at different halls. How did Crimson knew all this? Well, it was the talk of the town for quite a bit.
And right now, he’s sitting – and maybe also making friends – with the most dangerous people in his class!
Kami why do you hate me?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-24 13:58:33Show this Author Only

“How did you even manage to do that?” Azure asked curiously once they had all huddle under a big shady tree. Today lesson was to do a transformation jutsu, one that Crimson had failed terribly. He was spread out under the shade, panting in exhaustion after their sensei had punished him a hundred lap around the field. Yes, he was slightly more on the chubby side but even for an average kid it was still exhausting!

“I don’t know…” Crimson covered his eyes with his flabby arms, trying to catch his breath and also trying to hide himself from the world. It was so embarrassing. Not only did he fail to do the jutsu, he had turned into something of a different thing. What did he even do actually?

Oh kami, so embarrassing.

“Cheer up, it wasn’t so bad!” Scarlet said encouragingly, patting Crimson on the stomach playfully making him letting out air he already didn’t have.

“How about we all train together during our free time? I think it would benefit everyone.” Scarlet suggested and Azure beamed at the suggestion, nodding her head in agreement. Midnight, who was leaning against the tree, just gave a small hum.

Crimson was touched, but he was also embarrassed.

“But I’m so slow. I’m just going to drag you guys down.” Crimson admitted and it hurts his pride to say that.

“Aw, don’t be like that. Success comes from hard work.” Azure said sweetly and tries to pry Crimson arm off his face. He needs some confidence booster.

“Beside, we haven’t even tried it yet. It is still too early to say anything.” Scarlet grinned and helped Azure wrestle with Crimson. The poor boy only let out a weak wail.

“Okay, Okay. I give up. You guys are right…” Crimson said as he sat up, fiddling with his fingers. “Thanks for taking care of me.”

“Eh, it’s only natural.” He heard Midnight said and he was surprised. Maybe Azure was right, underneath all that glares and scowl may lie a very soft softie that Crimson might never uncover. He laughed at that thought.

“Alright so it’s set then, whenever we are free, let’s train with each other! After school, during weekends or whenever it is, we will do it!” Scarlet’s enthusiasms was similar to those of his father. At that thought, he wondered if his parents are proud that he was able to make not one friend but three friends – yes, Midnight is considered as his friend now – on his first day at the academy. Crimson grinned widely and shoved a fist pump into the sky.

“Hell yeah!”

They all grinned and Scarlet exchanged phone numbers with Crimson, they even exchange their address – although everyone in Konoha knows where the Blaze compound was – before Crimson parents came to pick him up. At the same time, the trio had taken their leave, saying they were waiting for Crimson to go home first since nobody should get left behind!

As they parted ways, it was then did Crimson realized Midnight and Azure was taking the same way home as Scarlet, not to mention the fact that only Scarlet gave his address to him.

Did the three of them live together?

They don’t seem related though, well, maybe Midnight and Azure kinda look alike with their blue eyes but hmm, Crimson should do some research.

“How was your day, honey?” Crimson mother asked him as they hold hands. Crimson beamed at her, white teeth visible to the world.

“It was great! I learned some new jutsu, though I still have a long way to go to perfect it. And I also make three great friends today!”

“That’s my boy.” There was hands ruffling his unruly orange locks and he couldn’t help but grinned wide till his cheeks hurt. There were *erflies again in his stomach, and it gave him a ticklish feeling.

His dad pinched his chubby cheeks and said, loud and proud. “You’re going to be a strong ninja, Crimson. I believe it.”

And Crimson believes it too, as he felt something igniting within him.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-24 22:10:07Show this Author Only
This was a great chapter! I love how you're slowly weaving everything together piece by piece and how each of the characters bounce off of each other. Keep up the writing :D
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-24 23:03:37Show this Author Only
  • Venn On 2017-03-24 13:58:33

  • “How did you even manage to do that?” Azure asked curiously once they had all huddle under a big shady tree. Today lesson was to do a transformation jutsu, one that Crimson had failed terribly. He was spread out under the shade, panting in exhaustion after their sensei had punished him a hundred lap around the field. Yes, he was slightly more on the chubby side but even for an average kid it was still exhausting!

    “I don’t know…” Crimson covered his eyes with his flabby arms, trying to catch his breath and also trying to hide himself from the world. It was so embarrassing. Not only did he fail to do the jutsu, he had turned into something of a different thing. What did he even do actually?

    Oh kami, so embarrassing.

    “Cheer up, it wasn’t so bad!” Scarlet said encouragingly, patting Crimson on the stomach playfully making him letting out air he already didn’t have.

    “How about we all train together during our free time? I think it would benefit everyone.” Scarlet suggested and Azure beamed at the suggestion, nodding her head in agreement. Midnight, who was leaning against the tree, just gave a small hum.

    Crimson was touched, but he was also embarrassed.

    “But I’m so slow. I’m just going to drag you guys down.” Crimson admitted and it hurts his pride to say that.

    “Aw, don’t be like that. Success comes from hard work.” Azure said sweetly and tries to pry Crimson arm off his face. He needs some confidence booster.

    “Beside, we haven’t even tried it yet. It is still too early to say anything.” Scarlet grinned and helped Azure wrestle with Crimson. The poor boy only let out a weak wail.

    “Okay, Okay. I give up. You guys are right…” Crimson said as he sat up, fiddling with his fingers. “Thanks for taking care of me.”

    “Eh, it’s only natural.” He heard Midnight said and he was surprised. Maybe Azure was right, underneath all that glares and scowl may lie a very soft softie that Crimson might never uncover. He laughed at that thought.

    “Alright so it’s set then, whenever we are free, let’s train with each other! After school, during weekends or whenever it is, we will do it!” Scarlet’s enthusiasms was similar to those of his father. At that thought, he wondered if his parents are proud that he was able to make not one friend but three friends – yes, Midnight is considered as his friend now – on his first day at the academy. Crimson grinned widely and shoved a fist pump into the sky.

    “Hell yeah!”

    They all grinned and Scarlet exchanged phone numbers with Crimson, they even exchange their address – although everyone in Konoha knows where the Blaze compound was – before Crimson parents came to pick him up. At the same time, the trio had taken their leave, saying they were waiting for Crimson to go home first since nobody should get left behind!

    As they parted ways, it was then did Crimson realized Midnight and Azure was taking the same way home as Scarlet, not to mention the fact that only Scarlet gave his address to him.

    Did the three of them live together?

    They don’t seem related though, well, maybe Midnight and Azure kinda look alike with their blue eyes but hmm, Crimson should do some research.

    “How was your day, honey?” Crimson mother asked him as they hold hands. Crimson beamed at her, white teeth visible to the world.

    “It was great! I learned some new jutsu, though I still have a long way to go to perfect it. And I also make three great friends today!”

    “That’s my boy.” There was hands ruffling his unruly orange locks and he couldn’t help but grinned wide till his cheeks hurt. There were *erflies again in his stomach, and it gave him a ticklish feeling.

    His dad pinched his chubby cheeks and said, loud and proud. “You’re going to be a strong ninja, Crimson. I believe it.”

    And Crimson believes it too, as he felt something igniting within him.
Ah, Crimson has the power of YOUTH inside him... ;P
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