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[ Lineup ] Good/Best Rock Lee teams - LightningMain


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-12 11:41:35Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Lee is my favorite toon, as such I want to incorporate him into my ranks if I can.

I've researched around a bit and found a couple of supposid good Lee teams such as Guy+Lee+Iruka and Kimimaro+8GatesLee+Wind blade asuma

I'm wondering if you guys have any suggestions for the best Lee teams you have seen or theory crafted.

Also potentially good Lee lineups that are relatively easy to obtain if you do not have some of these characters.

Both Normal Lee and 8GatesLee qualify, granted I would just have to hope to get 8gateslee.

Thanks for reading.
Quicky Post

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