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[ Bugs ] Matsuri matching issue


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-18 03:52:33Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Today i lost a battle (my sixth one) using an expendable team. Fine, it's part of the game. I expected to meet as my 7th battle a relatively easy one and go out with my 5th win or a close call (i'm level 77 with 28500 pow).I met a level 80 with 42000 pow.
I asked him how long has been waiting since i know the algorithm is made in a * way that's enough that he was waiting since 61 seconds to let him face me even if i was waiting by less than 20 seconds and he replied to me: "12 seconds, i lost my previous one".
Now, just the fact of the 60+ seconds that let you met everybody regardless their previous loss or win it's hard to be acceptable, but that it's enough that one of us lost his previous battle to not care at all if also the rival is in his own situation is really idiotic.
Please, seriously, make a patch at least about this last sitation because it's really inacceptable to have two conditions that ruins all the matching system.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-18 03:56:38Show this Author Only
Didn't win a single battle today due to unfair matching and i'm on 45k power.

53k, 51k then a 49k

I'd rather they just remove it until it gets improved.

But I guess they won't since I'm sure they don't change anything themelves and just give us w/e updates the other version has at a slow pace.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-18 05:05:19Show this Author Only
What it could be is something like +/-15k for "normally" and get a +/-5k adjustment on your power or so depending on whether you won or lost last fight
So in this case, you are a "23500" matched with a "37k" which is within the 15k limit.

And if there is no one within the +/-15k for 1 minute, than you can get matched with people outside of that range.

Just my guess thou.

I mean the matching does do SOME filtering, because I have never gotten anyone below 20k or above 65k unless the 1 min mark is up thus far, so it does something. But the range is really huge and chances are whatever the win/loss adjustment is, it can either be canceled by the win/loss adjustment of your matched up opponent (win vs win or loss vs loss is equivalent to no adjustment matching) or the adjustment is small compared to the match range that it doesn't really help much (some, but not match)
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