2017-03-13 04:10:17
I love Onoki's mystery. It is one my favorite mysteries to use, but the rest of him just makes him less-than the others. With all the ways to gain chakra, 60 and 80 chakra cost isn't much of an issue most of the time, unless you're like me and run Kisame. :P But yeah, I know there are good points to him. I just think he lacks in a lot more ways than the other barrier ninjas.
I disagree on the boost to 3 elements helping more than status effects in the war. Can't counter people with a 3 element barrier and if they win the barrier then you're just out of luck.
u may not be able to counter them but u have more ninjas doing 40% more damage which helps alot. if u had 1 earth 1 wind and 1 fire team(i know not likely to happen but still) then u have all ninjas doing 40% more damage compared to a gaara only giving 66% of ninjas 40% more damage.
and when the opponent uses a cbp hidan and u kill it with ohnoki myst thats a huge advantage that the other barrier ninjas dont give u.
for the "if they win the barrier then you'e out of luck" comment, that goes for ALL passive barrier ninjas since without their barrier they dont get their extra effects, no shields no chaos no poison no bonus attacks.
yes he lacks any debuffs but he makes up for it with other utility