OK, I dont like being that guy, but I got sage of the six path rank, last month and just got again yesterday. I dont think Im all that special. Last month I used a wind main with dance of impetus with Mei, sage Naruto and Sakura sailor uniform and this month I slow farmed myself a Hanzo in the last 2 mission dealer events and used Midnight blade, Hanzo, Danzo and Mifune. My bp in arena is in the low 27k, dont remember the exact numbers. I do have some ok refine stats because we had a little initiative war on my server and I am the current winner of that. My battle power is 50k and I am at the very bottom of the casher food chain. Again, Im nothing special and I have reached six path rank with smart play and patience (dem queues in Super Kage will make you cry little girl tears). Use keyboard shortcuts to help your reflexes, *yze the teams you are facing and select the most likly targets to, hopefully, cancel mysteries with your combos. In arena, poison and ignite are OP, shields and clones are also very strong. Abuse these things! Always have debuffs, never go for straight damage, you will always face faster and stronger players, debuffs will make the difference (I luv you Hanzo!). Hopefully this will restore your souls a bit. Good luck everyone.