1. Does anybody know how the matching system actually works?
I'm asking it because right now I'm anbu and looking at my rivals' pictures what i see is that i get matched only with anbu or jonin (never ever with special jonin and i don't understand why i can be matched with an higher tier but not with a lower one) and that they are always higher power than me (in 50 fights done i've met in the best case people with 100 pow more than me, in the worst one people with 1500 more).
This is not a whine post, just wanted to know how the matching system work.
2. I read somewhere that in arena you get 10% of your total power, but i read somewhere else that your initiative stat is fully calculated in it and that the global value is what matters (not the single value of the single ninjas). Which one of these two is true? In the sense, my power is based also on my initiative stat, so if i get 10% of the power that comes from initiative i get also 10% of the initiative itself, then which one matters? The global one or the 10% that comes from the equipment? (the difference could be slight but also wide).
thanks for the replies and sorry for my english, i'm not mother language.