I have not found a good thread how to efficiently use Bee.
Any suggestion would greatly help. I'd like to use him effectively in a side team in ranked battle.
P.S. I don't have Sage Naruto, only Jinchurikis I have are Gaara and normal Naruto.
I have all cloud ninjas, except for Raikage.
I was going to abuse his immunity to debuff as I tried him to go tank but his hp stat wasn't quite as good as I thought. He still get taken down by raw damage.
His mystery is also strange in RB, where he casted it on the low hp ninja. I guess it's all RNG ?
I was thinking of place him with Darui. I still need another 2 ninjas 1 healer, 1 initator or tank, respectively.
EDIT 1: I used Azure Fang, Level 85
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