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[ Fanfiction ] Friendship and Nicknames...? (Rated T)


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On 2017-03-02 10:21:37Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Summary: Keiji overreacts to somebody's new hairstyle in the Academy...
Note: This a side story to Crimson Fist and his (Lack of a) Love Life :P There’s a whole bunch of poorly written humor in here And Keiji is now the main character… too much Midnight Blade *puts head in hands* Also too many of my fanfics floating around the forums o.o
Midnight Blade: Keiji
Scarlet Blaze: Ryo
Breeze Dancer: Yumeko
Azure Fang: Kisaki
Crimson Fist: Iwao --- It was a bright, sunny day outside in Konoha. It usually was, in fact. The grass couldn’t get any greener, the air couldn’t get fresher. There was nothing unusual going on as Keiji strolled to the academy. Well, Naruto waved at him unexpectedly when he reached the Academy doors, but that’s beside the point. He was probably setting up another prank that Keiji should probably prevent from happening (but he didn’t; it was strangely exhilarating to watch others fall victim to Naruto’s ingenious traps). When Naruto got to the Academy early, you knew something was up. Keiji gave a small wave back (which even shocked himself) and entered the building. And quickly backed out, gasping for breath. Oh gods no. THOSE SPIKES. “What’s wrong?” Ryo poked his head out of the door with those horrifying spikes no no no get them away from me— “Nothing. Go back into the room.” “Yes, nothing. You’re curled up into a ball… why are you staring at me like I’m some sort of horrible creature?” Ryo crept a little closer. “GO AWAY!” Keiji screamed, burying his face into his arms. “Um, clearly you’re not feeling well, can I take you to the hospital—” “STOP! STAY AWAY FROM ME!” Keiji gasped. Ryo held his hands up. “Mm, okay…” Keiji stood himself up shakily. “PIKEHEAD!” he exclaimed, an irritated look on his face. Ryo froze in shock. Pikehead…? Oh. Oh ho ho… Ryo snickered in realization. “Where’s your stone face now, Keiwaii-chan?” “GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Keiji turned pale white and fainted on the spot.Ryo stared at Keiji in shock. Sis, exactly how much did you terrorize Keiji...?--- A few hours later “Keiji, stop pretending to be asleeeeep~!” Kisaki whined, poking Keiji’s unconscious body. Keiji shuddered under the hospital covers. “…the spikes…” Kisaki massaged her temple in frustration. Yumeko, I SWEAR… “Dear lord.” Iwao sighed. “I wonder what happened to him.” He’d been there for a few hours to accompany Kisaki in the hospital, who refused to go back to the Academy. Iwao was also forced to carry Keiji to the hospital when Kisaki stumbled upon Ryo unsuccessfully trying to drag Keiji there. Ryo’d gotten very close, but he wasn’t quite strong enough. At that moment, Ryo poked his head into the room. “Is he awake?” Kisaki pouted. “He won’t get OUT of BED!” “Hmmm…” It was then that Ryo got another of his dastardly plans. He might look innocent, but anyone who knew him could tell that he’s always plotting something. Kisaki and Iwao sensed the foreboding danger in the air. “Ryo, don’t you dare…” Iwao warned. “Calm down, Ryo…” Kisaki added. Ryo grinned this creepy smile that he sometimes got. “Hey, Kisaki~” Keiji slightly stirred under the covers. Oh god Yumeko’s here?! Iwao looked very su*ious of Ryo’s actions. Partly because of his, um, fancy for Kisaki. And her safety. Of course. Kisaki looked at Ryo with this horrified expression on her face, like she knew what was going to happen. Was that Yumeko’s voice that just came out of his mouth?! “You’re looking especially pretty today~!” Ryo sang, still imitating his sister. Kisaki had this dumbfounded look on her face. A guy is complementing me… but it’s actually a girl… No, it’s not… What? Iwao’s face grew dark and stormy. Keiji shot out of bed. “Yumeko, don’t you dare--! Ryo?” He paused. Ryo hummed in his sister’s voice. “That’s me~!” Keiji pulled out his katana. “PIKEHEAD!” “Oh look, your stone face cracked again.” Ryo’s actual voice came back as he grinned innocently. “And you’re awake!” Keiji was not amused. He unsheathed his katana, murderous intent oozing out of him. Everyone else in the room took a step back. “Did someone call me~?” Yumeko herself burst into the room, shocking everyone in the room. She plucked Keiji’s katana out of his hand nonchalantly and latched onto his arm. “How’re you doing? You feeling any better, Keiwaii-chan?” Yumeko purred. Keiji’s face turned blue with horror. He promptly fell backwards as Ryo tried to stifle a laugh.---“…And that’s why I call Ryo pikehead,” Keiji mumbled. Gosh darn it, they could’ve picked a different question…The truth and dare game involving the genins had developed into a game where everyone had to tell a story about the most humiliating story in their lives. If anyone backed out, they’d have their head shaved bald.Keiji was pretty sure Ryo was contemplating the prospect. Ryo probably wouldn’t even mind being bald (for a short time).
As expected, everyone else was cracking up. Well, Ryo and Yumeko had these grins that screamed, Yep, we dunnit. That was caused by US. And we’re proud of it.
Note: Keiwaii-chan is Yumeko’s ridiculous nickname for Keiji XDIt's Keiji and the word kawaii put together, so...
This post was last edited by MisakiFuuji at 2017-3-2 10:24 This post was last edited by MisakiFuuji at 2017-3-2 12:12 This post was last edited by MisakiFuuji at 2017-3-2 13:59
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-02 10:28:00Show this Author Only
Lol loved this
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On 2017-03-02 12:11:53Show this Author Only
  • Aisetra On 2017-03-02 10:28:00
  • Lol loved this
lol, I'll recap the names xD Thanks for the tip
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-02 21:23:23Show this Author Only
Lmao the story is so funny for me xD
Love your story <:3_59:>
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On 2017-03-03 05:33:29Show this Author Only
  • MisakiFuuji On 2017-03-02 12:11:53
  • lol, I'll recap the names xD Thanks for the tip
No problem :)
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On 2017-03-03 05:51:55Show this Author Only
  • KaHa104 On 2017-03-02 21:23:23
  • Lmao the story is so funny for me xD
    Love your story <:3_59:>

I felt really awkward when I had Keiji scream his lungs out, but then I was laughing so hard inwardly... xD
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-04 23:11:05Show this Author Only
This is really fun to read! XD

Just one question, I guess when Ryo mentioned 'how much did sis terrorize Keiji", Sis must mean Yumeko right?

Then is Yumeko also related to Ryo like how Iwao is related to her?
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On 2017-03-04 23:30:55Show this Author Only
  • Umi_Kumo On 2017-03-04 23:11:05
  • This is really fun to read! XD

    Just one question, I guess when Ryo mentioned 'how much did sis terrorize Keiji", Sis must mean Yumeko right?

    Then is Yumeko also related to Ryo like how Iwao is related to her?
Iwao isn't related to Yumeko... *sweatdrop*
Yumeko and Ryo are related, but I think they'd be more like half-siblings
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-04 23:56:09Show this Author Only
  • MisakiFuuji On 2017-03-04 23:30:55
  • Iwao isn't related to Yumeko... *sweatdrop*
    Yumeko and Ryo are related, but I think they'd be more like half-siblings
Ah crap, I messed up! <:3_54:>
My bad, thanks for clarifying anyways!
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On 2017-03-05 03:34:48Show this Author Only
  • Umi_Kumo On 2017-03-04 23:56:09
  • Ah crap, I messed up! <:3_54:>
    My bad, thanks for clarifying anyways!
It's really not a problem xD
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-30 09:20:00Show this Author Only
I find this story really hilarious!! XD Especially the part when Scarlet was called Pikehead!
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On 2017-03-30 10:17:34Show this Author Only
  • Yuriko-Hime On 2017-03-30 09:20:00
  • I find this story really hilarious!! XD Especially the part when Scarlet was called Pikehead!
Thank you :P The nickname just came to me instantly; it was perfect for Scarlet
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On 2017-03-30 19:33:20Show this Author Only
XD seriously...xD
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On 2017-04-07 20:06:35Show this Author Only
I cannot believe I have just seen this now! Lel, MidnightxBreeze. Poor Crimson, he always lonely.
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On 2017-04-09 11:08:13Show this Author Only
  • Naked Snake On 2017-04-07 20:06:35
  • I cannot believe I have just seen this now! Lel, MidnightxBreeze. Poor Crimson, he always lonely.
lol, this is just a side story xD and the MidBreeze is very... uh... *cough* onesided
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On 2017-04-18 11:42:30Show this Author Only
*pops head in*
Did somebody say poorly written humour?
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On 2017-04-18 11:47:27Show this Author Only
  • No Way Jose On 2017-04-18 11:42:30
  • *pops head in*
    Did somebody say poorly written humour?
:o they did
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On 2017-04-18 11:57:15Show this Author Only
  • MisakiFuuji On 2017-04-18 11:47:27
  • :o they did
XD Just read the full thing, I COULD NOT STOP squeeing and laughing 'til my innards exploded out of my eyeball sockets! (I got better)
Ah, schadenfreude ♥ ... :D :D :D
<:3_62:> :lol ;P :lol <:3_62:>

10 out of 10, that... that was a true masterpiece. Will you be writing more? PLEASE TELL ME YOU'LL BE WRITING MORE! :D
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I kept thinking pikehead was 'pii-keh-hed'
I just had this image of pikachu in my head, and I thought, "Well that's ironic since you are the lightning type..." :lol

There was something else... Oh! At the end, I thought they were saying that it was caused by the U.S.
Trump did something again, didn't he? XD

I'm sorry, I've got bad eyes, AND ears. Or so they tell me...
This post was last edited by Goat_Kiddie911 at 2017-4-18 12:03
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-18 12:38:04Show this Author Only
  • No Way Jose On 2017-04-18 11:57:15
  • XD Just read the full thing, I COULD NOT STOP squeeing and laughing 'til my innards exploded out of my eyeball sockets! (I got better)
    Ah, schadenfreude ♥ ... :D :D :D
    <:3_62:> :lol ;P :lol <:3_62:>

    10 out of 10, that... that was a true masterpiece. Will you be writing more? PLEASE TELL ME YOU'LL BE WRITING MORE! :D
    Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I kept thinking pikehead was 'pii-keh-hed'
    I just had this image of pikachu in my head, and I thought, "Well that's ironic since you are the lightning type..." :lol

    There was something else... Oh! At the end, I thought they were saying that it was caused by the U.S.
    Trump did something again, didn't he? XD

    I'm sorry, I've got bad eyes, AND ears. Or so they tell me...
    This post was last edited by Goat_Kiddie911 at 2017-4-18 12:03
Well, I'm glad I made someone laugh so much xD and thank you for liking my cringy sidestory
Unfortunately, I finished the short series this sidestory goes to :/ but I can try to write more humor in the future
The pikachu and Trump references were not intended <:3_60:> not at all... lol
And I can relate, my vision is so bad...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-18 13:44:32Show this Author Only
  • MisakiFuuji On 2017-04-18 12:38:04
  • Well, I'm glad I made someone laugh so much xD and thank you for liking my cringy sidestory
    Unfortunately, I finished the short series this sidestory goes to :/ but I can try to write more humor in the future
    The pikachu and Trump references were not intended <:3_60:> not at all... lol
    And I can relate, my vision is so bad...
Haha, oh well. It was really good, and as all good things, must one day come to it's unfortunate demise. :dizzy:
RIP Friendship and Nicknames, and may a flight of winged angels sing thee to thy rest. Amen...

(I'm not Christian, so I dunno if I did that right)
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