Well, here we are once more. Another thread regarding this, but with even MORE controversary, I didn't think it was possible, but boy oh boy, it is!
So lets examine some examples shall we? Lets have a look at the in game text that reads about it.
Now in picture 1, we see the in game arena rewards, if you look all the way at the bottom, number 2, it only says that you're reset if you reach six paths, nothing about each season.
But now we're being told that we are regardless? Please, tell me how that is an okay thing to do.
This second picture is explaining that we basically just have to accept it, and we yet again, get told "Sorry"
How many times are we going to be fed that after mistake after mistake after mistake?
Stop force feeding us this lame excuse.
And then the 3rd image, ANOTHER moderator and all, using multiple example and even stating that we WONT be reset each time.
But yet, all we get is a "Sorry for the inconvience and confusion"
That right there is a bunch of bull*. And this is from someone who has reached Six Paths, so im not some hater.
Im someone who wants transparency.
Every time a big mistake like this occurs, we're just given the same line of "We're sorry"
Its unacceptable.
Small edit:
I also find it funny, in this 4th image, which is ALMOST the same as one i have already on here, but its NOW edited to the new "information" we're presented with, nice damage control there.
This post was last edited by AhMazeln at 2017-3-1 13:50