Sorry for the Bad English
Im TIRED of the Cheating/Exploiting.Im not sure if u are aware of it,been doin it,or just dont care enough since its been goin on awhile,but im Tired of it and something needs.To be Done Now causes its CHEATING,at least to me it is
1.Some people have alts.Thats a Fact
2.Some People have other people accounts ,of people that quit the game that they can accsess and play.Thats a Fact
3.They then use these accounts to do Convoy,and use there Mains or have other people they know plunder it
Let's Pretend that server merges don't exist in your Game, Lets also pretend, that the Avg POP Per Server is 125
Players per Server. You Allow 50/125 which is 40% the option to plunder.
50 people To plunder is a FACT, What is Fake is the Avg Pop per Server which is not 125 per Server, I'm Guessing its much lower than that,
cause if that where the case people would not be on here Begging You to MERGE there Server.
I Don't want any Mod to come on here and Comment. All I want is for you to send this to the DeVs, so they can Read
And do the Math on how they think Having 50, that's FIFTY players Per Server Dividend by the Avg player per Server the option to plunder/Cheating
People Loot there Alts due to Low Server POP,cause to many people are allow to loot
Suggestions to make it better
1. Top 20 in power Or top 20 in Rank Battle based on 5am Reset so there no flip flopping of rank
2. Reduce the time limit from 3 hours per to 1 hour each time.3 hours is way to long,and way to much time for people to cheat
3. Make it top 20 Rank battle. Rank Battle is pointless and the only time I do it causes of Dumb Monthly Event,
if u did this people would pay more Attention to it and u would Add an element that would make the game more Fun
4.50 people is WAY to many people, plz Keep that 50 in your mind, when u look at Server Avg player base
5.Enforce your alt rules during that 6 hour time frame,tho not sure how u could which is why a reduce in time is better