1st issue is hero balancing - its only going to make people tired of the game because they cant play the hero they want there stuck with meta , in saying this you over nerf 1 charicter and over buff another .
2nd issue is more servers - instead of making more servers why not make more events , make it more interactive , stop going for the cash grab because 70% of the servers are dead and you just keep making new ones to make money. well all these people that have paid money will leave aswell cause there no challenge any more , the biggest base you lose are the P2w players who are simply bored cause theres no interation in events , this cash grab style of *build more servers* you guys do has killed more games then helped look at there record, fact you will make more money keeping your current player base then new people joining and getting stomped by the older players,
3rd issue very slow response rate from Mods - this one speaks for it self but this game management is terrible and the CS support will try and worm there way out of any situation before trying to solve your issue. its bad for business and its caused a few of my friends to leave. And ignoring feedback is a huge issue aswell.
4th issue Matsuri challange - a level 67 only getting level 85 players , this happends every Matsuri i have 3 accounts, 2 level 85 and 1 level 55 , on my level 85 accounts i nearl always get level 60 players the lowest at 1 points was 45 and on my 55 account i have faced countless level 85s , where is the balance in this system this is going to cause the low level players to leave and the higher level players to get bored and eventually leave , solution .......make sure you only get people 1-3 levels higher or lower than you , gives everybody a fighting chance.
5th issue arena - win 1 lose 1 you will go nowere , maybe a reward system for getting high winstreaks like a extra star , hearthstone has this in the bag 2 win streak get a extra star each win after , lose 1 game only lose 1 star and also lose the win streak bonus , soooo many people earnt even going to bother with arena cause it feels like 1 win 1 loss went no were whats the point. i have more points to put in but this is all its letting me do