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[ Suggestions ] A merge done by the people.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-21 01:22:05Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello everyone ,

It's me HarunoOwari your favorite merge complainer on the forum.

No this time it's not a complain but a suggestion . I suggested in the past that a oasis employer or a volunteer should go from server to server to ask them if they need merge and what servers near them they would want to be merged with as to make it more balanced for everyone. Well , today after seeing the new merge thread disheartened my server is still not on the list for merge i decided to go the 2 servers closest to my server is terms of top 10 powers.
Server 280 and 287 were the servers i found out that weren't out of the league of the players from my server still a bit stronger than my people wanted but no other choice ( my top 10 player has 22k power while the top 10 on those servers is 26-27k ). I had a few discussions with the leaders of the groups from those servers and asked them if they server would be in favor of a merge ? after they explained to me that a merge would be very welcome and that they actually need it too i came up with the idea to make a petition to oasis to ask for the merge of our 3 servers . Seeing as oasis despite always saying they care about the community and are open to suggestion they always ignored most of the suggestions and ignored the community . Oh well i still believed it's best to ask the community what they think of a merge between the 3 servers so i went from server to server and asked every person i saw online what they thought about a potential merge and screenshotted it and made an imgur album with their responses.

This right here is the imgur album in question it has 50 different people having a positive response to my merge question. If you count my own opinion it's 51 and i will add more people to the album the more people i find online so the number will go higher.

If oasis will ignore this attempt at helping them will deciding which servers to merge they are lying about saying they always take into consideration of what players propuse and are open to new ideas. The merge will benefit all 3 servers and most players asked were in favor of it. It's the community speaking . We want a merge and we want it between our 3 servers.

I tried my best today and lost 6-7 hours trying to get list done as there weren't many people online and that weren't afk or ignoring me because i used a lvl5 account for the other servers that isn't mine. I worked hard to give the community a voice into the merge options as they seem to done without much thought from oasis.

Thank you for reading ,

s276 HarunoOwari

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On 2017-02-21 01:43:29Show this Author Only
We are from server 280 we really need a merge please :)
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On 2017-02-21 05:40:52Show this Author Only
Yeah Merge this
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On 2017-02-21 13:52:14Show this Author Only
Any news about this?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-21 21:03:40Show this Author Only
After being confronted on the issue why i selected those servers for the merge and omitted server 284 , the reason is simply unlike what you think that it's power related because a merge with 284 would me*l top 10 spots will be filled by people from server 284 it's not really that. Server 284 said they aren't looking for merge atm because their server is populated enough. The had 43 people on the last sage world and 50 on the one before that . Now let's look at 276 ... no sage world the last weeks and only 1 sage world the week before and no sage world the week before that wow that's a pretty dead server .ok let see 287 , oh i see some sage world but only 23 and most of them are alts on a sunday? doesn't look good seems like they need merge before it gets too late and they wont have merge too. 280 is the middle man btw 276 and 280 as they are a bit more active than those 2 but out of the 2 servers btw 287 and 276 they are clearly the lower population server 284 being this huge monster having sage world with 2 brackets .
This is why those servers for picked together for a merge . The matching powers is a bonus that just makes it fair .
This message was added as I've seen several complains about why we skip server 284 , servers shouldn't be skipped they should go in order of their release and what not
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-22 13:26:36Show this Author Only

Unfortunately, mergers come from assessments done by our developers. There's a multitude of reasons that go into what servers are selected.
I'll inform them that you suggested a merger between those servers.

Thank you
Quicky Post

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