2017-02-18 23:45:13
How are resources limited to players with a lower power than the strongest player? There is nothing in the game that is limited to any player, regardless of power, save for features that are unlocked by level. We have players that are lower th* in terms of power on our server and they're still able to do all the things we do.
Daily and Weekly missions.
Rank matches.
Plot and Elite instances.
The various events.
Team and Group instances.
Convoys and Plunder.
Capturing summons and ninja.
Eight Inner Gates.
There's probably more to this list, but what, exactly, are they missing out on just because they have lower power? There might be one or two things, sure, but these are hardly restricting anyone from playing or enjoying the game. As I've said, we have players that are lower in power than we are and we make sure they get their TI's done daily, etc.
The only thing that divides the top players and the new players is time. That's it. I started on my own server a little late myself, the top ranks being at least 10 to 15k higher than me in power, and yet I was still able to match and even surpass some in time.
Again, if you want to keep a server full, interactivity between players as well as activity (content), is necessary. If even just one of these things is neglected, it's enough to make people not want to play. People just want people to play with.
Alright, let's imagine a scenerio we are talking about a completely new player in a server with the highest level being 60.
#1, Kyubi, they don't compete fairly, thus a lot lower amount of gold and coupons, therefore limiting resources.
#2, Rank match, even before they reach level 45, they don't stand a chance climbing the rank. Thus, longer in getting shop ninjas.
#3) Sage world, self explanatory, you will get kicked out within seconds, whereas if you start in a new server, you stand on even ground.
#4) Eight inner gates, new players started a lot slower than the rest, therefore weaker runes. Beside, don't forget that they do not get much gold from kyubi by being at the bottom of the board, further limitation on resources.
#5) Other players are already ahead of you in terms of resources already. Time may allow you to surpass stronger player, but how long will it take to catch up to someone who already have high refines and is getting way more resources?
Function may be unlocked by levels, but if you are a new player, would you start and play in a old server? Again, I agree with you that interactivity between players is necessary. However, I believe we are not lacking in content.