Iroku Doi
2017-02-15 17:04:40
thanks for understanding my situation . yes it's really unfortunate that the gap btw dead servers and normal servers widen and when the eventual merge comes boom all people from the dead server quit because it was pointless but it was fun while it lasted.
Funny thing is you can't say servers from 250 are even that new servers when they opened 379 just recently.
I know my server is only 64 days old so it's not really an old server but if the gap between the players on my server and the servers near me widen more i won't bother playing anymore , i mean the top 10 on my server would be 60+ in a merged server . top 30 would be 203 ( if merge happened today btw 273 276 280 today) . My server is * but i don't want my players to suffer either merge us now so the gap doesn't widen or don't merge us ever and make sage be accessible even with 6-7 players online just make it less time the lower the number is
Well what you need to reilise is if Oasis doesn't have a profit in merging the server you are on they will not probably do it in the near future even tho you think you deserve it or need it badly.Spenders are a big part of server atleast in the eyes of Oasis so if you are not lucky af complaining anymore wont probably do you any good.