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[ Events ] The importance of merge for really dead servers.


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On 2017-02-15 14:49:49Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hi everyone ,

You problably know me for my rants about merging servers already but here is another rant but with a bit more juice added to it.

I've seen lately that a lot of people from older servers are complaining that oasis prioritises mid age servers and not their server . Well why is oasis prioritising those servers over yours have you ever thought of that ? One of the persons complaining (won't name him) said his server has "only" active groups ( i checked the server out seems of the groups even has 1500 activity ...) and "only" 40 people take part in sage world , now with such numbers do you really expect your server needing a merge? i mean c'mon there are servers like mine who never get sage world more than 1 time per week and even when we do it's because of alt accounts not because the server is very active on that particular day ( yes more active than the use of 5-6 alt accounts gets us into sage but that doesn't seem like an accomplishment) . You know how many people plunder on my server? a total of 2 people sometimes 3 because there aren't enough people to plunder and those who plunder sometimes risk to end up with only 2 SS plunders because the number of people on the server is a joke. Not to mention matsuri where only the top 3 players get to finish 5 wins and that because of alt accounts .Anyway i shouldn't be talking about my own server here but i went and did it again because i'm so salty for missing another sage world.

Ok now to explain why a dead server needs merge much more than an active older server . By missing sage world , plunders , matsuri the dead server falls behind in resources compared to the servers near them ( for exemple my server and the server who started 2 day before mine , my top 10 player has 20k power and their top 10 player has 28k power which is the power of the top 2 on my server and no their top 10 isn't a casher while my top 2 is ) and when the eventual merge( yes it will happen sooner or later) happens with the servers near them ( we saw recently how servers get merged only with server who started close in date of release not actual power compatibility ) they would fall from being a top 2-3 on their server top 15-20 which means all the money they put it to maintain a top spot on the server would go to waste just because they were unlucky to start on a server who died prematurely.

To list what players from my server for exemple lose per week because they can't attempt certain events and why it gets us more behind every week.
- the top 3 in sage world lose 30 advanced refines and seal scroll because 2 sage worlds don't take place per week ( not sure what the others get who aren't top of their sage world team ) as well as a bunch of points for the shop
- the winning team in sage world loses low refines , 2 summon scrolls per sage world missed , points for summon shop not sure what else because i haven't seen sage world in a while.
- 120 coupons per day because no plunders
- seal scrolls and shop points because no matsuri
and the list goes on

Now taking all of this into account you will see that a gap that gets wider every week happens btw the dead server and the normal servers near them and the more the merge gets delayed the weaker the people on the dead server get compared to their peers on a normal server and the eventual merge would just make them quit because they won't be relevant by the time the merge happens.

I suggest merge should be based on power and how dead a server currently is and not on how old and how near each others the server are. I know i'm sounding selfish because i care more about my situation than the situations of older server but let's face it when your server has more than 2 groups in GNW and gets sage world every day you shouldn't be complaining about merge because u have no competition on your server some servers can't take part in events and you are crying about competition.
This post was last edited by Haru no Owari at 2017-2-15 14:49
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On 2017-02-15 15:08:17Show this Author Only
I think they merge servers based on their assessment on the active level of the servers. Many old servers still have a lot of players active but they just all join into 1 or 2 groups only, which lessens the competition in that server. And those servers want a merge to get more players and more competitions. Because of that Oasis decides to prioritize merging those servers that are literally "dead", like there is literally 5 or 6 active players on those server, instead of focusing on the old servers that want more competition
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On 2017-02-15 15:15:00Show this Author Only
  • ShinjiIkari On 2017-02-15 15:08:17
  • I think they merge servers based on their assessment on the active level of the servers. Many old servers still have a lot of players active but they just all join into 1 or 2 groups only, which lessens the competition in that server. And those servers want a merge to get more players and more competitions. Because of that Oasis decides to prioritize merging those servers that are literally "dead", like there is literally 5 or 6 active players on those server, instead of focusing on the old servers that want more competition
seems to me like you didn't read what i wrote but it's ok
also they aren't prioritizing dead servers take the latest merge for exemple , non of the servers were truly dead they could still do sage world , gnw , plunder and matsuri. they seem to merge based on number of spenders instead of other criterias because they want the spenders to spend on the merge events , a complete joke
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On 2017-02-15 15:55:08Show this Author Only
  • Iroku Doi On 2017-02-15 15:15:00
  • seems to me like you didn't read what i wrote but it's ok
    also they aren't prioritizing dead servers take the latest merge for exemple , non of the servers were truly dead they could still do sage world , gnw , plunder and matsuri. they seem to merge based on number of spenders instead of other criterias because they want the spenders to spend on the merge events , a complete joke
My server is S44 with S48 and S52. S44 being the biggest spender, but it is a high spender server between these 3, possibly why ours got merged over 80+ servers and such.
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On 2017-02-15 16:07:41Show this Author Only
  • AkashaMoka On 2017-02-15 15:55:08
  • My server is S44 with S48 and S52. S44 being the biggest spender, but it is a high spender server between these 3, possibly why ours got merged over 80+ servers and such.
read my post please i mention there than they pick servers close in days to one another 2-4 days difference btw them . Was your server really that much in need for a merge ? or was it that server 44 wanted competition and are spending money so they get their desired merge.
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On 2017-02-15 16:27:59Show this Author Only
  • Iroku Doi On 2017-02-15 16:07:41
  • read my post please i mention there than they pick servers close in days to one another 2-4 days difference btw them . Was your server really that much in need for a merge ? or was it that server 44 wanted competition and are spending money so they get their desired merge.
My server was 3 weeks older than S52. Not sure about S48 but it was not few days. I mean our server was getting bad, wasn't like no sage world or anything bad, but I believe within 1-2 months without a merge we'd be there. Well we have 4 big p2w spenders, while only S52 only has 1 big spender. Could be cause we just had enough spenders and they looked into us. We probably aren't the only servers with plenty of big spenders, but no merges.
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On 2017-02-15 16:44:44Show this Author Only
  • AkashaMoka On 2017-02-15 16:27:59
  • My server was 3 weeks older than S52. Not sure about S48 but it was not few days. I mean our server was getting bad, wasn't like no sage world or anything bad, but I believe within 1-2 months without a merge we'd be there. Well we have 4 big p2w spenders, while only S52 only has 1 big spender. Could be cause we just had enough spenders and they looked into us. We probably aren't the only servers with plenty of big spenders, but no merges.
didn't know that they used to have a wider gap btw server releases than they do now where its 2 days btw servers like it was with my server 2 months ago 273 is 2 days older than my server but the difference is like night and day ...
Still you are saying you had sage world and all that so why do you think merge was more necessary for you than servers like 256 for example ( my server is 276 btw ) which doesnt even have enough activity rate to go to GNW with 1 single group .
I don't understand the merge priorities except the common line that merged servers have big spenders like the server kaizer was on for exemple it was nowhere near in need of merge and neither were the 2 servers his server got merged with . all were very popular servers so why did the merge happen ? because all had big spenders that's why.
Why not prioritize servers who need the merge more? also do it in a way its balanced not like the recent 163 166 169 merge fiasco. Tell me if you didn't have sage world for a few months and then got merged with a server who did and u go from top 1 to top 20+ would u still play?
the top 1 ( now top 3 on my server) quit 16 days ago because of the lack of sage world and not being able to plunder without losing 6 hours refreshing and he was a decent sized casher 900$+ . the now top 2 on my server if merged today would be top 10-15 in a merge with any of the close servers near us and he spent 1200$ ( he didn't spend them wisely as it was his first server though) . you think he would still play and spend if he got put into top 20 ( because the gap btw servers grows coz we can't do events other can) after a merge in a month or 2 ? he paid a lot of money to be top 2 and all of that would be wasted because a unreasonable timed merge. I'm top 1 on the server with just 80$ total but there is a big difference btw me and top players from other servers because f2p on servers near me have more power than me . Not to mention i can't finish the fateful encounter event until very late into the day and i'm basically always online simply because no one is on the server to do it with .
I know i'm ranting for nothing but me and the other people in top 5 ( 4 players coz 1 already quit ) will probably quit the game soon if nothings changes
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On 2017-02-15 16:53:05Show this Author Only
  • Iroku Doi On 2017-02-15 16:44:44
  • didn't know that they used to have a wider gap btw server releases than they do now where its 2 days btw servers like it was with my server 2 months ago 273 is 2 days older than my server but the difference is like night and day ...
    Still you are saying you had sage world and all that so why do you think merge was more necessary for you than servers like 256 for example ( my server is 276 btw ) which doesnt even have enough activity rate to go to GNW with 1 single group .
    I don't understand the merge priorities except the common line that merged servers have big spenders like the server kaizer was on for exemple it was nowhere near in need of merge and neither were the 2 servers his server got merged with . all were very popular servers so why did the merge happen ? because all had big spenders that's why.
    Why not prioritize servers who need the merge more? also do it in a way its balanced not like the recent 163 166 169 merge fiasco. Tell me if you didn't have sage world for a few months and then got merged with a server who did and u go from top 1 to top 20+ would u still play?
    the top 1 ( now top 3 on my server) quit 16 days ago because of the lack of sage world and not being able to plunder without losing 6 hours refreshing and he was a decent sized casher 900$+ . the now top 2 on my server if merged today would be top 10-15 in a merge with any of the close servers near us and he spent 1200$ ( he didn't spend them wisely as it was his first server though) . you think he would still play and spend if he got put into top 20 ( because the gap btw servers grows coz we can't do events other can) after a merge in a month or 2 ? he paid a lot of money to be top 2 and all of that would be wasted because a unreasonable timed merge. I'm top 1 on the server with just 80$ total but there is a big difference btw me and top players from other servers because f2p on servers near me have more power than me . Not to mention i can't finish the fateful encounter event until very late into the day and i'm basically always online simply because no one is on the server to do it with .
    I know i'm ranting for nothing but me and the other people in top 5 ( 4 players coz 1 already quit ) will probably quit the game soon if nothings changes
Yeah, it seems to be an unfortunate event where they look out for the spenders and not for the semi-spenders. The one issue I have with servers like yours, is they are very late into the gaming. I've looked at some 250+ servers and they are pretty dead and depressing. It's something you'd expect if you look in the forums, and if not, it is wise to make sure and check because you're thinking of spending and little do you know, could be a waste since you might lose out on events. My server was booming at the start for 1-2 months. During late October it has been pluming down, but like I mentioned, we have big spenders including myself.

To answer if I would quit if I was top 20, well not sure exactly. When I did play and spent maybe 200$ at the best I was like 11th best on my server at the time. I guess it didn't really bother me cause I played how I wanted to which was collecting ninjas and power up there and there. If I wanted to be top 1-2 for several months from now I should/could of avoided the tendo treasure and saved seals for Kage. Still cool to have tendo and hashirama as ninjas.

In the end, they most likely check all servers that are undergoing issues with inactivity and such, BUT they most likely look at who's their bigger spender. If this wasn't the case, they'd look at you guys first, not us. This post was last edited by AkashaMoka at 2017-2-15 16:55 This post was last edited by AkashaMoka at 2017-2-15 16:55
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On 2017-02-15 17:04:40Show this Author Only
  • AkashaMoka On 2017-02-15 16:53:05
  • Yeah, it seems to be an unfortunate event where they look out for the spenders and not for the semi-spenders. The one issue I have with servers like yours, is they are very late into the gaming. I've looked at some 250+ servers and they are pretty dead and depressing. It's something you'd expect if you look in the forums, and if not, it is wise to make sure and check because you're thinking of spending and little do you know, could be a waste since you might lose out on events. My server was booming at the start for 1-2 months. During late October it has been pluming down, but like I mentioned, we have big spenders including myself.

    To answer if I would quit if I was top 20, well not sure exactly. When I did play and spent maybe 200$ at the best I was like 11th best on my server at the time. I guess it didn't really bother me cause I played how I wanted to which was collecting ninjas and power up there and there. If I wanted to be top 1-2 for several months from now I should/could of avoided the tendo treasure and saved seals for Kage. Still cool to have tendo and hashirama as ninjas.

    In the end, they most likely check all servers that are undergoing issues with inactivity and such, BUT they most likely look at who's their bigger spender. If this wasn't the case, they'd look at you guys first, not us. This post was last edited by AkashaMoka at 2017-2-15 16:55 This post was last edited by AkashaMoka at 2017-2-15 16:55
thanks for understanding my situation . yes it's really unfortunate that the gap btw dead servers and normal servers widen and when the eventual merge comes boom all people from the dead server quit because it was pointless but it was fun while it lasted.
Funny thing is you can't say servers from 250 are even that new servers when they opened 379 just recently.
I know my server is only 64 days old so it's not really an old server but if the gap between the players on my server and the servers near me widen more i won't bother playing anymore , i mean the top 10 on my server would be 60+ in a merged server . top 30 would be 203 ( if merge happened today btw 273 276 280 today) . My server is * but i don't want my players to suffer either merge us now so the gap doesn't widen or don't merge us ever and make sage be accessible even with 6-7 players online just make it less time the lower the number is
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On 2017-02-15 17:12:33Show this Author Only
  • Iroku Doi On 2017-02-15 17:04:40
  • thanks for understanding my situation . yes it's really unfortunate that the gap btw dead servers and normal servers widen and when the eventual merge comes boom all people from the dead server quit because it was pointless but it was fun while it lasted.
    Funny thing is you can't say servers from 250 are even that new servers when they opened 379 just recently.
    I know my server is only 64 days old so it's not really an old server but if the gap between the players on my server and the servers near me widen more i won't bother playing anymore , i mean the top 10 on my server would be 60+ in a merged server . top 30 would be 203 ( if merge happened today btw 273 276 280 today) . My server is * but i don't want my players to suffer either merge us now so the gap doesn't widen or don't merge us ever and make sage be accessible even with 6-7 players online just make it less time the lower the number is
I am sure if they wanted to, they could equally find servers with similar power. Or merge with newer servers. The business model is if they see spenders and merge with bigger spenders, they believe the smaller spenders will spend more. The action does not take place like that as people actually quit. When our servers merged about 3-4 38k+ players quit. This was the first week of December and by now they'd prob be 50k+ or higher. A guy had tendo, so he spent quite a bit, but he quit the same week. Now they lost money because spenders like those are gone. Sure they still have us, but they don't have the others. It's a lose-lose for the company thinking people will go out of their budget range for a game.
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On 2017-02-15 17:39:30Show this Author Only
  • Iroku Doi On 2017-02-15 17:04:40
  • thanks for understanding my situation . yes it's really unfortunate that the gap btw dead servers and normal servers widen and when the eventual merge comes boom all people from the dead server quit because it was pointless but it was fun while it lasted.
    Funny thing is you can't say servers from 250 are even that new servers when they opened 379 just recently.
    I know my server is only 64 days old so it's not really an old server but if the gap between the players on my server and the servers near me widen more i won't bother playing anymore , i mean the top 10 on my server would be 60+ in a merged server . top 30 would be 203 ( if merge happened today btw 273 276 280 today) . My server is * but i don't want my players to suffer either merge us now so the gap doesn't widen or don't merge us ever and make sage be accessible even with 6-7 players online just make it less time the lower the number is
Well what you need to reilise is if Oasis doesn't have a profit in merging the server you are on they will not probably do it in the near future even tho you think you deserve it or need it badly.Spenders are a big part of server atleast in the eyes of Oasis so if you are not lucky af complaining anymore wont probably do you any good.
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On 2017-02-15 17:41:47Show this Author Only
I agree.
and I'm sure each prior to the merger, they will almost certainly check the server beforehand, to incorporate the nearest server that just like 100 120 130 150 180 190. I'm sure they do the 100, 120, and 130, 150, 180, and 190. although servers 100 and 180 have a balanced power they will remain separate. it's like they just merge arbitrarily.

certainly for servers that have low power merekas will only feel intimidated.

Now on my server after the merger, three people left us, did not know for a few days or a few weeks later.

just hope they fix that and no one will ppl leaving us again
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On 2017-02-15 17:45:45Show this Author Only
  • AkashaMoka On 2017-02-15 16:27:59
  • My server was 3 weeks older than S52. Not sure about S48 but it was not few days. I mean our server was getting bad, wasn't like no sage world or anything bad, but I believe within 1-2 months without a merge we'd be there. Well we have 4 big p2w spenders, while only S52 only has 1 big spender. Could be cause we just had enough spenders and they looked into us. We probably aren't the only servers with plenty of big spenders, but no merges.
old or new its not matter. all have 80 - 85 now.
lvl its really not matter. try seeing power, if someone have 90k and from other server just have 60k its just giving to low power a joke
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On 2017-02-15 18:04:12Show this Author Only
  • Blackami974 On 2017-02-15 17:39:30
  • Well what you need to reilise is if Oasis doesn't have a profit in merging the server you are on they will not probably do it in the near future even tho you think you deserve it or need it badly.Spenders are a big part of server atleast in the eyes of Oasis so if you are not lucky af complaining anymore wont probably do you any good.
Oh they understand, but it's *ty practice regardless. Stop forcing out servers then and keep a low amount. Oh server doesn't have 2000$ spenders? No we can't merge that just yet.
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On 2017-02-15 18:15:25Show this Author Only
  • AkashaMoka On 2017-02-15 18:04:12
  • Oh they understand, but it's *ty practice regardless. Stop forcing out servers then and keep a low amount. Oh server doesn't have 2000$ spenders? No we can't merge that just yet.
Ofc it is instead of putting out like 1 server per region per month so there will be actually hyped about it they put out tons bcs of profit but hey browser game what can you expect right :D
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On 2017-02-15 18:17:05Show this Author Only
  • Blackami974 On 2017-02-15 17:39:30
  • Well what you need to reilise is if Oasis doesn't have a profit in merging the server you are on they will not probably do it in the near future even tho you think you deserve it or need it badly.Spenders are a big part of server atleast in the eyes of Oasis so if you are not lucky af complaining anymore wont probably do you any good.
the spenders on my server quit because they couldn't do sage world so of course there won't be spenders left if everyone quits because they are getting ignored and can't enjoy the game to it's fullest
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On 2017-02-15 19:06:34Show this Author Only
  • Blackami974 On 2017-02-15 18:15:25
  • Ofc it is instead of putting out like 1 server per region per month so there will be actually hyped about it they put out tons bcs of profit but hey browser game what can you expect right :D
i expect fair treatment regardless how much i paid because i paid for the service or at least say it outright that the prefer servers who have bigger spenders over lower paying ones not act like they want the best interest for the community , all their care about is their pockets and nothing else .
Hell i even said in another thread that i would volunteer to check the power lvls of the servers to make merging as an enjoyable experience as possible for all servers involved but guess what the thread got locked (the 163 , 166 ,169 complain thread the first one not the current one)
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On 2017-02-16 00:54:32Show this Author Only
I feel disheartened when I see a lot of complaints about server mergers. Personally, I'd be very happy to be in those servers.

I'm on a server with only 12 players at most during sage sign up time, clones included. I wish sage can even happen once a week.

Can't even get enough people to show up at GNW (which is just show up for free bags) to hand out hero gift packs...

Servers in far better conditions than mine get merged, yet they complain?:@
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On 2017-02-16 01:00:32Show this Author Only
  • IamAscrub On 2017-02-16 00:54:32
  • I feel disheartened when I see a lot of complaints about server mergers. Personally, I'd be very happy to be in those servers.

    I'm on a server with only 12 players at most during sage sign up time, clones included. I wish sage can even happen once a week.

    Can't even get enough people to show up at GNW (which is just show up for free bags) to hand out hero gift packs...

    Servers in far better conditions than mine get merged, yet they complain?:@
i know right? i mention your server if you read my post as being the one server who needs it the most and that people from decent sized servers complain because they dont have "competition". i couldn't care less about their competition i just want to be able to take part in all available events but it seems like that is asking too much if you aren't spending 3k $ per month
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On 2017-02-16 01:43:26Show this Author Only
I thought you were mentioning a different server since... sage doesn't happen any day at all for over 3 weeks now; with zero chance of it ever happening again without a merger.
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