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[ Help ] My Team Will Never Let Naruto Attack


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-12 11:03:09Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I have the 2 star Naruto, with Rasengan as his Ninjutsu, but no matter what I do, my team will never let him attack with his Ninjutsu when its our turn. The game waits for the enemy to take their turn and if Naruto ends up living (which he usually doesn't) then he'll use his Rasengan attack. I've tried putting him in first position to attack first and I've tried moving him into other positions, but they still make Naruto wait 2 turns to attack, while the rest of my team attacks fine. I didn't always have this problem, but within the past few days, it popped up and I can't fix it. Please help me figure this out, it keeps making me lose plot and elite instances and its starting to get really hectic and annoying. I can't progress because Naruto keeps dying while he's unable to do anything for 2 whole turns.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-12 23:42:42Show this Author Only
2 star naruto's mystery is not prompt, that means its just replacing his standart attack this turn, if you use it after naruto already attacked that turn it will wait till naruto attacks the turn after This post was last edited by Syldor at 2017-2-12 23:44
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-13 01:00:25Show this Author Only
  • Syldor On 2017-02-12 23:42:42
  • 2 star naruto's mystery is not prompt, that means its just replacing his standart attack this turn, if you use it after naruto already attacked that turn it will wait till naruto attacks the turn after This post was last edited by Syldor at 2017-2-12 23:44
But, that's the thing, I press it as soon as the turn begins and it skips him entirely until after the enemy attacks again. 3 star Kakashi is placed last and he always moves before Naruto, before me even. My character (2 star) is placed second and Kakashi skips me too. I used to make 2 star Naruto & 2 star Sasuke attack together, but Sasuke will attack and Naruto won't. Do you know a way to try and fix it?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-13 01:08:30Show this Author Only
some time ninjas well attack first no matter what you do its from the game like in ninja exam and plot or even in SA
This post was last edited by zin*** at 2017-2-13 01:09
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-13 02:00:48Show this Author Only
2 star sasuke has a prompt mystery so he goes before all standart attacks
is your naruto blinded? bc that is the only reason for him not attacking in that turn
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-17 00:45:48Show this Author Only
  • Syldor On 2017-02-13 02:00:48
  • 2 star sasuke has a prompt mystery so he goes before all standart attacks
    is your naruto blinded? bc that is the only reason for him not attacking in that turn
I don't think he is, but someone else told me to upgrade him to 3 star and the problem will be fixed, so I'm going to try that.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-17 01:56:39Show this Author Only
blind doesn't affect casting of non-prompt skill.

Just to be clear, what do you mean "our turn" "enemy attack again" and such.
Know that a ROUND is defined by when the Chakra regenerates, within which there are many "turns" of action, where prompt mystery always take priority, then it's normal attacks by your characters (which non-prompt mystery take place in) and clone attacks (if any). Your description is vague enough that I'm not sure if you understand what prompt/non-prompt is nor what you say is what most of us think you say.

Please give a detailed play by play description of a full round in which you attempt to use naruto's mystery until it is actually used, including any normal attacks made by any character.
Quicky Post

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