Gnw Team Edit
Sage Naruto Can Be Used In This Lineup
*Make Sure all 3 teams have this to be most effective*
Round one: Do nothing and hope your mabui is alive.
Round two: Mabui Mystery to Immobile someone who is using a mystery. Sage naruto Mystery on one opponent team, make sure you tell you teammates to blast down one dudes team. After That KK Gaara Mystery. Dance Of Impetus.
Round 3: Repeat round two except the dance of impetus. Everyone should either be dead or close do death.
Not the best at detailed guides so you may not understand what to do.
Also this team hasnt been tested with 4 tails. I would do it but im 2 lazy :P.
This post was last edited by xpwnagexlucario at 2017-2-22 14:15
This post was last edited by xpwnagexlucario at 2017-2-22 14:15