I wanted to survive and deal the maximum dmg that i could do so there u go:
First round control neji with shikamaru (if u have high enough initiative it will work, i had all the gears on him at lvl 2 refinement), after shikamaru controled neji activate hinata skill, if u don t combo lee or neji first round retreat.
The second round start with lighting mistery on Guy (to immobile him with shikamaru), this round they will not combo your team so you should be able to survive.
Third round go with sasuke mistery on tenten (Both, sasuke and MB do more dmg to earth ninjas so neji and lee should be dead by now )
From now on do whater u can to win. Sorry for my broken english(it is my second leanguage and i * at it), i hope u guys will understand what I wrote.