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[ Bugs ] Survival trial bug (rig?) + instacast ninjas


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-06 14:52:50Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So i'm in survival trial fighting from the day1 this game was released. Long enough to notice some (un)intentional things that happen.
1. what could be a "rig" :

i was playing fire main for a long time. when i did, the meta was fire main, tobi, hinata, and something of the players choosing (kakashi, kankuro, sasuke, whatever). Interesting thing is - in survival, nearly 100% of the enemy teams haven't used hinata. Instead, nearly all the teams were lightning with roots (even when that setup wasn't the meta), but the root was the "thing" because it perfectly countered all those poisons/sleeps/mirrors/ignites.

Ok, i'm thinking, well, people are using that.

Next, i'm playing water main, the same thing happened. Kiba, water main, hinata, sasuke, nice poison/fire team. But completely innefective against root teams (that even then, wasn't MB, jugo, sasuke, kimi).

Ok, i'm thinking, people are using that. But with a bit of doubt, how is it possible to nearly all teams to have the same setups.

Now, i'm playing lightning osoi osoi.

And look the wonder. Nearly any team is any main with hinata in front. now i check all those players - and they don't even have hinata's in their primary setups. I dunno when i even saw hinata in any fights, arenas, sagewars, gnw's, except maybe 2-3 people using her. Which brings us to the "bug" part.

The team is composed of hinata (1st position), tobi, random 3rd and random 4th main. the battle starts with enemy tobi using his mistery, giving 20 chakra, and then hinata instacast, without even showing the icon for casting her shield, completely making my MB osoi useless. Even on x1 speed, you cannot counter her, the cast is instant without the casting icon (even if there is normally a gap when my wbasuma casts courage and you can see all the ninjas with all their icons of casting skills).

When that happens, it's useless to say that a 28k enemy (i'm 44k in power), as mentioned waay before, autostarts 100000% combo and makes a mess with my team. Ofc, with all purifies on 3k (and the enemy 28k player has 800) i can't crit, i can't start a combo, i roll minimum dmg rolls...and the list goes on.

So what's happening with that ?


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-06 17:48:29Show this Author Only
On auto cast:
The icon only shows if it's a queued action, in this case, the cast is the current action, as that as soon as it is "pressed" it is the "next" event to happen, so it was never queued and therefore never show. The icon would show up, for example, if you had tobi is p1, hinata is p2 and you had a p2 skill (of higher init) queued, once tobi does his thing, hinata will be QUEUED awaiting your p2 skill and have the icon.

It's not just in survival, if you use auto to cast ASAP on certain types of extra chakra gain, this can happen, whereas manual cast usually queue the action because delays causes the newly cast skill to be cast in the middle of another action, which have to finish before any mystery is cast, auto can cast the skill perfectly ASAP. This works, for example, if you had GNW tenten, sage naruto and sage jiraya, if you put game on auto, GNW tenten will be uninterruptable with its turn 1 cast.

So yes, there are times when you WANT the game to be on auto, there ARE advantages.
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On 2017-02-06 21:55:32Show this Author Only
That's... odd. You keep running into your counter team. Survival run seems fine on my end however. A healthy mix of all 5 classes with different line-ups, not just the one that counters mine.

You are right on the AI's lineups not always matching the actual lineup of the (other) players. This happens to me rarely however.

As or that pesky Hinata, just throw her boyfriend Naruto in front of her. Problem solved!
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On 2017-02-07 04:49:44Show this Author Only

From experiences, Survival randomizes a team. It's pretty odd but it's what it is.
As for the Auto, post #2 covers it pretty well.
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