base on your ninjas
Team 1:
Kankuro - Puppet - Hinata
Sasuke - AF - AF Clone
Or replace Kankuro with Iruka
Use both heals
Knockdown - HF + Neurotoxin
Summon : Gamachu (Frog)
1. AOE damage
2. AOE heal
3. AOE debuffs and single target
4. Decent chases
Team 2:
Chiyo - GUy - Puppet
Kabuto - Kakashi - Kakashi Clone
1. Chiyo revival
2. Clones to tank damage
3. Sustain and debuffs
4. Assassinate 1 target5. Tai damage healing
Team 3:
Ino - x - Kimimaro
Karin - Akatsuchi - Stone Golem
1. 2 Healers, heal 3 units and remove 2 debuffs per round
2. AOE damage
3. Initial shield EARTH and FIRE across field
Team 4:
Temari (Conference) - Torune - Torune Clone
Healer - Fuu - Puppet
p.s. Healer - Sakura or Shizune
Shizune prefer, she does more damage with Torune's early poison
1. Initial shield Fire and Lightning
2. Initial shield Earth and Wind
Note: Shields, they do stack such as Fire and Earth here.
So for RB you pick whichever teams you like best for RB. I'd recommend to have 1 healer per team to increase success rate.
For Ino you can replace her with GNW Ino when you have her. She does have better healings and passive.
This post was last edited by Petrichor