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[ Player Guide ] Freshmen Guide


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-31 10:07:11Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I recently do nothing, but ask for help from more experienced players with teams, so I decided I might leave some tips here, on how to play this game "properly"... basically do's and don't's, which I will be updating whenever I find something worth putting here :D If anyone has any ideas what to add, go ahead, let's make it easier for the newbies to have a nice start with the game :)

As usual, I am just a human, please point out any mistakes you find, ya fellow experienced players :D

➥Power 「The main component to your gameplay」
。Magatamas - One of the easiest ways to gain power early in the game
~ Obtained through Ninja Exam, Ninetails, Group Wheel, and Events

。Group skills - Another great way to earn power throughout the game.
~ Donate to your group daily to help your group grow and to give yourself a good amount of power.
~ Try to always keep them at maximum level.

。Equipment - Strengthen and upgrade your equipment.
~ Scrolls to upgrade your equipment also come from specific checkpoints in Ninja Exams. Upgrade your equipment as soon as you obtain the necessary scroll.
~ Strengthening starts really cheap at level 8 and becomes a bit pricey around level 60+. 「It would be best to try to balance out your coins for group donations, strengthening, and eight gates system」
~ Refining is really important, try to get all of your equipment to level 4 as soon as possible, with low level refine runes from ranked battle shop.
~ Rune Stone (lvl 48)
~ Purifications (lvl 45)

。Cultivation - Increase individual stats of each of your character.

。Ninja Stars - Trade ninja fragments for a great boost to all statistics.
。Awakenings - Get your overall power up by changing the color of the background XD

。Mood - Boost 1 stat for the cost of the other!

。Tactics - based on your position in team, you get different boosts.

。Eight Inner Gates - Beset additional bonuses to your statistics, and upgrade them.

。Ninja Ranks (progress/advancement) - For completing instances with high scores you can get your power a bit higher :)

。Ninja Tools - Team Instance after 2.0 is fun, give it a shot.

。Battle Armor - Dress up in your Armor, and get additional buffs

2. Coupons

- Save your coupons whenever you receive them

- DO NOT spend coupons on:
*Seal Scrolls
*Power boosting items that are not on sale

- DO spend coupons on:
* High rebate power boosting items

- If you can recharge to get at least 300 ingots, buy yourself Monthly Card Packs. It's 1500 coupons over the course of 30 days, + 300 coupons back right after you buy it

-If you can recharge to get at least 1888 ingots, get yourself a Jounin Medal. It makes the game much easier, boosts your power a tiny bit, and gives you lots of awesome privileges :)

3. Events

4. Ninjas/Teambuilding

This is a Work In Progress Topic, I will be back to it, but it's 3 am where I live at the moment of posting this, I need to get some sleep first XD That doesn't change the fact that all suggestion for getting a good start to fresh players are welcome, it will speed up the creation of this topic :)

~Thanks to Niji for a help with making this topic a bit more pleasant to the eye ^^

This post was last edited by Qolem at 2017-2-2 02:38
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