- Make a ranking tab where you can see the ranking for the whole server. We have Battle Power Ranking list, but it gives the player who is maintaining this list too much work going through the 300 servers updating it. http://prntscr.com/e03i0w- Every time there is a event thread, put a poll where players can cast vote if it was good or not.
- Lucky runes - give rewards when people do upto the 20 lucky pack (something that is good is = either purple, orange, red 8gates runes) - this way it will encourage players to buy lucky runes.
- Benefit Hall - Level gift pack for level 80 is still not fixed
- Benefit Hall - Power gift pack is just upto 15k BP. Have more tier to encourage players to reach higher BP.
- Ranked Battle - There is winning streak on top left of the ranked battle, would be good if there is something we get if we manage to defend the title lets say 25x, 50x, 100x
- Kurama in 9tails event is too weak. In our server he has 119m exp and it takes 3-4mins for us to take him down. He does not scale up anymore/level up like he used to be.
- Main can save upto 2 mood