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[ Suggestions ] Suggestions for Future Updates


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-25 09:41:03Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Recently I've been thinking about ways to improve/help the quality of the game by implementing some new features into the game. Some ideas that i has was maybe adding in a system thats allows us to turn bottom tier items like low level refines, common cloth, and common thread into the next tier of items. Maybe have an exchange where you can put 10 of the lower one in to make 1 of the next tier. The same thing could happen with the medium tier of items to make them into the advanced tier of items. This makes it so once we are past the lower tier of items they arent useless anymore and it would make a reason to keep them. It could be as simple as adding a Synthesize *on to these items.

Another idea that i had was adding a "Group Chest" into groups. This would be a spot where members of the group can put items they no longer want/need in. It would be something that could be accessed from every member of the group but you could make it so that members have to request certain items out of it and the Leader/Seniors can accept or deny this request. Also this "Group Chest" could be leveled up like other things in the group with group funds. You could also make it so this unlocks at a certain group level.

A final idea would be adding the chat box when you are in queues waiting for a match. This could be in Arena queues, in Survival Trials menu and Ranked Battle menu.

Hopefully you will consider these ideas,
Thanks for you time.
This post was last edited by kje*** at 2017-1-25 10:21
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On 2017-01-25 11:08:52Show this Author Only
I am with u 100%. please note making a poll for those who support and those who don't would help as the numbers will speak.
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On 2017-01-25 12:37:38Show this Author Only

We're looking for something along those lines as an exchange format, However, don't quote me on that for the future. Things could always change.

As for the "group box" We wouldn't implement due to players trading. It'll be abused regardless of limitations

Thank you for your input.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-25 20:41:41Show this Author Only
Reapir the Lighting Main ... he kill all class without problem ... this is unfair . and game lose meaning bc all player change main to lighting ...:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-26 06:28:59Show this Author Only
Another recent idea that I have had was maybe changing the Nine Tails Invasion into a Tailed Beast Invasion. My idea for this would to be have it like the Nine Tails Invasion where you battle the Tailed Beast until it is defeated. You would start off on the One Tail which would be the easiest one. Each time you beat the Tailed Beast, the next Tailed Beast would have one more tail. So say you beat One tail on Monday, then Tuesday it would be the Two Tailed Beast. Each beast would have different attacks regarding there different element types. Also the more tails it has the more powerful it would be. Also say you beat One tail on Monday but lose to Two tails on Tuesday, then on Thursday it would be back at One Tails. The higher number tails that you beat the better rewards that would be given. This could go all the way up to Nine Tails or even Ten Tails (Even though he hasn't been introduced into the game yet.) You could also use this system of which tailed beast that they are on to determine which servers are still active and which ones need to be merged. Sense the active servers will be able to get to a higher number of tails then inactive servers.

I realize that this idea would take a long time to create but still I think it would make the game more interesting. It would also add more reasons for people to participate in the Tailed Beast Invasion.

Thanks for your time again.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-26 20:18:51Show this Author Only
my sugestion is fix the lighting main ... kill all and all ppl make lighting ...
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