Honestly, I can see the point of the author of this thread, BUT, as it was stated, fire main got changed, not nerfed. I didn't like the changes, so I moved to Earth, which matches my expectations of having damage, control, and tankiness in one. Most people I know have switched from Fire, because it is really hard to make good use of him, I haven't seen one good Scarlet Blaze team since the 2.0 that was affordable for everyone. I don't find him needing a buff though, as he has some fun passives that can be played around. One thing I have to disagree with most people about is his 4th Mystery which so far, always has been a waste of a moveslot in every fight I fought/seen. It's good against Lght main's aoe paralysis, but that's about it.
PS: It's just my opinion on the matter ;p I love Scarlet Blaze as a character, but find him tough to build around, and my advice is to switch from it if you feel the same :D
This post was last edited by Qolem at 2017-1-17 22:02