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[ Midnight Blade ] Midnight Blade Too Strong


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-10 08:18:42Show All Posts
Lightning is definetely the cheesiest. I only take issue with the Shadow Chidori skill its needs a priority nerf at least. I HAVE NEVER been able to interrupt it. Even against lower level people to those that will say u need to refine more for intiative. It'd b much more balanced if it were to attack toward the end of the round and para would start for the next. But this skill rn is a get out a jail free card. It is a complete counter to offensive teams with out a healer.

I dont know how the other classes can be chessy to be honest. I run wind there isnt really nothing about this class that is unfair in any right, I get multi shadow clone jutsu in 2 levels and that the only thing that is remotely unfair, but there are many ninja that have skills to counter clone spam. Earth is the only one that I have trouble with sometimes but that only because the seem to be smarter player with better strategies. Fire and Water both have their strengths but no where near broken.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-10 10:34:58Show All Posts
AoE isnt that big of a deal tbh. Wind is a DPS/Support character same as Fire so it makes sense that they would have that, at least to me. The only two that are out of balance are Lightning and Earth, Lightining being too strong, and Earth being too weak.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-10 14:12:28Show All Posts
the only thing that is broken about blade is the chidori skill. the other abilities put in him contention to be a favorite but now it clear who someone should choose if they want to be viable and among the top players. it essentially is the best defensive and offensive skill bc it stops combos for a round and starts a combo for the user. do something about this
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