2016-08-29 18:30:54
Earth is crazy strong as is, you're just not using the right ninja with it. Earth depends on rare ninja because the basics aren't suitable for its playstyle. The main already can't be comboed, there's not much else they need.
In short, they all DO have a fair chance. You're just at a stage in the game where Fire and Poison dominate because there aren't any good healers until Tsunade.
Earth's problem is it doesn't have any clones, are way to clear debuffs, so it is the most susceptible to CC, and debuffs, making it very easy to shut down by Fire Mains. As for Poison and Ignite even Tsunade is not good enough for that problem you need Shizune, Jigokudo, or Gakido +Healer, because some combos hit you with Acupuncture, Paralysis, Ignite, and Poison. Once I started using the Gakido + Healer the debuff problem became a non issue and I instantly became overpowered funny how that works. Pre-OPness in PVP I was pretty much pigeonholed into using a Sasuke, Karin, Hinata, or Neji, Kankuro, Kakashi, or Kakashi, Kabuto, Kankuro lineup because the truth is to counter Ignite and Poison, is to ignite and poison the other team as well because most of the time they are going to die first. This post was last edited by Tezu at 2016-8-30 00:30