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[ Updates ] Server Merge Updates – Jan 17th


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On 2017-02-03 03:35:50Show this Author Only
so we had a merger but it looks like the servers are slowly dyeing again :p
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On 2017-02-03 04:03:08Show this Author Only

1. Server ID: S163: King of Hell

2. GNW participation and group activity: 2 groups, Between 10 and 20 players each.
Top 3 group have :
741 activity pts /60 players
682 pts / 88 players
130 pts / 37 players
most players are inactive tho

3. Sage World Battlefields status:
Hardly 10 players a team and sometimes the event doesn't takes place

4. Average power:
Top 3 -58k, 53k, 50k
Top 10 ends at 38k
Top 15 31k
Top 20 28k

5. Matsuri participation:
2.0 solved that

6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event:
2.0 solved that even if the short 5 min it last at first are changing to 20
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On 2017-02-03 08:39:01Show this Author Only
More and more ppl leaving the game, because you cannot move your ass and merge * servers ! How many times we need to repeat GNW with 10 players are not funny at all !!!!!!:@:@:@:@:@:@:@
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On 2017-02-03 14:41:45Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: HK 191 River Country
2. GNW participation and group activity: 3 groups total (2 active 1 passive) , all only 400+ activity grup.
GNW finals are same group winning even the server is created.
3. Sage World Battlefields status : Sometimes cannot open because not enough player
4. Average power
Top 3: 37000, 33000, 32000
Rank 4-10: 30000-29000
Rank 11-30: 28000-22000
Rank 31-50: 22000-18000
Rank 51-100: 18000-13000
5. Matsuri participation
it's fine cause Now that you can battle players from other servers.
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event.
We kill in it about 4-5 mins with 20 players.
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On 2017-02-04 04:16:09Show this Author Only

1.Server ID: S169: Rhino

2: GNW Participation and group activity:
2 Groups now, usualy both sides have around 10-15 people and the winner is the same every week. Activity Rate 661, 394, 358, 175, 50...
And Main problem also is people are not doing convoy and we are waiting like 1-2 hour to get one person max 5-6 SS run over 3 hour of waiting We need merge really bad :( please help ! server is dying ..:'(
3: Sage World Battlefields status
Usualy 10 people in each side counting really low lvl's and alts. By the end each side has the same 3 people remaining and the same winners. Moreover one group is trying to cancel Sage Worlds and sometimes there are lower people than 10.

4. Average power:
Top 3 has around 38k power and the rest are droping top 10 having 31k.

5. Matsuri participation:
Before the cross-server we were waiting even 2-3 min to find somone, maybe worse if you we're doing them a bit late.

6.Ability to kill kurama in the World Boss event:
Now, after the change it takes around 5-6 min to kill it but before it took us around 35 min when we were lvl 70-75 and we had a hard time killing it if the top 1 was not there.
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On 2017-02-04 13:12:12Show this Author Only
1. Server ID : 247
2. GNW participation and group activity: Only 2 groups participate in GNW one of which is not very active. Not a lot of participation in convoy
3. Sage World Battlefields status: Happens but not a lot of people
4. Average power: 15-17k power is the average
5. Matsuri participation: Not enough different people participating
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event: We can kill it. This post was last edited by Kazekaizen at 2017-2-4 13:13
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On 2017-02-04 18:36:45Show this Author Only
1. Server ID:234
2. GNW participation and group activity:3 Groups(Sometimes at 4), was at 5 solid around 2 weeks ago.
3. Sage World Battlefields status:Around 15 Per Team sometimes 20, was at 30 each team around 2 weeks ago.
4. Average power: Top 10 is between 44k-28k, 11-30 is between 28-24K and 31-50 is between 24-20k
5. Matsuri participation: Not much of an issue after Cross Server.
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event:We can killl it fast since the change.
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On 2017-02-05 04:43:16Show this Author Only
1. Server ID
S260: Sphere of Graves
2. GNW participation and group activity
2 groups sometimes last week it was just our group in GNW so we just showed up won everything and got packs very boring
3. Sage World Battlefields status
only reason we even do it is because people make other acts to lvl 30 just to hit 21 marker and of the past two weeks even that hasn't worked twice
4. Average power
top 10 24k-29k top 100 9k
5. Matsuri participation
good right away but normally just fight group after that nothing, also cross server doesn't work so you rarely can a majority of people have a chance to win besides like the top 5 players
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event
less than 20 people kill in about 10-15 min almost all dmg down by top 10 players
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On 2017-02-05 17:46:04Show this Author Only
1. Server ID
S177 Hidden Cloud
2. GNW participation and group activity
Two active & remaining groups. 860 & 547 group activity
Around a dozen players if not less on weds/sat.

3. Sage World Battlefields status
We can start it with the bare minimum. A few times we didn't have enough members.
1 group threatens to boycott sage and already has boycotted sage over a continuous group feud.
*update: 20170205, Sage boycotted by the other group. We could not start it.

It's killing our server and we desperately need a merge next.

4. Average power
Top 10: #1 58k, #2-5 46k-49k, #6-10 32k-39k, and 20k-32k for #11-50

5. Matsuri participation
Not applicable after 2.0

6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event
Prior to 2.0, we have not beat it once. NY Servers that started later th* (i.e. s180) avg higher level players. Our top 10 ranges from lvl 80 to 83 (145m to 206m exp), while newer NY servers have players over 250m exp (lvl 85+)

This post was last edited by ber*** at 2017-2-6 09:09
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On 2017-02-06 01:35:01Show this Author Only
1.S33 Kurenai.
2 GNW is now one sided with one group always winning BUT that whole group wants to fight vs worthly opponents.This is the biggest reason why server need merge.Almost every player in the game want competition in GNW to make it intreresting.Top 5 group activity 1140,547,507,440,286.
3 Sage is okay,only bad thing is not enough low level players.
4.Avg power.Top 1 - 55k+.Top 2 - 50k+.Top 3 almost 50k.Top 10 - 44k.Top 20 - 41k.Top 30 - 39k.Top 40 - 36k.Top 50 - 33k.Top 100 - 27k.
5.Matsuri is cross server now.
6.Before patch it was not hard,after it become too easy.Investing coupons in it pretty ineffective now.
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On 2017-02-06 06:28:46Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S38 Jirobo | UK
2. GNW participation and group activity:
- Only two groups fighting for first place, a third group participates too but not always.
- Number of participants in war are around 30 for group 1, 20-25 max for group 2, and 20 at max for group 3.
BIG PROBLEM: Many people play on auto.
BIGGEST PROBLEM: Because of the lack of participants there are loads of situations where we don't collide and don't fight each other and we win lands for free, because no opponent is there from the other side. This saturday in the war between group 1 and group 2, we only fought in one land, rest of them were won for free. This happened pretty often and it really kills the fun. Not to mention that sometimes we need to play on our groupmates accounts just so we can get a decent number of participants.
- Group activity rate: 1060, 848, 617 for the first three group respectively and less than 60 for the others. Every other group besides these three are basically dead. So only these 3 groups are still kind of active. Remember please, that sometimes we have to play on our comrades accounts cause they dont always have time to play, but really like the game and dont want to be left behind.

3. Sage world battlefield:

- Same person always first. Almost same person always second. A few people fight for the next places, while the rest of people are only there to be present so they can get the rewards for participation. They don't fight, they are afk, some of them not even on auto. Because of this they also exit very quickly and even fewer people remain, so 10 minutes before the end I can hardly find people to fight with (sometimes I have to wait more than 1 minute to find an opponent).
- The initial participation is around 15 people per land in a good day, but remember, most of them just enter but dont play, and they get eliminated quickly by the stronger ones or the ones they play. So the number drops very fast.
- Not only this, but even the numbers at start of the event started to declined compared to other times in the recent past. Which is the most worrysome thing.

4. Average power
- top10 Average: 47K
- 11-20 Average: 43K,
- 21-30 Average: 40.5K
- 31-40 Average: 33.5K
- 1-100 Aproximate average: 32K

5. Matsuri
- Before inter-server: If I got on time when it started I could find participants, but could have waited some time for them. At start 1 min max, then as time passed by the waiting grew exponentially.
After half an hour or 45 mins there was a chance I couldnt find anyone to do matsuri.
- After inter-server: No problems anymore for the obvious reasons. Having other people from other servers helps. This interserver thing actually made people more interested in matsuri and made them more active. Another indication that server merge is very usefull.

6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event:
- Before 2.0: About 30 minutes.
- At this moment: about 12 mins (Posted this recently after it so I know the time very well). This interval could be bigger but usually the top playes use hokage boost and revival.

Thank you!

Musashi - Anbu of SenjuClan, Server 38 Jirobo.

This post was last edited by 939***@facebook at 2017-2-6 07:05
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On 2017-02-06 09:35:46Show this Author Only
1. S180: Land of Earth
2. GNW participation : 3 groups always thesame that win and around 10 people per group play
3. Sage World Battlefields status: 8-12 players per section
4. 1-47k 2-46k 3-45k 4-38k 5-35k 6-34k 7-32k 8-32k 9-31k 10-30k 50-20k 100-14k
5. at the begining its good but after 25-30 minutes it take a long time (+5Min)
This post was last edited by eli*** at 2017-2-6 09:38
This post was last edited by eli*** at 2017-2-6 09:47
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On 2017-02-06 14:08:06Show this Author Only
1. S177: Hidden Cloud
2.GNW and Group activity rate : only 2 group participated ( tired of seeing same people ) and activity rate 800-600.
3.Sage World Battlefields: We can't do Sage anymore because other group wouldn't register.
4.Average Power : #1 58k #2 48k #3 47k #4 46k #5 46k #6-10 40k-32k
5.Matsuri : not enough people before cross-server
6.World Boss : we never get to kill it,after nerf we killed it 5-10 minute. Arena : needed to ask someone before queing.
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On 2017-02-06 14:26:00Show this Author Only
1. Server ID
S212: Willow Dance

2. GNW participation and group activity
1-2 groups (one group only sometimes registers)
Activity 1- 605
Activity 2- 383

The same group wins every week.

3. Sage World Battlefields status
Does not usually occur (today was Sunday, which tends to have the most participation, and we got only the minimum number of participants).

4. Average power
Rank 1 - 37.3k
Rank 1-3 (avg) - 31k (Ranks 2 and 3 have 28k power each)
Rank 1-10 (avg) - 27.5k
Rank 11 - 50 (range) : 23.7k - 13.5k

5. Matsuri participation
Acceptable with the cross-server change.

6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event
Dies within 10 minutes, about 20 people participate.

Many of the top players have begun to leave the server, play much less frequently, or have expressed interest in refunds. This coupled with doubts of an incoming merge have steadily decreased activity. It would be nice to see a merge happen to (hopefully) bring some life back to the server.

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On 2017-02-07 01:26:37Show this Author Only
s177 Hidden Cloud

2 groups at gnw not alot of participants
no sage because not enough regestration
averge power ranges from 20k to 30k
matsuri ends to quickly
only thing good we kill world boss in less then 10 minutes
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On 2017-02-07 01:59:51Show this Author Only
1. Server ID
S146: Blue snake

2. GNW participation and group activity
3 groups
Activity 1- 768
Activity 2- 765Activity 3- 503

My group wins all the time with 12 people online
3. Sage World Battlefields status
30 persons total of all levels

4. Average power
Top 3 51.4K, 45.2K, 45.1K
Rank 1-10 (avg) - 43K (3 top players has quit the game already)
Rank 11 - 50 (range) : 30K

5. Matsuri participation
Acceptable with the cross-server change.

6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event
Dies within 10 minutes, about 20 people participate.

Many people quit the game, in GNW we can barely have 1 team in 3-4 lands, at sage battlefield we fight twice or more the same people. Server still have active players but number declines daily
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On 2017-02-07 03:45:18Show this Author Only
1. Server ID
S200:Final Valley
2. GNW participation and group activity
2-3 groups the winner is the same always. Average ppl in groups participating are from 5-15.
Activity 1 - 403
Activity 2 - 383
Activity 3 - 199
3. Sage World Battlefields status
We're starting to miss them. Average count of sage every week is 2 out of 3.
4. Average power
top 3: 45k,38k,37.8k
top 10(avg):30-31k
top 11-50(avg)20-24k
5. Matsuri participation
Now good because of the cross server.
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event
From 10-25people come to participate. It takes us from 6-8min to kill him.

Many of the top players have begun to play much less frequently. So we would love to get a merge. This post was last edited by Bruzas at 2017-2-7 03:46
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On 2017-02-07 09:47:39Show this Author Only
1. Server ID S211 Phoenix Fire
2. GNW participation and group activity
Only 2 groups. Activity 1- 598
Activity 2- 505
Other groups cannot register beacuse of low activity
Activity 3- 122

3. Sage World Battlefields status
Not happened for a week

4. Average power
top 3: 47k,38.5k,38.1k
top 10(avg):34k
top 11-50(avg)22k

5. Matsuri participation
It is cross server,so no problems.
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event
20-25 people participate. It takes us from 8-10 mins to kill him.

This post was last edited by 110***@google at 2017-2-7 09:49
This post was last edited by 110***@google at 2017-2-7 09:49
This post was last edited by 110***@google at 2017-2-7 09:49
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On 2017-02-07 09:50:58Show this Author Only
1. Server ID
S12: Shino

2. GNW participation and group activity4 groups (3 really, one group always auto lose because they don't have enough people to fill the battlefields)
Activity :
1- 684
2- 652
3- 353
4- 316

3. Sage World Battlefields statusVaries between 10-16 players per section. Always the same people having 12+ streaks.
People who don't have 35k+ power start to avoid it. Other people tend to be afk, or are eliminated very quickly because they're too weak.

4. Average Power
top 3: 61k, 56k, 51k
top 10(avg): 47k
top 11-50(range): 31k-45k

5. Matsuri participation
Alright with cross-server matchmaking, even though it doesn't work properly in regards to higher/lower level matching.

6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event
Killed in 10-15 minutes depending on who's participating. Always the same top 3.

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On 2017-02-07 11:03:57Show this Author Only
When are we getting new server merges?:curse:
Quicky Post

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