1. Server ID: HK 191 River Country
2. GNW participation and group activity: 3 groups total (2 active 1 passive) , all only 400+ activity grup.
GNW finals are same group winning even the server is created.
3. Sage World Battlefields status : Sometimes cannot open because not enough player
4. Average power
Top 3: 37000, 33000, 32000
Rank 4-10: 30000-29000
Rank 11-30: 28000-22000
Rank 31-50: 22000-18000
Rank 51-100: 18000-13000
5. Matsuri participation
it's fine cause Now that you can battle players from other servers.
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event.
We kill in it about 4-5 mins with 20 players.