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On 2017-01-12 00:30:02Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I often find myself twiddling my thumbs in this game. Why? Because after completeing the daily missions and such after reset their is nothing to do but wait for timed events. I wake up in the morning and will have all non timed event related dailys and monthlys done in about an hours time and im sure im not the only one. Having something more to do in between this and after timed events are done would be wonderful. I got to thinking,what is it i do in other MMO`s, i grind of course and this would be anopprotunity to do something more with the roaming enemys outside of the village.

As far as i know, very few people take the time to fight the mobs outside, theirs just very little incentive to do so. The experiance gains are limited, it takes AGES to level ninjas up doing this, even fighting the highest level mobs. I believe including drops with them would give players that extra incentive to spendsome more time on the game and in turn, that thing you love so much, money.
I propose the following

1. Mobs will now drop loot. The loot could include Food, Level 1 magatemas, and coins.

2. Adding "Boss Mobs". These Boss Mobs could spawn randomly through the day meaning players will have to earch for them and communicate, and offer not only better rewards, but a harder challange encouraging group play. Rewards for a boss mob could include Level 2-3 magetamas, Tactics Pages, Battle Armor Materials, Summoning Scroll, and the ever covetad Seal Scroll.

I would also like to suggest a new merchant where you can trade in lower tier materials for higher tier mateirals. Having loads of low level refines, Chunin/Anbu/Jonin etc scrolls and Battle Armor Material and nothing to do with it is an annoyance. Being able to trade in say 10 of each in exchange for 1 higher tier materialwould be amazing!

I believe these additions would be very welcome, and please many of your consumers.

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On 2017-01-12 00:39:57Show this Author Only
we kinda have boss mobs already, they are called sealed ninjas

as for the first one, they people who have work all day dont want to lose out to some kid who plays this game at school, it takes me less than a minute to finish a fight against the strongest mobs so in an hour i would be able to get dozens of mags meaning by the end of the year i will have all capped mags easily without investing anymore money, the kids playing at school will be done in a few months, same for 8gates and coins, ect.
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On 2017-01-12 00:52:33Show this Author Only
Like what Shadoblaze suggested, we have something like boss mob which are called sealed ninjas. I like your first idea, however, it will also encourage botting as well. As for your third idea, it has already been suggested to the team before. ^^
Edit1: The mobs does not give experience to your main ninja. It only give experience to ninjas in your lineup (excluding your main character), which is why people prefer food over grinding at mobs.
This post was last edited by Narbsy at 2017-1-12 00:53
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On 2017-01-12 01:07:11Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-01-12 00:39:57
  • we kinda have boss mobs already, they are called sealed ninjas

    as for the first one, they people who have work all day dont want to lose out to some kid who plays this game at school, it takes me less than a minute to finish a fight against the strongest mobs so in an hour i would be able to get dozens of mags meaning by the end of the year i will have all capped mags easily without investing anymore money, the kids playing at school will be done in a few months, same for 8gates and coins, ect.
Having to do adult thing is part of life. The game is not meant to cater to your personal life. You think people dont miss timed event because of work, or school, etc? So what if you dont get to spend as much time grinding some mags or food or coins as others, i dont get to spend hundreds of $$ on this like other people but im not complaining they got more stuff then me, it is what it is. I don`t find that to be an even remotely relevant argument, more a sense of entitlement.

Also, your assumption that people will have mags and 8 gates maxed in a month is just absurd. Adjusting the drop rate to make food common, coins uncommon and mags rare, and making lvl 1 mags the rare drop, which it takes a metric ton of to level up high end mags guarntees it wont happen that fast,but merely help and give people something else to do when theirs literally nothing to do. Your under the assumption people will get betting dozens od mags and hundreds of thousands of coins a day without at all considering the devs would adjust drop rates to ensure otherwise. This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2017-1-12 01:09
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On 2017-01-12 01:13:26Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-01-12 00:52:33
  • Like what Shadoblaze suggested, we have something like boss mob which are called sealed ninjas. I like your first idea, however, it will also encourage botting as well. As for your third idea, it has already been suggested to the team before. ^^
    Edit1: The mobs does not give experience to your main ninja. It only give experience to ninjas in your lineup (excluding your main character), which is why people prefer food over grinding at mobs.
    This post was last edited by Narbsy at 2017-1-12 00:53
Yes, we have these new sealed ninjas which is all well and good, but you know when they show up and can auto path to them. I was suggestion * elite boss mobs that spawn at random and dont notify you. You would have to activley look for them. It would just add another fun element to the game and promote more teamwork, communication and since people would be spending more time on the game, they re mroe likely to spend $$. Win Win.
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On 2017-01-14 01:33:16Show this Author Only
  • LargeBoy On 2017-01-12 01:13:26
  • Yes, we have these new sealed ninjas which is all well and good, but you know when they show up and can auto path to them. I was suggestion * elite boss mobs that spawn at random and dont notify you. You would have to activley look for them. It would just add another fun element to the game and promote more teamwork, communication and since people would be spending more time on the game, they re mroe likely to spend $$. Win Win.
we wouldnt have to actively look, there are enough people in high lvl groups that instead of sitting in base or konoha we would sit in the areas waiting for spawns and then invite group members, it would be more an annoyance.

and as Narsby said about common mobs dropping things, alot of people would make bots to farm them all day, i would leave a bot running my account all day to farm free items, even if i only get 1k coins per fight at 1min per fight going 20 hours a day with me playing 4 hours a day max means 1.2mil free coins a day from my bot in addition to everything else i get
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On 2017-01-14 01:39:29Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-01-14 01:33:16
  • we wouldnt have to actively look, there are enough people in high lvl groups that instead of sitting in base or konoha we would sit in the areas waiting for spawns and then invite group members, it would be more an annoyance.

    and as Narsby said about common mobs dropping things, alot of people would make bots to farm them all day, i would leave a bot running my account all day to farm free items, even if i only get 1k coins per fight at 1min per fight going 20 hours a day with me playing 4 hours a day max means 1.2mil free coins a day from my bot in addition to everything else i get
this is why, someone suggested a trade post or a trade feature....and that's why we cant have nice things.
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On 2017-01-14 01:47:50Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2017-01-14 01:39:29
  • this is why, someone suggested a trade post or a trade feature....and that's why we cant have nice things.
trading wouldnt be a problem because of bots, it would be a problem with mutliple accounts farming free items in events, next weeks monthly event is plot sweeps, 40 sweeps gets 40 points which is easy as a f2p, so make 100 accounts and u get 100 med threads a day and trade them to ur main

granted people would probably make a bot(or 10) to login to all those accounts and do the sweeps and everything but that would just exaccerbate the real issue
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On 2017-01-14 01:51:57Show this Author Only
When will you increase max LvL or at least unlock elite/plot quests ???????????????????????????????????
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On 2017-01-14 01:58:15Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-01-14 01:47:50
  • trading wouldnt be a problem because of bots, it would be a problem with mutliple accounts farming free items in events, next weeks monthly event is plot sweeps, 40 sweeps gets 40 points which is easy as a f2p, so make 100 accounts and u get 100 med threads a day and trade them to ur main

    granted people would probably make a bot(or 10) to login to all those accounts and do the sweeps and everything but that would just exaccerbate the real issue
then would come to ban those accounts and people who just have their main on low level pop servers to help maintain the server population...
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On 2017-01-14 02:08:34Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2017-01-14 01:58:15
  • then would come to ban those accounts and people who just have their main on low level pop servers to help maintain the server population...
u dont realize the amount of effort it takes to find bots do u? even high end mmos like WOW still have bots to this day.
even if they bad a bot account what stops me from making 10 more?
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On 2017-01-14 02:37:01Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-01-14 02:08:34
  • u dont realize the amount of effort it takes to find bots do u? even high end mmos like WOW still have bots to this day.
    even if they bad a bot account what stops me from making 10 more?
well i could say the same about the staff, i know it's an endless battle, bots wont stop coming, staff wont stop banning them, regarding the way to find them, dont worry developers always do find a way to find bots in these games.
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On 2017-01-14 05:15:14Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2017-01-14 02:37:01
  • well i could say the same about the staff, i know it's an endless battle, bots wont stop coming, staff wont stop banning them, regarding the way to find them, dont worry developers always do find a way to find bots in these games.
and people find a new way to hide bots, thats why they still exist in WOW which has alot more resources dedicated to removing bots then this game would have
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On 2017-01-14 06:32:42Show this Author Only
The devs would never add endless farmable magatemas to the game. This game doesn't reward effort, but instead rewards players for opening their wallet. With 2.0 they even removed a lot of the reasons to play everyday. With the new TI after Thursday there is no reason to even do TI cause you can't get anymore drops. They have no intentions on having players constantly playing their game, instead they want players to play for maybe an hour or two a day, and then pay for more.
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On 2017-01-14 06:58:31Show this Author Only
I like your ideas.. but they'll never come to pass. This game is way too P2W for anything like this to ever happen.
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On 2017-01-14 07:17:28Show this Author Only
I feel like a big part of these games is that you don't have to play them all day. You log in and do your dailies and log in for events and do whatever you want with the rest or your day. Although I wouldn't complain if they gave us more to do:lol
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